• PhilippeRgt

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung!

    Je l'ai effectué 5 fois, car j'ai été très agréablement surpris par ses airtimes surtout en marche arrière, car le bateau accélère sur les bosses et remonte bien haut ! mais ensuite moins agréablement surpris d'être non pas mouillé, mais trempé (Mai 2021) ! En fait, il faut prévoir et se munir donc d'un bon imperméable étanche pour apprécier les airtimes qui eux, sont agréables. Le 19 Juin 2022 : Beaucoup moins mouillé, et les sensations sont bien présentes : Mon coaster préféré après Kondaa et Psyché Underground (et aussi la Dalton Terreur, mais c'est une tour de chute) ! Très appréciable aussi la file d'attente Single rider, étant seul à effectuer les attractions (entre 3,5 et 4 étoiles)

  • Arjon Bimmel

    Spaß Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    Old fun fair travelling coaster. Not worth waiting more than 5 minutes. Ridiculous OTS restraints and there is a very weird kink in the second drop. Ride looks neglected and imo not worthy of TLC

  • Arjon Bimmel

    Airtimes First Drop Meisterwerk

    Amazing coaster, it’s fast and whippy and the elements are all great. Love the fact that the second part is like a whole nee and great coaster on its own, it keeps on giving until the very end. The queue is ridiculous though, you need to climb about 4 floors in a concrete building, then go outside and climb down 4 floors of stairs all the way down again, all with an advertised wait time of 0 minutes

  • Arjon Bimmel

    Thematisierung Kapazität Layout

    The best themed junior boomerang of the park, and it remains kinda stupid that they have two of those. Nice ride, nothing special

  • Arjon Bimmel

    Nette Überraschung! Tempo Sanftheit Thematisierung

    It’s surprisingly fun for what it is, theming could have been taken to just one level higher. Some unexpected forces

  • Arjon Bimmel

    Spaß Irrelevant

    It’s one of 2 junior boomerangs in the park. The other one is themed. This one is kinda just there. Nice credit if the queue is not too long, which shockingly was the case so no complaints on that part

  • Arjon Bimmel

    Komfort Sanftheit Dauer Abschuss

    Great coaster. It shows how far Vekoma has come. Ride experience is great, nice and surprisingly intense after the first launch, decent after the second launch with some nice inversions. Not a big fan of the launches, it seems that only Intamin can make those worthwhile

  • Arjon Bimmel

    First Drop Irrelevant

    It’s one of the many coasters aimed at a younger audience. While it is nice the park provides a lot of those at increasing intensities, it feels kinda pointless to go on another one of those but hey a cred is a cred

  • Arjon Bimmel

    Spaß Kapazität Enttäuschend! Dead spots

    Don’t expect too much and it is quite fun. Some dead spots after the first drop (just kidding, it’s a decent kiddy coaster)

  • Arjon Bimmel

    Komfort Spaß Zu kurz Thematisierung

    Nice surprise, some moments are quite forceful, but short.