• Antoine Wauty

    First Drop Enttäuschend! Dead spots

    Franchement c’est pas fou allé juste pour le + 1 mais c’est tout

  • Drive Safely

    Airtimes First Drop Dauer

    Twister does a lot for what its stats represent, and it really impressed me. The first drop in the back row is amazing, and the compact yet awesome layout keeps on going, with several airtime moments tossed in between the transitions. It’s my number two in the park, just behind Monster.

  • Lukas 42

    Thematisierung Tempo Spaß

    A great family wooden coaster! There are even some airtime moments and pacing is pretty good for a coaster of this size. Additionally, the traditional Swiss village looks pretty neat.

  • Lukas 42

    Thematisierung Kapazität Layout

    Make shure to ride this coaster at the beginning of your day at Plopsaland, lines typically get pretty long due to a second lap. At least, there is a lot of theming, but I liked it better before the transformation with the girlgroup K3...

  • Lukas 42

    Standort Komfort Rütteln Thematisierung

    A little rough for a ride of this kind - and theming could use some improvement. At least you can get decently wet...

  • Lukas 42

    Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Layout Unangenehm

    This one was a pleasant surprise to us: First of all, the launch packs a great punch and the top hat provided a nice pop of airtime. But the rest of the compact layout was also interesting with many cool elements - when warmed up, this coaster has a great pacing. The cars might be a little cramped, especially for the arms and the smoothness depends on the car or seat, I had four rides on this coaster ranging from "glossy smooth" to "a bit bumpy" - but all together, nothing too dramatic. Due to the younger target audience of Plopsaland, lines for Anubis are usually not very long, despite the low capacity!

  • Lukas 42

    Airtimes Meisterwerk Layout

    Wow, what a beast of a ride - this is nothing less than my new number one coaster! Its creative layout has no dead spots and so many great elements: First of all, the Jojo Roll provides excellent hangtime which feels great in combination with spinning cars and comfortable lap bars. After the launch with a boost of spinning, the top hat has a very strong airtime moment (especially in the first car), just to be dragged downwards afterwards. The banana roll is also quite nice just as the classic looping, which almost feels surreal when taken sidewards. The airtime hill in the second launch is also a fun gimmick, but the "Reverse Twice Twisting Velocity Knot" is my favorite element of the coaster - this double inversion with spinning cars is just insane and feels like an out of control flatride. After some hills and curves there is the ride's furious finale - the double up has two really strong airtime moments before slamming into the brake run. I love the ride's overall intensity without being uncomfortable at any point, thanks to the lap bars and comfortable seats. At some points, there was a minor rattle, but nothing to write home about. Theming is done pretty well, especially the queue and entrance gate is pretty nice - and the coaster cars look fantastic. Musically, this coaster goes all out - while the music in the queue is rather low key but still nice, the onboard soundtrack is absolutely stunning and fits perfectly to this ride. Operators are trying their best to keep waiting times short, but this coaster model seems to have a little longer dispatch time than others. To sum things up, I can recommend this unusual experience to everybody and hope there will be more Mack products of this kind in the future!

  • Rom Coaster

    Komfort Rütteln Airtimes Schoßbügel

    Wooden Vekoma... que dire de plus, ah oui on est espère une disparition et un retrack comme pour son collègue du pays voisin au nord. Mais bon Loup Garou possède quand même un atout c'est ses sièges qui sont de véritable fauteuil en cuir moelleux, dommage que la Lap-bar ruine tous ça en te compressant le ventre, oui parce ce que la lap-bar ne t'arrive pas au bassin mais au niveau du ventre et en plus de ça lors de la drop elle se ressert encore plus histoire de te donner mal au ventre. Après sur le layout les virages ne sont vraiment pas incliner et on a le droit à de nombreux g-latéraux et vibrations, ensuite sur le layout on compte peut être 1 léger airtime et le reste des bosses ne procure presque rien. Mais l'avant dernier virage est assez incliné pour faire oublier les g-lateraux mais on ressent quand même quelque vibrations

  • John Montague

    Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    This ride will end your day, if you’re not careful. Utterly painful. This wins the prize for most headbanging I’ve ever experienced on a coaster. Sometimes, I like it when a coaster absolutely kicks my butt, but this one is all wrong in every way. Torture.

  • Jonathon Miller

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität Zu kurz Dead spots

    This ride gets 5 stars, but it's not my favorite ride at Six Flags Fiesta Texas. It's a masterpiece for sure from beginning to end. That first drop is nuts because the first drop gives you ejector and lateral. The following banked turns on the quarry before the barrel roll provide some fast paced sections, and that barrel roll is intense. The best part of the ride is the drop off the quarry wall, and I recommend everyone to try this ride in the back row once just for that drop. One of my favorite drops on any coaster ever. The only negative I can say besides the duration is on the quarry in between the drop and barrel roll is a dead spot where the coaster loses its speed. I think honestly, this would be my favorite if they gave it one more lap like the old Rattler did after the tunnel. Maybe they could've put a station flyby with a zero g stall, followed by 3 or 4 airtime hills and then a barrel roll into the brake run, a la Outlaw Run! Amazing ride, RMC did an amazing job with this!