• SkyLisium

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Intensität Kapazität

    Karnan est un coaster qui est mystérieux avec ça tour de 70m cachant une grosse drop (dont ce cache aussi... No spoil) ce coaster ce démarque bien des autres coasters que j'ai pu faire dans d'autres parcs, que ce soit au niveau de ça conception et de sa théma (le pré show avant d'embarquer est juste incroyable). Il est d'ailleurs très intense mine de rien, et puis il a des éléments assez bizarre (intense voir même très intense) mais qui représente bien le constructeur (une conception un peu en mode fou fou). Pour moi le seul défaut est le débit qui est assez mauvais mais sinon tout le reste j'adore.

  • David Čuban

    Spaß Layout Kapazität

    Layout is really good fun but a little bit rough in some sharp curves. The surroundings of this coaster looks good.

  • David Čuban

    Intensität Layout Dauer

    I heard lots of praise about Troy even before I rode it. There was a very big chance that I am gonna be dissapointed. But I wasn't! Troy is awesome! And with Fénix they are strong duo of this park. I also love the soundtrack.

  • David Čuban

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Intensität

    Much better than I was expecting in every way. Audio is good and it is also very rerideable.

  • David Čuban

    Thematisierung Sanftheit Intensität

    In comparison with Oblivion: The black hole or Krake, the first drop is a big con for me. It doesn't work. For a dive coaster that should be scary moment but on Baron is not. With the highest drop it would be much better coaster. It is very good, but could be much better.

  • David Čuban

    Thematisierung Spaß Dauer

    World class theming. Amazing soundtrack. Great design of the boat. Perfect indoor section. But as a coaster I prefer Intamin's water coaster like Speed in Energylandia.

  • David Čuban

    Airtimes Meisterwerk Layout

    This coaster completely deserves it's rating. What a classic coaster with a great value and legacy. I imagine, ten years ago, this was the best coaster in Netherlands, but with new techlonogy in last decade there appeared better types of coaster, like RMC Ibox (Untamed), B&M Wing (Fénix) or Gerstlauer Infinity (Gold Rush). And also after I experienced the new generation train for Intamin's Megacoaster on Hyperion, Goliath feels outdated. But don't get me wrong. The ride is still amazing and world class. I like all of the airtime moments, helixes and the last - very fast turn to the break run.

  • David Čuban

    Airtimes Spaß Ejectors Intensität

    Untamed is a perfect roller coaster. That con is not mean like something wrong but in comparisson with Zadra. For me Zadra is the best coaster I have ever ridden, Untamed is a little bit below in my TOP coasters list. I love the look of the track, fast transitions, inversions, lots of airtime and final slow roll. Incredible coaster!

  • David Čuban

    Komfort Meisterwerk Hangtime

    What an excelent coaster. After Karacho and Karnan this was my next bucket list coaster. I disagree with people saying this coaster is short. It's not. First you are launched forward, than you go backward and you are launched again, you receive the best hangtime on any roller coaster I have ridden and than you go forward, you are launched for the third time and this is the moment when the distance starts to count. And also there is no breakrun. The train breaks through the station so this is also extension to the ride. Incredible dive loop in the end. No cons. The best place to sit is the left seat in the back row.

  • David Čuban

    First Drop Spaß Hangtime

    Mack Rides masterpiece. Better than Lost Gravity. A coaster with the best layout they ever did. Usually Mack coaster has lots of deadspots, but Dynamite doesn't. Good animatronics in queue line, comfortable seats and great last inversion.