• Nathan F

    Standort Sanftheit Enttäuschend! Intensität

    Wild Eagle is very large and very tame. There's some strong forces near the bottom of the first vertical loop, but it's largely pretty meandering. However, this ride is super smooth, it's super beautiful, and it's not so tame that it isn't fun. Wild Eagle is a pretty mediocre B&M.

  • bee dawg

    Zu kurz Enttäuschend! Dead spots

    Honest I just want to make whistlepunk chaser feel good becauseits just a crappy kiddie coaster so whistlepunk, I'm here for you

  • Nathan F

    Unangenehm Irrelevant

    This is by far the worst Wild Mouse I've ever ridden. The restraints are incredibly uncomfortable. The ride fails to produce the laterals strongly associated with Wild mouses. The drops aren't exciting. It's smooth I guess. That's basically the only redeeming factor on this ride.

  • スチールシープ2003


  • スチールシープ2003


  • bee dawg

    First Drop Intensität Headbanging Inversionen Unangenehm

    So while the first drop had some great negative g's, the loops had some serious head banging problems and that's basically the entire ride

  • スチールシープ2003


  • スチールシープ2003

    中盤のそれなりのスピードで大カーブしていくところが爽快。土地を贅沢に使ってる感じが日本では異端かな あと振動のこと良く言われてるけど振動受けながらかっ飛ばしてくドロップ底楽しくない?

  • スチールシープ2003


  • Andy Reynolds

    Very rough ride, was not a pleasurable experience for me.