Achterbahn Rezensionen
Nothing wrong with this as a kids ride goes
Layout Rückhaltebügel
No airtime because of the awful vests. Put the classic b&m otsr on them and this ride would rock.
Airtimes Kapazität Komfort
I didn’t know so much speed, airtime, intensity could be wrapped up into such a smooth ride. It’s like there are zero compromises when it came to this thing. Shin restrictions didn’t bother me and I’m tall so I don’t understand the hate there outside of enthusiasts just live to complain.
Inversionen Intensität
At the time I rode this I fell in love and thought it was better than montu
Airtimes Kapazität Intensität
Front row and back row are next level on this ride. Sit up nice and strait to not get stapled and enjoy the air. Just a smidge not as good as the brand new velocicoaster. What a stunning ride
Dauer Enttäuschend!
Decent ride for what it is. Kinda doesn’t fit in anymore at CP
Hangtime Rückhaltebügel
Vest restraints are the dumbest things on earth
Airtimes Sanftheit
Ride in a middle seat (non wheeled seat) for the best ride. Top knotch coaster
Standort Rütteln Irrelevant
Big Bang est le seul crédit digne de ce nom dans le parc. Le cadre est évidemment sympathique, on a pas tous les jours l'occasion de rider en étant entouré de montagnes. Le ride n'est toutefois sans surprise pas exceptionnel, rien de très intéressant niveau layout et quelques vibrations.