• Brian Sheldon

    It is a shame that this, and many others similar to it, is no longer with us. Today, heck even 30 or 40 years ago, looping is no big deal, except when Schwarzkopf did it. Their loops were and still to this day are best loops ever done. They had the math perfect. They just delivered forces perfectly. They went from positive to negative to positive G's all right in a row perfectly paced every time. On top of that, they had great trains that were very comfortable. I love launches. I love going backwards. I love Schwarzkopf loops. Put all of those together and its easy to understand why I loved this coaster.

  • Brian Sheldon

    I rode this years ago when it was called T2. It was hated back then too. We actually rode it 2 times back to back, once in the front and then in the back. I didn't really understand what all the fuss was about. It wasn't silky smooth like B&M inverts for sure and definitely did some shuffling, but it wasn't painful or awful. Then I saw they changed trains and now call it T3. I rode this a couple years back and all I can say is it is one of the worst coaster experiences I have ever had. It all started out fine. The seats and restraints were comfy. I was all set to enjoy myself. Then we sent down the first hill. The G's pulling down the restraint pushed deep into my lap and stayed there. My thighs were crushed for 90% of the ride. I don't really remember anything as all I was focusing on was the pain and trying to avoid it to no avail. I don't remember any head banging--so it has that going for it. Honestly if the restraints would lock into the position they left the station in, this wouldn't be that terrible of a ride. However the way it is now, it makes sense that it is in the bottom 5% of all the coasters rated on this site.

  • Karst

    Nette Überraschung! Dauer

    This is a very fun coaster honestly. I was surprised on how long this coaster actually is! Overall it's just great fun, definitely worth the ride if the queue isn't too long :)

  • Karst

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    Honestly I am not the biggest on spinning attractions so I didn't have too much faith coming into this attraction, but it's honestly quite fun. I didn't have the best spin, but the layout is pretty neat :) I am surprised on how much longer this ride is than its sibling coaster. Also you actually get quite a few pops of airtime here. It's really quite enjoyable :) Also spoiler alert, I didnt expect that hop on the breakrun, that was great :D

  • Karst

    Spaß Zu kurz

    This coaster is honestly quite boring compared to it's sibling. Fear is quite a bit longer in duration and gives a much better overall experience. This one rates quite a bit lower on my list because of that factor. Honestly, I know they couldn't have, but it would have been better if this were a mobius coaster where you did Force first, and Fear second immidately after.

  • Karst

    Airtimes Thematisierung Abschuss

    I have reriden this since last time (2021-11-21) Back in November sadly I had a very bad experience on this ride because all weight was put on my colar bone rather than my shoulders. This was incredibly painful. If this happens to you too, you have to pull the harness a bit to the side so it rests on your shoulders. This time around I had an amazing night ride in the backrow. And a decent daytime ride in the front row. If you can get in the backrow, I highly recommend it, the sensation of flight is soo much better in the back than it is in the front. It's also not worth waiting to get a front seat. Or if you want to, just do it once, because it adds alot of extra wait time, even if the rest of the ride is basically a walk-on. The queue's theming is amazing, but it's outrageously long. Kinda similar complaint to the big coasters at Energylandia. The walk alone takes about 5-10 minutes, which is a shame. The ride itself is amazing. From the holograms at the beginning, to the flying in rookburgh. The launches are decent, not the best, but having it in the flying position is definitely an awesome experience. Honestly the ride almost made me cry of happiness because of how floaty and dreamy you get in the backrow. Highly recommend and definitely a must do for anyone.

  • Karst

    Thematisierung Abschuss Meisterwerk

    I had the most insane ride on Taron yesterday. The lap before me had a rollback, so after a bit of waiting, because of standard procedure (5 minutes orso), we were put on a calibration lap. And my god, the LSMs were soooo much more powerful than they were. The coaster is already insane normally, but the punch this calibration lap had. One word, mindblowing. Taron absolutely tried to kill us. Sooo good. Even the trimbreak at the end did _NOTHING_ and those tiny airtime hills flung us out of our seats. I can now understand why on coasters like Top Thrill Dragster they tell you to put your arms down, because I still feel that launch a day later in my neck hahaha. INSANE, absolutely INSANE. I wish that Taron could have all their laps like this. To add to that luck it was a night ride too! Generally outside these ultrarare laps my ranking currently would still place Taron at 5th place in my top list, but this rare lap absolutely blasts it to no 1. Wow, just wow.

  • Alexandre Humbert

    Komfort Kapazität Irrelevant

    Le kiddie à la sauce Mack, et bien ça déconne pas ! Des beaux sièges super ergonomiques pour tous, des gros rails, un layout surtout pas trop sensationnel. Bref ça fait un peu tout much pour un truc qui est ce qui se fait de plus petit en coaster, mais c'est Mack donc la qualité doit être irréprochable et EP peut se le permettre dans le budget. Je connais un autre groupe avec une souris qui prête moins attention au fait que ses coasters soient de qualité... Par contre le débit est à revoir, même si c'est pas dramatique vu le public du ride.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    Worst floorless coaster by far. Needs to be torn down. This was B&M's first coaster and it's clear they didn't know what they were doing. There is ZERO enjoyment on this ride. As you ride, you pray for it to be over.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Standort Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    Needs to be replaced with an RMC raptor or a wild mouse over the midway. Too damn uncomfortable and painful.