• Coaster Nut

    Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm Irrelevant

    It shakes, rattles and rolls. It's one of the most painful coasters I've been on, and it lands in my bottom ten coasters.

  • X Coasters Forever

    Standort Spaß Dauer

    So much fun with great scenery, stunning views & some fun drops along the way down those mountains.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß Zu kurz

    This is a fun ride. It was my first free spin and with all the horror stories I've heard I was a little scared, but I really enjoyed the flipping. The theming and the music going up the lift was welcome.

  • Coaster Nut

    Ejectors Headbanging Unangenehm

    I used to love this ride. In 2010, we rode this 13 times in one day. It was our go-to coaster because it often had short lines while there were long waits elsewhere. It had slight shaking, but nothing that was uncomfortable. By 2018, we did only two rides and no longer enjoyed it because it had become so shaky. Sadly, this went from one of my favorite coasters to one that causes me pain. It's just not fun being thrown from side to side and having the lap bar punish your thighs on the bunny hills at the end.

  • Coaster Nut

    Abschuss Sanftheit Layout

    This is my wife's favorite ride at SDC. The launch is good, and it leads to nice airtime on the first hill. There's some other good airtime throughout, and it really is a fun coaster overall.

  • Je B.

    First Drop Inversionen Spaß Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel

    Le gros coaster du parc, vraiment fun et assez surprenant ! La first drop est franchement bonne, les inversions sont plutôt cool, c'est dans l'ensemble un coaster franchement correct pour un parc comme Fraispertuis City ! Le coaster est cependant un peu court et les harnais qui bloque les épaules sont à la longue assez "douloureux", c'est dommage.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Spaß Rütteln

    My favorite out-and-back wooden coaster. My best rides were when the train was full - the ride had only a slight rattle and the airtimes felt better. On a ride when there were only five of us on board, the train shook quite a bit more.

  • Thomas C.

    Airtimes Meisterwerk Layout

    Zadra réunit un grand nombre de qualités que l'on recherche sur un excellent coaster : la fluidité, le layout, l'intensité, la vitesse. Zadra délivre d'excellents ejectors à chaud et les inversions sont passées avec fluidité. Mention spéciale au zéro g stall.

  • Thomas C.

    Reißt es ab!

    Une purge

  • Lola Ann

    Airtimes Meisterwerk Dauer

    Too good to describe