• X Coasters Forever

    First Drop Spaß Enttäuschend! Irrelevant Dead spots

    Skull Mountain is a decent indoor family coaster. Nothing too special, but it offers a cool experience of being in the dark. The drop gives some decent floater airtime if you sit in the back row. Overall, it is an okay indoor coaster for what it is and it packs some nice theming.

  • X Coasters Forever

    Inversionen Intensität Dead spots

    Great Bear is one of the unique looking inverted coasters that has a great setting with a unique layout. Great Bear also delivers some snappy transitions through 4 inversions, strong positive G-forces through the valleys, a glossy smooth ride experience, and the ride interacts with another ride, SooperDooperLooper: the first looping coaster on the east coast. My part of Great Bear is probably the corkscrew because that inversion and the zero-G roll actually pull some ridiculous whip! I also really like the loud roar from the train as it navigates through its layout and I absolutely love hearing it from an off-ride perspective. Overall, Great Bear is one of the most unique inverted coasters that delivers some snappy transitions through 4 inversions, strong positive G-forces through the valleys, a glossy smooth ride experience, and it has a great setting with a unique layout. It is one of the loudest and smoothest roller coasters I’ve ever ridden!

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Tempo Rückhaltebügel Ejectors

    Insanely good ride that's gotten way less love than it deserves by a lot of people.

  • Coaster Nut

    Layout Dauer Unangenehm

    The layout is awesome. It delivers a lot of good "wow" moments. I just wish it were smoother. There were several moments in the ride where I winced because of how much the coaster was shaking. I rode it three times in two hours, and after the third ride I had quite the headache.

  • Coaster Nut

    Abschuss Spaß Intensität Zu kurz

    The launch is such an incredible experience. Probably my favorite moment on any coaster. Yeah, it's a short ride, but it sure packs a lot of excitement into about 17 seconds. Top thrill, for sure! Cedar Point does a great job maintaining this coaster to ensure a smooth ride. I've ridden this dozens of times, and I don't think I've ever felt the slightest rattle or vibration.

  • Coaster Nut

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Ejectors

    When you first see the ride, it doesn't look like much. However, RMC shows once again you don't need a huge coaster to provide big thrills. This was such a fun ride. It has great elements, and there are some really fun inversions on this.

  • Coaster Nut

    Komfort Sanftheit Enttäuschend!

    B&M delivers the usual smooth ride, and while it has some fun elements, it rates about 7 on the thrill scale. Still, it's a coaster I enjoy riding multiple times in a day.

  • Coaster Nut

    Komfort Sanftheit Enttäuschend!

    This was a pleasant ride, but I got only minor thrills from it.

  • Coti

    Thematisierung Meisterwerk Layout

    Je n'ai absolument rien a redire sur FLY. Je l'ai ridé en décembre 2021, le parc était plutôt vide, j'ai pu le chain ride bon nombre de fois. Le coaster est vraiment confortable, un peu perturbant le passage de la position assise a la position allongée. La théma est folle, le layout également. Bien que ça ne soit pas le but recherché, j'ai ressenti une certaine intensité en fonction des passages, les air times qui s'y trouvent sont assez incroyable, sans doute grâce à la position flying. Rien a redire sur ce coaster.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    Rode in row 8. This has good forces all over. Laterals strong on the turnarounds, enough to throw you into your fellow rider, but not quite as nuts as Kennywood’s Thunderbolt. That may be for the better, though. There is a good amount of violence in some of the transitions, often in the form of the drop suddenly steepening, tossing you out of your seat. It’s not quite Jack Rabbit or Phoenix in terms of standing air, but it’s much closer than I thought it would be. And there are plenty of good moments of airtime. They are not sustained over hills, and since I was towards the back the airtime only kicked in when I was getting yanked down the hills. But again, it was strong, and basically standing. It was a good long ride, and it had a few moments of moderate roughness, but it was not ever painful.