• Arjon Bimmel

    Spaß Irrelevant

    It’s one of 2 junior boomerangs in the park. The other one is themed. This one is kinda just there. Nice credit if the queue is not too long, which shockingly was the case so no complaints on that part

  • Arjon Bimmel

    Komfort Sanftheit Dauer Abschuss

    Great coaster. It shows how far Vekoma has come. Ride experience is great, nice and surprisingly intense after the first launch, decent after the second launch with some nice inversions. Not a big fan of the launches, it seems that only Intamin can make those worthwhile

  • Arjon Bimmel

    First Drop Irrelevant

    It’s one of the many coasters aimed at a younger audience. While it is nice the park provides a lot of those at increasing intensities, it feels kinda pointless to go on another one of those but hey a cred is a cred

  • Arjon Bimmel

    Spaß Kapazität Enttäuschend! Dead spots

    Don’t expect too much and it is quite fun. Some dead spots after the first drop (just kidding, it’s a decent kiddy coaster)

  • Arjon Bimmel

    Komfort Spaß Zu kurz Thematisierung

    Nice surprise, some moments are quite forceful, but short.

  • Jordan R.

    First Drop Spaß Sanftheit Rütteln Intensität

    Oziris est un inverted surprenant dans la mesure où il contraste avec ses grands frères beaucoup plus intense. Ici, on nous présente un parcours planant et aérien qui donne lieu à de petits airtimes sympathique. Malheureusement , la deuxième partie après la drop dans la mare aux crocodiles devient trop lente et sans intérêt, dommage. Un bon inverted surprenant mais je lui préfèrerais tout de même son grand frère de Phantasialand beaucoup plus sauvage.

  • fifa101

    Airtimes Tempo Ejectors

    Great coaster 2 favoured GCi really recommend granted I'm riding Troy tomorrow so this could change 😂

  • Bach Frog

    Schoßbügel Abschuss Spaß

    Front row ride, man that backwards launch and layout really turns it up to 11. Fun ride :)

  • Jacelyn Porter

    First Drop Reißt es ab!

    HORRIBLE! worst rollercoaster to exist. tear this down NOW!!!!

  • Jacelyn Porter

    Spaß Thematisierung

    AWSOME! Scary at first but got fun after!