• J&B FitzTubeKidz

    Airtimes First Drop Dauer Rütteln

    Favorite ride by Intamin so far, has a great first drop and all the airtime hills deliver. It’s pretty intense but sadly is kind of rough. Doesn’t take away from the ride experience too much though.

  • J&B FitzTubeKidz

    First Drop Sanftheit Hangtime Kapazität

    Good ride with great inversions, hangtime, and I got a lot of room for airtime on the great drops! But I waited 2 hours, which was ridiculous. The line wasn’t even that long.

  • J&B FitzTubeKidz

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Dauer

    This was a very surprising coaster. It delivered strong airtime on almost every hill and had a good duration. Don’t miss this ride, it’s a must!

  • J&B FitzTubeKidz

    First Drop Inversionen Sanftheit Dead spots

    Great inversions, hangtime on the wing over drop, and good headchoppers, but it has lots of dead spots (camelback, helix). Still a fun ride!

  • J&B FitzTubeKidz

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Sanftheit

    This is my favorite family coaster, specifically for the twisted drop near the middle that’s in the pitch black darkness. Very thrilling and very surprising with a very cool and well themed queue.

  • J&B FitzTubeKidz

    Inversionen Intensität Rütteln Unangenehm

    Most intense coaster I’ve been on, but it hurts. It’s a little rough so it does cause some headbanging and you somehow get stapled. But the inversions are still very intense and whippy and it is still smoother than most coasters out there.

  • J&B FitzTubeKidz

    Airtimes First Drop Sanftheit

    Insane ejector on almost every airtime hill, great first drop, butter smooth. Not my favorite coaster, but it’s in my top 5!

  • J&B FitzTubeKidz

    Airtimes Intensität Sanftheit Dead spots

    Great ride that surprised me. Can’t believe it was built by dinn lol. It is very smooth in the front but sadly rough in the back. Airtime hills give sustained ejector on a good day, the turns are very intense and lateral filled, and it’s a surprisingly great ride overall!

  • J&B FitzTubeKidz

    Airtimes First Drop Sanftheit

    Perfect family coaster, great mix of floater and ejector, quad down is the best part, drop in the back row gives insane ejector. Great ride!

  • Florian

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Rütteln

    C'est bien simple Hyperion à les airtimes les plus déments que j'ai jamais eu sur un coaster de ce type, le truc c'est qu'on ne les prend qu'au first drop suivis des deux prochains éléments. La deuxième partie est plus classique, marquée par des banked turns qui font bien le boulot à une vitesse assez soutenue qui rendent le ride vraiment agréable à parcourir. Le hic ? Vibre et pas qu'un peu, surtout à l'arriere