• Robert A.

    First Drop Nette Überraschung! Intensität Thematisierung

    This ride wowed me in so many ways. That first drop has everyone screaming at the top of their lungs, me included, and that ejector hill is pure fun. The overbank is where things dip down slightly, it's weird but good still. The loop was notably the least impressive part of the ride for me, and the track from that into the MCBR is a bit shaky, but it's not a ride ruiner. The roll offers great hangtime and the final turn and helix offer some high level intensity to end things out with a bang, just like all the other Eurofighters. I think a lot of thoughts when it comes to this ride, but at the end of the day it's some fantastic fun.

  • Mathias C.

    Thematisierung Headbanging Rückhaltebügel Inversionen

    J'étais tout a l'arrière, la partie avant s'est très bien passé à mon grand étonnement ! La partie arrière m'a procurée quelques sensations de maltraitance physique ! ?

  • Josh Miller

    Airtimes Spaß Dauer

    This ride is an absolute blast. Beautiful theming and course layout around the cheetah exhibit. Intense launches combined with enjoyable airtime moments throughout. This was the only ride with a long line on the day I went, so best to ride earlier in the day!

  • Josh Miller

    Airtimes Intensität Sanftheit

    Simply the most flawless roller coaster I’ve ever ridden! The first drop is absolutely bonkers in the back, you will get ripped out of your seat with the most insane ejector airtime on the planet. The death roll inversion is so whippy and smooth, and the pacing and airtime are relentless throughout. This is a ride that every coaster enthusiast must experience in their lifetime! Absolutely worthy of its #1 worldwide ranking!

  • Josh Miller

    Tempo Intensität Layout

    Intense invert with rapid fire pacing. The final two corkscrews are so intense that I always get off the ride feeling dizzy, but in a good way! I’ve heard friends complain of a rattle, but especially with the new paint job I find it to be very smooth, even after nearly 30 years of run.

  • Josh Miller

    Spaß Layout Rütteln

    This woodie has fallen off considerably over the years. I remember marathoning Apocalypse in the early 2010’s, as it was butter smooth with great pacing and airtime. However, over the last couple of years the roughness has been nearly unbearable. Occasionally I’ll get a smooth ride with solid airtime, but these days it isn’t worth a ride if the line is longer than 15-20mins.

  • Jay Adams

    Meisterwerk Rütteln

    Classic ride, the staple of Six Flags Great America!

  • Josh Miller

    First Drop Intensität Rütteln

    Insanely intense ride with one of the greatest first drops ever. Final raven turn will shake you up a bit, if you are sensitive to roughness, would recommend riding the inside seat, as it is smoother than the outside seat.

  • Nathan A.

    Thematisierung Spaß Dauer Rütteln

    Ce train de la mine est très fun à une thema exceptionnelle et est très long qe qui est franchement bien. Le passage dans la mine est juste exceptionnel!!!! Il vibre juste légèrement (mais ne l'oublions pas cette normal c'est un train de la MINE) je conseil fortement de le faire si vous aller à Disney!

  • roche c.

    Spaß Intensität Schoßbügel

    Coaster devenue appréciable visuellement avec sa nouvelle couleur bleu. Il manque néanmoins une thématisation autour du coaster et dans la fil d'attente. Train sun kid améliore le confort par rapport au train arrow mais les lap bar en métal font extrêmement mal à chaque transition surtout dans le cobra roll. Après sa reste un boomerang vekoma.