• Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität

    Definitely a lower tier RMC just because of the length but for what it does do it's great. The first drop has ejector and a near miss. The turnaround has some good whip through the inversions. The wave turn and airtime hill following both are filled with airtime. The second half has good airtime and a great zero-g roll. But then that's it. I love the ride and think it's super rerideable. Just wish it was slightly longer.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Standort Intensität

    While I don't think the layout for these clones is the best this one makes up for it with it's location. It's built into the terrain which allows for some great near misses. The pretzel loop is also very intense. The rest of the layout doesn't do a ton for me except for the near misses.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes Standort Spaß Rütteln

    Very rough coaster but it's still a ton of fun. The whole ride has ton's of airtime, the location over the water is fantastic and the layout is great. I've ridden both forwards and backwards and it's a lot of fun either way.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes Intensität Layout

    One of the best hypers there is. The layout is fantastic. The first half of airtime isn't the strongest but the helix is one of the most intense moments on a hyper. From there the second half has a ton of whip and ejector. The best second half of any B&M hyper for sure. The interaction with the park is great because the layout goes everywhere. Also no seat belts is great and allows you to just fly.

  • François Gagnon

    Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    C’est un coaster quoi Pas trop intéressant à faire et fait pleins de baffes

  • Jack Jack J.

    Spaß Intensität Sanftheit

    Easily the best stand up i've done. The layout isn't too big so the force doesn't tire out your legs but it's still pretty intense. The drop, turn around, and stengel dive are all great moments as well. The stand-up factor doesn't affect the ride much to me.

  • Jack Jack J.

    First Drop Schoßbügel Hangtime Kapazität

    A ride that is better then expected. Very smooth and quiet ride but is a great ride experience. The first drop is great and the rest of the layout is super whippy and the last inversion has great hangtime. I like these trains but they are not good for capacity sadly.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Rückhaltebügel Intensität Layout Rütteln

    This was much better then I remembered. It definitely is shaky and rattly but the restraints keep it from head banging. The layout is super compact which allows for some insane near misses. Pretty good.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Tempo Intensität

    Hands down the best Batman there is. It runs so much faster then it showed. We measured the forces and timed the ride last time we rode. It was running 6-7 seconds faster then the POVs and was pulling 5.7 Gs. The whole thing is so much more forceful then the others to the point where your feet hurt because of all the blood rushing to them. The second half is ridiculous.

  • alfiste 77

    Thematisierung Abschuss Spaß Kapazität Dead spots

    Sympathique malgré que le ride n'est pas trop d'intérêt, il plaira au plus jeunes et c'est le principal pour le parc, la théma est magnifique et le pre-show est très bon, bref une réussite pour Vulcania