• sabïre

    Komfort Abschuss Spaß

    There’s literally no cons about this ride. Best coaster i’ve ever been on! The seats are extremely comfortable, some people dislike lap bars as they ‘dont feel safe’, but i think they’re way better. The entire ride is super smooth, I barley moved around throughout the ride. The airtime is amazing, especially that last inversion! The theming of the ride is amazing aswell. Everything about this ride is absolutely brilliant, if you’re going to universal, please ride this! In my opinion, I think it’s better than hagrids.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Spaß Intensität Dauer Rütteln Enttäuschend! Dead spots

    Twister is generally a good fun ride (as long as you ride near the front). But one problem I find with it is that (like Phoenix) it’s sort of a one-trick pony. It mainly focuses on the intense turns, but the rest is just kinda forceless. The ride is good itself. It’s nice and long, and the coaster is generally fun, but I feel as if it had the potential to be great. But I did notice that it had some floater. Overall, fun coaster, yet mildly disappointing.

  • Lucas

    Airtimes Layout Dauer Rütteln Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    Retrack nécessaire absolument, coaster extrêmement inconfortable mais airtimes intéressants

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Schoßbügel Intensität Ejectors

    When I was first going to ride Phoenix, I was thinking to myself that this ride would not be as great as I expected or it was going to be bad. Because every single “great” wooden coaster that I ride it ends up being a disappointment (targeted to Bolder Dash). But this was one of the greatest wooden coasters I've ever ridden, because El Toro is just better. The dispatches are not one of the fastest, but the fastest dispatches I have ever seen on a roller coaster. It takes them, I’d say, about 30 seconds to dispatch the train out of the station (Six Flags America, start taking notes). But that’s mainly because this coasters only restraint is buzz bars. Speaking of buzz bars, this roller coaster has some of the strongest airtime I have ever experienced on a wooden coaster, and since there are only buzz bars, you get flung out of your seat! I was actually standing because of how strong the airtime was. The only really bad thing about this ride is that this ride was only operating one train, for now, I hope. And also that’s it’s kind of a one-trick pony. I feel as if it only focuses on one great element, and that is obviously airtime. But I wish it kinda did something like El Toro. El Toro doesn’t just focus on its airtime, but it also focuses of laterals with those snappy turns, also the drop, El Toro’s drop is very steep (for a wooden coaster at least). But Phoenix is still great overall, and it is a must ride if you ever go to Knoebels (unless if it’s closed for some random reason).

  • Nathan Laveuve

    Thematisierung Unangenehm Irrelevant

    Ce coaster est sans grand intérêt, avec des trains comportant des assises similaires aux bobsleighs macks, mais encore moins confortables. Le layout tape, de plus, ils ont eu la formidable idée de mettre des zones de frein inclinées sur le côté, pour ajouter à l'inconfort. Le seul point positif est la théma qui est assez jolie, dans la file d'attente comme de l'extérieur.

  • Roger B.

    Komfort Spaß Layout

    Un coaster familial/kiddie au tracé somme toute correct mais parfaitement oubliable. Les sièges sont confortables, c'est plutôt fluide et la décoration est meilleure que dans les autres junior coasters du parc. On ne va pas se mentir : il n'est pas mauvais (loin de là) mais après avoir fait tous les autres coasters médiocres du parc on a hâte de passer finalement à autre chose. On a droit à deux tours, histoire de rentabiliser le déplacement.

  • Shroom

    Standort Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz

    Very fun family boomerang and the best I’ve ridden. It’s glassy smooth and has a very cool location on top. As usual for a boomerang the ride is too short, but it’s perfect for families

  • lukas

    Dauer Rütteln Thematisierung

    Bon coaster par sa taille mais aucune Thema et une mauvaise gestion

  • Ilan Nefroot

    Airtimes Abschuss Tempo Rütteln Rückhaltebügel

    Dommage que il vibre un peu sinon très bonne machine

  • Ilan Nefroot

    Hangtime Kapazität Unangenehm Irrelevant

    Bon roller coster pour le famille voir les touts petit mais rien d’exceptionnel et le débit vraiment nul