• Jack Jack J.


    Pretty smooth and fun family coaster. The theming is great and the train looks cool. Has some floater in the back too.

  • Remstrex

    First Drop Thematisierung Tempo Rütteln Headbanging

    Je l'ai fait qu'une fait et j'ai eu très mal au dos pendant 5h, si on passe ce léger détaille le coaster est cool malgrès les vibrations.

  • Matthew Potter

    First Drop Abschuss Layout Rütteln Headbanging Kapazität

    A good ride but rode it whilst covid restrictions were in place, so each car was limited to 4 people, instead of the 6 it would normally have. Firstly, the launch was very snappy, and quite a surprise if you didn’t know about it, but still very good. The top hat was great fun, and you really felt as if you were going to get flung out of your seat on the way down, so some good ejector airtime. The inversions that followed were fun, but nothing special, and after the mid-course brakes there wasn’t really much happening, other than a good barrel roll before the final brake run. The station and queue line were very well themed, but I didn’t see them properly because of the restrictions. Unfortunately, I had to rank this lower than it should be because it gave me a headache, but it’s still a good coaster, and quite fun.

  • Francisco Perez

    First Drop Thematisierung Dead spots

    Rerode this recently, and I got WHIPPED over the first drop sitting in the first row of the back car. Did not expect that moment, and due to the car traversing the course twice one can experience that drop again! Rest of the ride is boring, short, forceless, but that drop is excellent. Also shout out the operators for livening up the mood and providing a great atmosphere :D

  • Jack Jack J.

    Thematisierung Komfort Spaß

    Journey to Atlantis is a great water attraction that I love. I think it's something unique and perfect for SeaWorld. The theme boat ride first half is fantastic and the small coaster portion is very fun. You'll also get soaked every single ride. The queue has a nice generic theme and the ride building looks great when walking up. The boats look good and are very comfortable. The first portion of the ride is well-themed and has a good atmosphere. I wish they would bring back the actual storyline of the ride, however. You go up a lift and outside after going through the dark ride portion. You turn and go up a little more. You then go through the biggest drop on the ride. You splashdown and get soaked. You turn around through the water past all the rock work in front of the building and then go up another lift hill. At the top, you go through a dark room and hit the main coaster portion of the ride, a twisting drop and bunny hill. This section is really fun and features some solid whip. You splashdown and get soaked once again, and the ride is over. I think this ride is a perfect fit for SeaWorld as it gives the park something unique.

  • Matthew Potter

    Spaß Rütteln

    I can kind of see how others hate it, but I personally don’t find it to be anything special, I just like it - it’s a nice ride.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Komfort Abschuss

    I know it's just a kiddy coaster but it has fun theming and a small tire launch that has some surprising kick. Good kiddy coaster.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Inversionen Abschuss Layout Kapazität Unangenehm

    I want to like Tigris more than I really do. I love the color scheme, soundtrack, and location, but the ride itself really isn't that good to me. I've done this and Tempesto and I like Tigris slightly more because of the location and color scheme. That still doesn't mean I'd consider it a great ride. The premier trains just are not good. They are far too tight to get in and out of with tiny cramped lap bars and annoying comfort collars. The ride itself could be fun but everything about it is just uncomfortable. The launches are fun but the lap bar begins crushing you almost immediately. The rise up to the top has good airtime but it hurts because of the lap bar. The hangtime should be the highlight of the ride but it hurts also. The twisting drop gives great ejector but it's painful because of the lap bars and collars smacking your neck. The non-inverting loop hurts your neck as well. It has a good layout that has potential it just isn't executed well.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Rütteln Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    I rode this a few years ago back when the park was run by apex, so it might have gotten smoother under Gene Staples, but this was so uncomfortable I had a migraine for the rest of the day. As soon as I hit the first drop, I felt like I was going to literally die. The roughness was so bad that I didn't even feel airtime. Get RMC to do something with it.

  • Coaster Delta

    Truly amazing ride, love it