• Richard L.

    Il a au moins pour lui d'être meilleur que son grand frere à côté (High Speed Roller Coaster), les helix sont pas trop mal dirons-nous

  • Richard L.

    Rückhaltebügel Irrelevant Dead spots

    On s'ennuie fort là-dessus, il se passe rien d'intéressant. Le lift est supra lent, ça vibre alors que c'est tout droit, la drop n'en est pas vraiment une, bref aucun intérêt

  • aleksander samuelsson

    Thematisierung Meisterwerk Dauer

    This is a masterpiece! The pacing is good, even if its not the most crazy thing in the world, but fits the ride perfectly. Many cool airtime moments and very good launches. Also nice positive forces along the ride. And the theming in the area is world class.

  • aleksander samuelsson

    First Drop Tempo Intensität Zu kurz

    That curved drop is intense! The pacing is exelent and inversions are whippy. And the setting is perfect, going close to buildings and over the pathways. An exelent coaster.

  • aleksander samuelsson

    Airtimes Spaß Sanftheit Intensität

    Untamed has the smoothest ride experience I have ever ridden. The airtime on this coaster is in a own class. You are ejected up to your restraint for a second or two. Then pinned down in your seat again. Then repeat this at least 14 times. This is the overall BEST airtime experience i have experienced on a coaster. But the g-forces is to weak and the overall pacing a little to ''tame'' for it to be my number one. Overall a pure fun ride! You will go of with a big smile on your face.

  • aleksander samuelsson

    First Drop Inversionen Tempo Zu kurz

    This coaster is perfection! It has all things I want in a good coaster. Exelent floaty drop, nice whippy inversions and exelent pacing. But it is to short.

  • aleksander samuelsson

    Tempo Hangtime Dauer Rütteln Abschuss

    This is a fantastic multilauch coaster. Good forces, perfect start with that drop out of the station, and full of hangtime filled inversitions and good relentles pacing. But the lauches are weak. More like boosters.

  • aleksander samuelsson

    Airtimes First Drop Meisterwerk

    This is a masterpiece. The floater air is incredible. That feeling of just float out into the harness and stay there for several seconds is pure magic. You are more out of your seat, than in it. Wonderful layout.


    Abschuss Tempo Intensität Zu kurz Kapazität Zuverlässigkeit

    On est sur une machine totalement zinzin très puissant et intense ! Si vous aimez la vitesse ! Foncez ! La sensation de hauteur est vraiment très surprenante ! Ne cherchez pas l’airtime sur le top hat ! Launch puissant et poussif ! Juste jouissif


    Unangenehm Irrelevant

    Un sbf totalement oubliable même si j’aime bien les machines qui tabassent un peu