• Coaster Nerds

    First Drop Inversionen Sanftheit Thematisierung

    You can definitely feel how tall that loop is. Although the Cobra Roll was nowhere near as snappy as Alpengeist's the pull out of the second part of the inversion feels nice. Also the mid course barely hits. The corkskrews and random curves don't do much for me but are still enjoyable. Overall just a reallly fun, smooth, and enjoyable ride.

  • Scott van der Roest

    Thematisierung Spaß Dauer

    Fuga da Atlantide is good water coaster with some great theming. The statue of Poseidon is really cool!!! If you want to get wet, sit on the first row. The other rows will leave you dry. The only downside of this coaster is that it takes some time to go from the first lift hill to the second lift hill, but it gives you a lot of time to enjoy the theming.

  • Scott van der Roest

    Airtimes First Drop Standort Zu kurz

    First of all, the ride is short, because it is a dive coaster, but for a dive coaster it was pretty long. The first drop is really good and gives some good airtime if you are in the back. The dorp and the first inversion is good. The airtime hill give some good floater airtime and the helix some good forces. The last inversions is also pretty good and a good last element. The theming of the "black hole" is also nicely done.

  • Coaster Nerds

    Abschuss Dead spots

    Launch, helix, and first drop are pretty fun. However those turnarounds and s-bends are a little uncomfortable and not that exciting. No effects were working at all except for the sound effects. I can't imagine how much better this ride would be if they were. The rest of the ride is enjoyable with the launch before the tunnel making the swooped indoor drop feel somewhat intense and I got some airtime on the drop out of the tunnel.

  • Coaster Nerds

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    Above average family woodie, especially for the era it was manufacturered in. My friends and I did not expect it to be that fun.

  • Coaster Nerds

    Thematisierung Inversionen Abschuss Rütteln Dead spots

    Pretty well themed ride. The tricks the operators play on riders with the launch system really enhances the ride experience and serves as sort of a performance and is very entertaining when waiting in the station. That launch is also very very punchy with the first two inversions being forceful. However, after that the ride just meanders around for a bit with jerky turns until the last corkscrew (just like Anaconda), and in my opinion the dead-spots problem is even worse on FoF than Anaconda (the pros do put FoF over the edge though by far).

  • Coaster Nerds

    Inversionen Standort Hangtime Dead spots Layout

    Very overhated! I came into it expecting it to be terrible based off of what I heard but both my rides in the middle and back were fun and relatively head-banging free. Even as a pretty short person I was able to lift myself above the headrest to avoid any pain. Drop is pretty fun in the back and those corkskrews are my favorite part (despite the transition into them being jank). Sure it has some dead spots but so does Lochness Monster. Overall, nothing incredible but a cool charm of the past that gets way too much hate.

  • Alexis V

    Thematisierung Headbanging Kapazität Unangenehm

    c'est casi au même level que le boomerang situé à côté, l'étoile c'est pour la théma

  • Alexis V

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Layout Kapazität

    je l'ai ridé 7 ou 8 fois, les trois premiers ride impossible de donner un avis, mais finalement après le sixième ride je le trouve incroyable, c'est quoi cette tech de malade + les petits launch qui sont la pour donner de bonnes sensations de vitesses, en plus 0 vibra il est hyper smooth. Il est tombé en panne 2 fois quand on étais dans la file mais à chaque fois en moins de 5 minutes c'était plié. Juste la file d'attente c'est quoi ce problème de gamins qui ne font pas 1m30 mais qui rentre quand même avec des parents complétement à l'ouest.. Je vous conseille de le faire plusieurs fois, au passage belle thema de la file d'attente

  • Alexis V

    First Drop Layout Hangtime

    Je suis content qu'il soit mon premier Gerstlauer, c'est vraiment une pépite d'or dans un parc comme celui-ci et je trouve que sa longueur est suffisante. La gare spooky j'aimeeeeee beaucoup, avec la petite voodoo qui se fait bouffer au commencement du ride avec les effets audio bien fun derrière. Un pur plaisir de le chain ride