• Eyebrows

    Tematización Obra maestra Ejectors

    wow. ride in row 1 or 12 on the right side but dont skip out on the left either.

  • Enzo Drl

    Tematización Obra maestra Layout Capacidad

    Ouaaahh, mais que dire, que dire de fly ! Quelle expérience Je pense que Fly ne devrait pas être traité comme un coaster "Familly ++" mais bien comme une réelle expérience à part entière. Une expérience qui s'inclut dans un ensemble. L'attraction commence dès lorsque que nous rentrons dans la zone de "Rookburgh" Rien que le fait d'apercevoir le coaster passé à travers la zone. De le voir au-dessus et en dessous de nous à chaque m². Nous donne l'impression de ne pas être dans un parc d'attraction. Mais d'être dans un autre univers loin de Taron, de Chiapas ou d'un Mystery castle. Fly est comme un film. Il faut le faire pour comprendre réellement ce qui se passe. Petit tips : Prenez le temps de le faire, ne serait-ce qu'une fois au First ; L'expérience est renforcée et totalement différente.

  • PhilippeRgt


    Ce train de la Mine est bien intense en derniere place 16 du dernier wagon lorsque le train est long et encore plus de nuit où les descentes en plongeon sont toutes dans le noir et inattendues, 4 étoiles dans ce cas. Attention quand même à la colonne vertébrale. Mais il est soft sur les 2 premiers tiers des wagons, comparable à celui de Disneyland Paris de jour, 2 étoiles seulement... A effectuer donc vraiment tout à l'arrière pour bien ressentir les airtimes. Sympathique à faire avec aussi les 2 tours de chute juniors va et vient Tikal situées à côté, certes usuelles maintenant mais aux airtimes tout de même dignes d'une sauterelle. Pour être intéressant il faut donc vérifier que le train est très long avec de nombreuses voitures et que l'on peut se placer tout à l'arrière ce qui est variable dans la journée et selon l'affluence...!

  • PhilippeRgt

    Primera caída Demasiado corto

    Raik est le petit frère en beaucoup plus court de Taron, et sincèrement je l'ai effectué une ou deux fois, mais par la suite, j'ai préféré passer mon temps sur Taron, montagne russe beaucoup plus intéressante en sensations, et de parcours prolongé ! (4,5 étoiles). Cette semaine de Janvier 2022, je viens de retourner 3 jours à Phantasialand, et plus en détail, la lente montée en marche arrière, puis redémarrage rapide en descente, puis retour en marche arrière sont amusants. Des bosses plus hautes et fortes en airtimes que celles-ci auraient été les bienvenues.

  • PhilippeRgt

    Velocidad Intensidad

    Quelques légers airtimes assez sympathiques avec certes de la vitesse, mais assez soft dans l'ensemble tout de même, dont la position à cheval ou en moto comme vous préférez, amplifie relativement peu les sensations, mais montagne russe originale pour cette raison.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Six Flags was super creative with this name, huh? Its a boomerang. What shall we call it? I know, "Boomerang." Brilliant. What can I say its one of many across the country. They do deliver a decent ride. I really love going backwards so that helps. This one isn't the smoothest, which is somewhat surprising as it is the "newest" one I know of--or more correctly the one reassembled the most recently. Again, it's a boomerang. If you have ridden one, you have ridden them all. Good, not terrible and not great.

  • Brian Sheldon

    It's a Batman, but not exactly. This one is a mirror image to all of the others. It goes to the right off of the lift hill instead of left like all of the rest. Interesting? Perhaps. Does it make it better than all of the others? Perhaps, perhaps not. It just simply makes it a bit unique. The ride delivers just like all of the others. That is a good thing. It is definitely better than one of them that I can think of for sure. These were put up all over the country for one good reason--they simply work. They move a ton of people through the line all day everyday. On top of that they deliver one heck of a good ride. If there were only one of these in existence it would get more love, but the fact that there are several kind of waters down its greatness--at least on discussion boards. In reality, these are really good rides. It took me a long time to appreciate this one. It is in my home park and I wasn't thrilled with it when I first rode it. I always appreciated it for what it is--super smooth, crazy fast paced, and intense throughout without a brake run to interrupt the fun. I just didn't get off of it thinking, "That was great!" I don't really know why. Over the years that opinion has changed completely. This still isn't my favorite invert--or even top three, but it is still one of the best rides our community has ever had.

  • Brian Sheldon

    THE coaster that got me into coasters. I grew up riding this repeatedly. It used to have the old buzz bar restraints which didn't do much of anything if you were under 150 lbs. I used to stand up on this when I was a kid. It was the best. It went through a rough stretch but they have gotten back on top of it kept up on the maintenance over the years and the last few times I have ridden it, it still delivered just like always. This coaster seems faster than it is. This used to be the tallest, fastest and longest coaster on the planet. The industry has come a long way, but this coaster still delivers a far batter ride than many, many much newer coasters. They have clipped it's wings a bit over the years as they took some height out of a couple of the bunny hops and they tapered off the up into the headchopper ending, but it is barely noticeable. Most people would never know. The most intriguing fact about this coaster is the largest drop is the last one. It was world class when it was built 45 years ago and it is still a great, great coaster.

  • Brian Sheldon

    The single most impressive wooden structure I have ever seen. The amount of trees that died for this hunk of garbage is truly sad to think about. I was super excited to ride this. We went straight there as soon as the park opened. We rode it up front to test the waters. The scenic turn around over 200 feet up before the first drop was very cool. Sadly, that was the best part. I was about to go down the single largest wooden drop ever made and what do I see--trim brakes on the drop. Yep. This thing was only 1 or 2 years old when I rode it and they already had to start restricting it. So you start to head down and don't really get into mother nature's full grasp until you are fully half way down. This was a highly disappointing start. Then the two giant helixes. These were a series of events--super slow and boring top parts followed by extremely rough and violent bottom parts. I believe they were just too steep to be an effective continuous spiral. After those huge let downs came the loop. The second best part of the ride. It was a loop--nothing special except for we were on a rickety and shaky wooden coaster. It was fine. After that was just a series of small hills and a few twists and turns before you mercifully made it to the brakes. I did brave it again in the back, but the brakes were more noticeable and the helixes were borderline torture. Up front I did make the entire ride as a coaster should be ridden--with my hands up. In the back, no possible way. The helixes were viscous. I don't really know what was wrong with this from the beginning, but it never worked well. It was a huge waste of time, money and effort. Truly a shame.

  • Brian Sheldon

    I like inverted coasters. I like loops. I like cobra rolls. I love launched coasters. I like compact coasters. I love going backwards. While Invertigo technically isn't launched, I kind of think of it on those terms. So if you add all of the things up you get a pretty likeable coaster on paper. Luckily this delivers the goods. It isn't liquid smooth, but nothing at all painful. Going backwards through the inversions really makes this ride for me. It just makes me laugh. The biggest drawback to this type of coaster is the very low capacity which leads to extremely slow moving lines. Overall, a very good coaster.