• Marcel Königsmann


    I didn't like the Coaster. Felt sick after riding it.

  • Marcel Königsmann

    Airtimes Meisterwerk Sanftheit

    Untamed is my absolute No.1 Coaster! Fun Ride from Start To Finish!

  • Marcel Königsmann

    Spaß Rütteln

    Troy is a fun ride, but has some serious rattle, which makes it quite uncomfortable

  • Marcel Königsmann

    Thematisierung Sanftheit

    Was my first Wing Coaster and i was suprised about the smooth an intense Ride!

  • Mathis Weiß

    Thematisierung Meisterwerk Sanftheit

    First row is amazing.

  • Lucas Le coca

    Reißt es ab! Irrelevant Dead spots

    un tivolie large quoi

  • Flurin S.

    Nette Überraschung! Tempo Rütteln Kapazität

    Note: This first part of this review is no longer up to date - This is just a phenomenal ride. It's one of the most complete packages you can get. Queue, Pre shows, Theming, Ride, Effects, Layout, Forces (any many more things) are truly world class. The moment when you leave the last pre show room and enter the station with the empty train in that mystical lighting is just incredible. One of the only negative points that I can say is about the theming during the ride (mainly the dark ride parts). After leaving the station the train drives into complete darkness and that's where the theming stops and does not return until reentering the station. On the enclosed lifthill for example you can clearly see that you are in a concrete building and not in the old tower that you are told to be in doring the pre shows, just placing brick textures on the walls of the indoor parts would help it quite a bit. The second point is the capacity. They should put in a single rider queue to make up for the terrible capacity. When I was there, a 16 people train was dispatched around every 3.5 minutes which is just terrible. Seeing empty seats on them though makes it even worse. Nevertheless is this coaster one of the best in the world and deserves his five star rating no doubt. - ride from 2018 --- Update: Had another visit in 2020 and the cosster was really really shaky and could even be considered rough. It felt more like a wooden coaster on steel track (not in a good way) Operations were horrible and enthusiast unfriendly. It's a shame to see a coaster fall so far from a revisit. Kärnan easily left my top ten because it was more painful than fun that day ;-( - Also there is so much lost potential in the theming. The "Special effect" which I am still not spoiling (despite the fact that probably everyone knows about it already anyways) is just in a concrete box. Just think about what could have been done there: Lighting, Themed walls, Sound Effects, Breaking wooden bar effects for example, the list goes on

  • Flurin S.

    This is the first coaster I rode with banked turns. As stupid as this sounds it's what makes me kind of like it, hovever I only rode it once as a kid and never again. Still, being an enthusiast now this has a special place in my hart just for the fantastic banking on it ;)

  • 手取Fishland


    Steel Vengeanceより好き。だけど「邪道が持ち味のRMCでも、けっきょく一番おもしろいのは“普通のキャメルバック”でした」ってオチはどーよ?

  • Zouzouo

    Inversionen Nette Überraschung! Rückhaltebügel Zu kurz

    Très bon coaster, bien sur la the étais toujours pas fini mais hâte de la voir terminer.