• Ty Paylez

    Sadly just an ok coaster. Lift is cool and a first for me like that and the non inverting loop is neat. Nothing special here

  • Ty Paylez

    Airtimes Ejectors Zu kurz

    Platinum pass member preview had no wait times. Front row and back row is amazing. Just a little short and missing one extreme element from being a true top S tier coaster. 5/5 for a family/GP ride tho!!!

  • Joshua U

    Schoßbügel Rütteln Enttäuschend! Unangenehm

    The ride is overrated

  • Joshua U

    Abschuss Layout

    Don’t wait in a queue for this more than 10 minutes

  • Joshua U

    Airtimes Thematisierung Schoßbügel

    Fun ride with thrilling drop track

  • Chloe Dieter

    Abschuss Spaß Intensität Zu kurz

    I, thankfully, got to have my first and last coaster credit on my first trip to CP 3 days before it closed. I had always dreamed of going to CP since I was 10, and WT was one of the ones that I wanted to go on most, and I was so sad when I heard CP was retiring the coaster. Anyways, enough backstory, back to the review. It was AWESOME. I went at sunset and my father and I both got to see the water. A lot of bugs hit my face but it was SO worth it. I was in the front row in it was terrifying plummeting down. The launch was a little rattly on my ride but I was shocked at how much force it was. The ride entrance was pretty cool, although it was kind of basic compared to the other ride entrances (my fav ride entrance is Maverick). The ride operators were really nice and funny (no cap, the ride before us, the ride operator said "Have a nice ride on Whizzler Twizzler.", so whenever I think of WT, I think of twizzlers :3 ). Altogether, such a perfect ride, so sad to see it go.

  • Daniel Russell

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    Very fun, always nice to re-ride. Also you get a burst of speed going into the tunnel.

  • Daniel Russell

    Thematisierung Spaß

    Of course, since it's meant for younger riders, it's not the best, but still fun, and a classic.

  • Daniel Russell

    Thematisierung Rütteln Unangenehm

    My god this thing was bad. I might have to re-ride, but it felt like it was trying to rip my organs out my butt.

  • Daniel Russell

    Spaß Layout Dauer

    Nothing bad to say, I really like this ride.