• אדר פופקו

    Sanftheit Zu kurz Dead spots Layout

    welp,what do we expect form this,its a powered kiddy coaster and yep,the reason to ride this is if you have kids or if you want to get another credit,which im certenly wanted.and yep,it was a dull ride,but keep in mind,its for kids to be prepered for a much bigger coasters,maybe even apollo coaster.but the coaster had passed quiet a bit.first built by soquet in 1992,it was operating under the name chenille,in 2001 the park sold the ride to a defunct park named fami P.A.R.C,there it will stay under the name chenille but after the park was gone in 2012,kingoland bought chenille and renamed it to speed chenille.now,well,its a kiddy powered coaster,and it feels more like a flat ride.as i said before,i dont view powered coasters as a credit since they dont run on gravity,but hey,in rcdb it leasted,so here we go,the layout is kinda boring,i saw kiddy's with a better layouts than this,but you know what,its fine,keep in mind,again,its for kids to learn about the experience,dead spoits were of course like no airtime on the hill,altough on the good side it was really smooth,not the real smooth of soquet which is rough,it was actuallly good.and yep,it was short to ride,but hey,it can be good for kids and guys which are afraid of coaster,so maybe,give it a go with your kids.

  • אדר פופקו

    Thematisierung Tempo Unangenehm

    this is a powered coaster,which again,i dont think of that as a credit,but here we are anyways,honestky its not that bad with some rediming qualities,but still,its not to me,im not a kid anymore.but still it done things greatly for a fmaily coaster.it was fast.it was well themed for a small park on a little budget which actually relocated it from germany.and yep,it was cool.but it was pretty rough at some spots and pretty bizzare layout which doesnt match,but again,kids might enjoy it.

  • אדר פופקו

    Inversionen Standort Layout Unangenehm

    welp,i dont know why people b**ching about this ride,yep,its not the best,but belive it or not,ive actually enjoyed it,this vekoma mk-1200 originally built in 1988 in france,after relocating it to another park to germany,in 2004,europark bought the coaster in 2004,clever idea,since this is their only real extreme coaster and it really stands out in the collection of the park.welp,maybe aside from the unique mack powered coaster.this is a layout of mk-1200 which cloned only 4 times,altough its not the first one,still,its quiet unique and again,if a clone isnt cloned to death like boomerangs,i will enjoy them,and i will always have a soft spot for european coasters.they have a much better charm and feel the european coasters,but enough,the ride?as i said,not the best mk-1200,but its far from the worse coaster out there.it was rough at some spots,i will admit tho.yep,when a coaster is rough its not a goos sign,but dont worry,i ridden rougher sh*t than that.and still,it have some redimig qualities,firstly,the layout,yep its quiet simple,but i managed to enjoy this layout,the inversions where so much fun and quiet hangy,the first drop,is pretty fun and qquiet intense,the turns are pretty good and the litle helix thingy is really fun and intense as well.and also,its really photogenic coaster,seirously,it swoops all the way in the park and its just great to look at.so overall,its not the worst coaster,its not the best,but its a fun and enjoyabe vekoma which honestly eserves a ride or two in the park,maybe a rough coaster it is,but i enjoyed it anyways.

  • JustaNibbaTrynaHelp TOday

    Airtimes First Drop Komfort

    This ride is without a doubt the best hyper coaster i've ridden in the world. This layout is incredible, it throws so many elements at you so rapidly. The non-inverted loop is awesome, the helix is awesome, the first drop is breathtaking. There isn't a single con for me on this. Mack rides nailed this, and i hope to see many more Mack hypers come in the future.

  • Jarvis Orchard

    Airtimes Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz

    most intense ride at thorpe blackout every time

  • JustaNibbaTrynaHelp TOday

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    Quite fast for a kids coaster, fun ride. But it still is only a kids ride.

  • Jarvis Orchard

    Inversionen Standort Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    No cap literally blacked out on the first inversion but yh not as rough as people say it is hehe solid coaster ygm squad out

  • Olivier Frisch

    Schoßbügel Intensität Unangenehm Schoßbügel

    EqWalizer n'est pas fondamentalement mauvais. Certe il s'agit d'un Bommerang, mais il a l'avantage et l'inconvénient d'avoir des Lap Bar. L'avantage est la grande liberté de mouvement permise, et le fait que les sensations sont mieux ressentie qu'avec un harnais. En fonction de notre positionnement dans le train, il est possible d'avoir une ou plusieurs inversions assez surprenante. L’inconvénient est le confort atroce de ces barre. Elles sont notamment très douloureuses aux places arrières des wagons. Les côtes et les cuisses en prennent vraiment pour leur grade... C'est dommage parce qu'un confort adéquat aurait vraiment permis à ce coaster d'être agréable et fun à rider.

  • Halish R.

    Headbanging Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    Pretty bad but not as bad as some people make it out to be (I didn't find it painful).

  • Gael S.

    Standort Headbanging Thematisierung Rückhaltebügel

    Beaucoup de gens pensent que ce coaster mérite d'être détruit mais il fait partie de l'histoire des parcs de France car c'est tout simplement le Mira looping qui se cache derrière ce coaster qui a été déplacé après l'abandon de ce parc