• Paweł Z.

    Best ride operator!

  • Brian Sheldon

    Every time I think about my coaster rankings, I debate this ride in my head. How can I still have it so high on my list? I rode it originally back in 2004, which was a time the world barely knew that such levels of thrill were even possible. Now almost 20 years later and close to 150 more coasters under my belt, how do I still rank this in my top 5. It simply comes down to that initial adrenaline rush. The first time I ever rode this, it was an epiphany. I had ridden other launched coasters at that point--Mr. Freeze is at my home park of SFSL. But this is a whole other level of insanity. The launch is just nuts. Just when you think you can't go any faster it keeps on going. It is FAST. The forces make your body react with adrenaline. It is such a rush. The hill and the height are barely even an factor compared to the launch. Is it 1 trick pony? Perhaps, but it is the best trick I've ever experienced on a coaster. It is super short? Of course it is. But I can't think of a better way to spend 15 seconds with my clothes on.

  • Brian Sheldon

    What can I say about Raptor that hasn't been said before--not much, but here is my take. This is my second favorite invert-behind only Montu. I think I like the Batwing better than the cobra roll and the tunnels and theming up the ante. With that said this is a fantastic ride. It absolutely has to be in the conversation for best invert there is. The initial drop almost seems like you are over the midway. It is pure intensity from there until the end with the one slight pause on the mid course break run. The ending seals the deal, though. The spiral tries to pull your face and rip you feet off. Positive G's that you don't experience in this way just about anywhere else. Great invert. Great coaster.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Airtimes First Drop Standort Rütteln

    This is an awsome B&M hyper. The first drop gives that great combination of floater air and a stomach dropping sensation, that B&M drops do so well. The first two Camelbacks give great sustained floater airtime, and the speed hill gives awsome flojector. The second half might not be as forceful as the first, but it has very fun and unique elements, and some awsome interaction with the midway and the kisses fountain. My only con is that it had a noticeable rattle, even though I rode it only 2 months after opening. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it was a bit of a distraction.

  • Alessandro De Salvo

    First Drop Komfort Sanftheit

    Lives up to expectations! Increadible coaster!

  • Thomas Parkfan

    Airtimes Komfort Sanftheit Rütteln

    Coaster très sympa je m'attendais a pas grand chose et au final je suis comblé il passe devant pégase express la CDA à fait un top pour Bellewaerde et annonce des pépites pour les prochains coaster

  • Corentin B.

    First Drop Tempo Intensität Airtimes

    Quelle bombe, une vitesse folle du début à la fin, dans une théma magnifique, et cette first drop qui arrache au last, du bon wooden comme on aime. Dommage cependant pour l’absence d’airtimes.

  • Jeremy C.

    First Drop Intensität Ejectors

    Too intense for its own good? Almost... It pushes the boundaries of acceptable forces (both negative and positive) and delivers an incredible experience!

  • Jeremy C.

    Airtimes Spaß Ejectors

    I thought I knew what to expect with this RMC, but was genuinely surprised by how intense it was. Lots of airtime and speed packed into a smaller-scaled RMC!

  • Jeremy C.

    First Drop Spaß Ejectors

    My favorite coaster in Europe! It's got a fantastic layout with so much airtime. It absolutely lived up to years of hype.