Abschuss Intensität Hangtime Rütteln Headbanging Rückhaltebügel

    This layout feels relentless. It's got the perfect mix of intensity for its length, the launch is incredbly forceful and that top hat delivers excellent airtime. The pullouts and inversions are also quite intense. The hangtime filled barrel roll at the end also feels like the perfect way to end the ride, but those restraints are awful for that layout. A layout that intense and fast-paced just doesn't work with these trains. The launch is amazing but the train turns into a shopping trolley at the end of it. Seriously, the rattle banged my head pretty hard. It's not as bad afterwards but it's just there and can hit your ears against the restraints. Update July 2024: I don't know what to say other than it ran even rougher than it did in December 2023. A 15 year old coaster should not track like this. It felt like an old Vekoma with only slightly better transitions. While the tracking would not give you a headache on its own, the restraints will. They are bulky and have minimal padding. I love the launch for its power, but I hate the rattle that will jerk your head from side to side at the end of it. I love the top hat's airtime in the front going up or on the drop in the back. I love the intensity of the elements of the first half, but hate that you have to brace for the headbanging. I have no complaints about the second half as it is slower than the first and the hangtime at the end is excellent. The theming is also really detailed and well made. It's just the roughness and headbanging that make the experience somewhat sub-par. This is why I rank Goudurix way above Anubis, controversial I know, but I find Goudurix's padding helps prepare for the headbanging and stops your head from moving. Heck, give me slightly boring coasters like Xpress at Walibi Holland over Anubis. I'd even take Indiana Jones at DLP over Anubis.

  • GLaDOS

    Spaß Zu kurz

    This is a worse version of Flight of the Hippogriff. A rougher, jerkier and worse themed Flight of the Hippogriff. It's not bad by any means, it's far better than #LikeMe Coaster, the trains are decent but a little cramped and the layout is fun for kids and families. However, I remember Flight of the Hippogriff to be smoother and less jerky, quite possibly because it's nearly a decade newer. Update July 2024: Just a middle of the pack family coaster. Decently smooth, no force.

  • Yoyo Yobo

    Nette Überraschung!

    Ce coaster est très aléatoire, il donne l'impression qu'il à été réalisé avec un dès tant les éléments sont aléatoire en intensité. J'ai trouvé ça drôle

  • Yoyo Yobo

    Spaß Rütteln

    Le ride est épouvantable, malgré un bon layout, je reste persuadé que c'est rattrapable avec un retrack

  • Sami E.

    Spaß Unangenehm

    Fun mais à faire une fois pour le + 1.

  • Julien Vaucher

    Thematisierung Meisterwerk Dauer Intensität

    Mais quelle baffe ce coaster ! Au niveau de la théma c'est incroyablement bien réussi et le layout et super fun. Il manque juste de sensation et avec cela il pourrait passer TOP 1

  • Andy Aerts

    Inversionen Intensität Sanftheit Thematisierung

    This coaster is the definition of 7/10. I really like the inversions, mainly the loopings. If you sit in the front you really get pushed trough them. The coaster is also smooth wich was a big surprise for me because I thought it was an old Vekoma, I didn't know they retracked it a couple years ago. Also a thing I was surprised by was that there was no theming. Efteling is known for making everything look magical and here it just feels like a Six Flags park. If they add theming and a story it would only be better.

  • Julien Vaucher

    Intensität Ejectors Dauer Thematisierung Schoßbügel

    Au niveau du coaster c'est du haut level ! On est secoué dans tous les sens et il n'y a aucun temps mort. De plus le dueling rajoute vraiment quelque chose d'intéressant au ride (quand il est synchro...). Cependant il est juste posé sur une grosse dalle de béton et je trouve cela très dommage...

  • Jay Deloddere

    Airtimes Komfort Sanftheit

    Belle surprise ! Fluidité, magnifique hangtime dans la première inversion, layout aérien.

  • Andy Aerts

    Hangtime Dauer Headbanging

    A pretty underrated coaster if you ask me, before Fury was in Bobbejaanland everyone was positive about it but since Fury arrived nobody seems to like it anymore. The looping is iconic and going slow trough the heartline rolls is very fun. The headbanging is a serieus problem tho, mainly in the looping and the first spiral. But if you brace yourself it's not that bad.