• Colorado Coaster Fan

    Vibrations Inconfort A raser !

    Fine folks at Lakeside were not kidding when they named this coaster this rare wild mouse by miler was from the very first wild mice Ever I Can’t help but compare it to a blender Full of Rocks This Ride Sucks It was Rough and Painful and Jerky

  • Harrison P.

    Théma Inversions Intensité Baffes

    i rode it 5 times at my visit to alton towers and loved every second of it. if i could add one more pro it would be masterpiece because there is nothing quite like this coaster, there is very few coasters that invert a lot and have that incredible theming. on the 12th inversion there is a little headbanging but it is worth it a million times over. the que is not very long ( probably beacause you can only ride this coaster a few times before you need a break, so ride oblivion.) and the second lift hill is terrifing. you can ride this ride a million times and still have a ton of fun.

  • Alan Dunsmuir

    Inversions Layout Longueur

    Absolutely love this ride, loads of inversions, great speed and just a fantastic ride. One of my favourites

  • Shroom

    Théma Fun Débit

    The same as winjas force, just a little better because of the length. I like the theming and those special tracks. The biggest con is the capacity, it can get to one of the longest queues in phantasialand on crowded days

  • Shroom

    Théma Fun Débit

    Really good Maurer SC. The theming is good as always in phantasialand, and it has some really cool special elements. The main con is, that it has a really bad capacity, especially on very crowded days. It´s just a little worse than fear because of the length

  • Daniel Stark

    Fun Longueur Inconfort

    It's a fun kiddie. I appreciate the duration (Tivoli Large instead of Medium or Small), but the cars are too small for adults, and the theming disappointed me. I remembered some great and enjoyable theming, but it's quite cheapy, my memory deceived me. Better than nothing, and over average for a kiddie, anyway, but it could be better.

  • Daniel Stark

    First Drop Hangtime Baffes Théma Déception !

    This used to be my favourite at the park, but now it's fallen down under both batmans. I'm not a person to complain about headbanging, I can enjoy many coasters despite heavy rattles and I don't usually suffer from headbanging. Last time I rode this, though, I experienced some headbanging like never before, it's gotten rougher this years. It hurt and made the experience unpleasant. Besides, the loop backwards sitting at the very back made me nauseous, and that scary drop wasn't as good as I remembered. The theming is nonexistent. It's still way better than the normal Vekoma Boomerangs, the loop is not that bad and the drops, specially the first one, are great. Hanging face down while climbing up really builds a lot of anticipation.

  • Harrison P.

    Airtimes Théma Intensité

    a lot of people complain about the rattle but thats just what happens with a wooden coaster. the theming was incredible along with the effects and the lateral g forces.

  • Harrison P.

    Confort Fluidité Théma

    this was my first flying coaster experence and i loved it, while the theming is sad compared to alton standers it is still really fun

  • Harrison P.

    Théma Lap Bar Fun

    only rode it 2 times but had a blast