• Inverted Thrills

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Intensität

    This is a very good family coaster. I was surprised that it actually has some decent forces especially on that final helix

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    Very good GCI with some good airtime

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität Rütteln

    This ride is definitely a great gravity group. The first drop is insane and the ride is forceful and packs in good airtime throughout it's compact layout. The ride is insanely rough however but it's definitely bearable

  • Mansour B.

    Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz Kapazität

    Fun Pilot est un très bon kiddie coaster . Tout d'abord la file d'attente est très joli , la gare aussi . On grimpé le lift rapidement et c'est parti pour la first drop qui est cool au first row et qui devient très fun au last row . La première hélice est intense et surprenante pour un kiddie coaster car elle est assez serrée . La deuxième est moins intéressante que la première même si elle reste quand même sympa . Pour finir le coaster effectue un deuxième tour . Donc en résumé Fun pilot est un très bon kiddie coaster fluide et qui offre des sensations cools . Ses deux défauts selon moi sont le débit qui n'est pas bon , mais ceci est normal car le coaster fait 2 tours donc qu'un train peut y tourner . Et son deuxième défaut selon moi c'est qu'il est trop court , après cela se comprend car quasi tous les coasters de cette catégories sont aussi courts . La thema est très joli et le coaster est fun .

  • CoasterForever

    Schoßbügel Sanftheit Ejectors Rückhaltebügel Zuverlässigkeit

    Un coaster incroyable, une ambiance légendaire, une musique pépite. Les inversions sont ejectantes et fluides. En revanche, dommage pour ses launch pas tres puissants et sa fiabilité qui laisse à désirer

  • CoasterForever

    Thematisierung Schoßbügel Ejectors

    Ce coaster est resté premier de mon top durant 1 ans, les airtimes sont réguliers , la théma a couper le souffle, l'ambiance et la musique inoubliable et le launch incroyable, un incontournable dans le monde sans aucune hésitation

  • Joshua Butner

    First Drop Inversionen Ejectors Zu kurz

    Goliath is as of today my favorite coaster, I just had the wonderful opportunity of going to Six Flags Great America on it's opening day and got to ride 4 different coaster for the first time as an enthusiast (it is my homepark so I have ridden all of them before) so now it is time to give it a review and to begin let's start with the cons. Goliath has two real cons and those are that as of this review seats are assigned but I believe that you can request a row however I did not because I got assigned near the back both times. The ride's biggest con however has to be it's duration, this ride is far to short and there is not really much else that can be said about this. Now moving on to the pros and there are many of these so to begin let's start with the wonderful first drop, this drop is all you want it to be and more. The drop is taken at an 85 degree angle and is 180ft which is 15 feet longer then the actual height of the ride. You are ejected over this drop in the back (as I said before can't say anything about the front yet) and it feels like you are falling for awhile before you reach the valley. The second pro of Goliath is it's several ejector airtime points which are: the aforementioned drop, the first airtime hill, and the pullout of the second 90 degree banked turn, these moments make this ride what it is and I love it. The third and final notable pro is the 2 wonderful inversions which are a dive loop which is great and a stall which is fantastic and was actually the first ever zero-G stall and I love this element and it is in my opinion the best inversion in the park. overall my opinion on Goliath is that it is positively the best ride in the park and I would give it a solid 8.5/10. The only thing that holds this ride back from a better rating is it's length but it is in a small plot of land so they did the best they could.l

  • Coaster Nut

    Layout Dauer Rütteln

    When I rode this seven years ago, I loved it and was disappointed when the ride came to an end. When I rode it yesterday, I was relieved when it was over. The layout is the best I've seen for a mine coaster, but this ride has gotten much rougher since I rode it in 2015. Seven years ago, I rode it multiple times because it was so much fun. Yesterday, once was enough.

  • Samy D.

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß Kapazität

    Meilleur surprise de Toverland après Fenix. La théma est géniale avec cette musique qui est tellement bien, et le concept du bobsleigh e-powered. C'est juste du génie. Après son plus gros défaut c'est son débit car c'est en grande partit du 1 par 1. Mais a faire si vous contez allez a Toverland.

  • Julie Vicente

    Standort Inversionen Abschuss Intensität

    I thought the tonnerres de zeus was easier than the Pegasus express, sharp turns at high speed and it was mainly just uncomfortable. I recommend if you have a strong gut, but this ride emphasises the stomache sensation and the start is very brisk and really ejects you. Not for me.