Achterbahn Rezensionen
It’s actually pretty fun for a kiddie ride.
Rütteln Enttäuschend! Dead spots
It’s just boring and straight up uncomfortable.
One of the better Wild Mouses. (Wild Mice?) The theming is okay I guess.
Standort Unangenehm Reißt es ab! Irrelevant
My god those shin guards are brutal. The seats are so cramped and tiny. I don’t get why this ride exits, it’s just your basic wild mouse coaster, something Knott’s really doesn’t need. The only real good thing I have to say is that it’s in a nice area of the park.
Only went on it for the credit and it hurt lol.
Layout Headbanging Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm
I very much wish I never rode this. The layout is great, but the loops are super tight, causing my head to get thrown around and get slammed into the restrains. I was just waiting for the ride to end.
Inversionen Nette Überraschung! Sanftheit
Surprised by how much I liked this. This is a really good Schwarzkopf that had me smiling throughout the ride. Unlike Arrow coasters, the loops and curves are actually smooth and fun!
First Drop Thematisierung Intensität Kapazität Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm
Awesome ride and I love the aestetic, but the wait time was rough(at least there was shade for a large portion of it) and, as much fun as I had(i.e. a lot), I was apparently "too big" for the "regular: seats and had to wait an extra cycle to sit in the there-were-already-seats-available-when-i-had-to-move "plus sized" seats. I'm 5'9 and 200lbs. Safe to say, ouch. Right in the insecurities and bodh dysmorphia! Pretty much only made an account here to write this lol. Oh well, still fun. 9 1/2 out of 10, docking half a star because of the mental ouchie.
Meisterwerk Layout Ejectors Kapazität Schoßbügel
Ah Untamed mon premier RMC et quel RMC ! La first drop assez violente (surtout en last row). Un enchaînement d'éléments plus improbables les uns que les autres mais qui fonctionnent a merveille le tout a une vitesse folle. Difficile d'identifier les éléments du layout en une seule fois tellement tout est surprenant. En bref c'est fun c'est toujours surprenant et intense. Néanmoins deux bémols : - La lap bar, dites adieu à vos cuisses (et potentiellement vos tibias) - Le débit bah ouais c'est Walibi Holland on va pas sortir un deuxième train. Pour résumer je vous laisse avec les mots de ma soeur : C'est Anaconda en mieux