• אדר פופקו

    Airtimes First Drop Layout Unangenehm

    that ride,as i rode it,isnt bad,at all,its not the best wooden coaster in the world,but this vekoma woodie is a pretty cool,and a fun woodie that im reccomanding to ride.loup garou opened at 2001,same year and day as their other vekoma,cobra,opened to the public.however,the desginer of the ride is a defunct ohio company named stand company,which also helped to build intamin woodies such as regina and even dania beach hurricane.funfact,in english,loup garou stands for werewolf,so lets go over my thoughts.altough not the best,this ride have its great moments of airtime,and the good,creative layout it have,really stand to me.hell,tha headchoppers here were good and espcially the turns,they gave some good leterals throught the ride.the first drop is good too.and actually,they will retheme the ride in 2021,which will give it alot more character,yea,i see this as a pretty bland ride with no theme,but if they will tho,thats really improve the ride.than the location is a great thing too,it passes many trees and honestly kinda reminds me of the beast at kings island in these aspect,only much compact.but here is the main issue,its a pretty rough ride with many of the turns really slams you into the cars,which can ger annoying,so what they can do?i belive they can get a gravity group trains,like the one on thundercoaster,it will be much smoother and improve the ride,but honestly,its not bad at all but far from best,and im happily reccomand it to entusiastes at belgium.

  • אדר פופקו

    Standort Sanftheit Layout Intensität

    this is the newest coaster to come to walibi belgium,and yes,it is their kiddy coaster,and the only kiddy coaster at the park,which i think had to be needed,since for me,a park must have atleast one kiddy coaster in its park and not a thrill or extreme coaster,and thats beacuse of that,a kiddy coaster is appealing to the younger audience,and if you have a little kids,you can get them on fun pilot,but is this a fairly good kiddy coaster?yes,it is,this is a zeirer force 190,a model which started in 2009 and continues to grow in its popularity,and yes,i do think that this is a good kiddy coaster,altough the layout had been cloned and altough its not that intense since again,it appeals to a younger entusiastes which are starting to get into coaster,but firstly,its a smooth ride,it allows to get a great ride with good sits and it slides well with the track,cousing maybe some small rattles.but thats a common thing in those force coasters,another thing is the location,not only is that coaster gives some good views of the lake,it got a good little theming to a company it and its got those cute airplane shaped trains,so yea,its not the best kiddy out there,but its a good smooth ride and great for kids' first coaster.

  • אדר פופקו

    Thematisierung Headbanging Rückhaltebügel Layout

    this ride isnt a good boomerang,dont get me wrong,some boomerangs can be good but i dont really care about them,you pratically saw boomerangs at many parks and you just now what its doing.the ride was build in 2001 and actually was standing and not operatin in the 2011 season,in 2019,they repaint all of the ride and actually gave it some theme,its not a calamity mine level of theming here but its still decent enough to give it a character,which its ofcourse,a cobra,which meaning it is an egyptian theme.and i actually liked the painet,it really matched with the rest of the ride.but there is where the good ends and the bad begins,since its a roguh ride with its repetetive layout.if you ride a boomerang before,you saw the layout already.you are going on a backward lift,then falls,going into a cobra roll,a loop,going into a catch lift hill,and repeat all of the layout backwards,after slowly going down to the station,when i saw it,it honestly seemed to me like a good concept,but than i descovered how much clones this have worldwide.not only that,the ride is such a headbanger,every inversion just slams you to the restarins that its so annoying,they really need to smooth this ride or give it the sunkid trains which will improve it completely.overall,i cant reccomamnd on this one,its boring and rough at the same time,but if they managed to theme the ride,who knows,maybe the hope will be here.

  • אדר פופקו

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Komfort Rütteln Dead spots

    well folks,calamity mine is a pretty good coaster,and i honestly dont understand why so much people hating o this ride,for me,it was good,wasnt the best,but was good enough to ride and really exited expections.well calamity mine is a vekoma mine train which opened in 1992,and yes,this was their first,non disney mine train since i sure it came after big thunder mountain according to rcdb,so yes,i can consider it a prototype,and altough i would say that they had gone to build better mine trains,this one,for a prototype,isnt bad at all,in fact,i will call it good.now why?heres my resons,the thing that the coaster done well is with theme,this ride is a very well themed ride which is theme to,well,a mine.but there is so much detail on it which is almost disney level,its almost as disney i would say but not great,my favorite parts are the tunnels and the nice touch of the waterfall.but how is the ride itself is,combined with the theming,the layout provides a god ride too,now,its not a well paced ride in my opinion since there are a couple of moments when the ride will just slow down,but its a really decent layout for a mine train,it combined some cool turns and hills and the slow paced layout is i think to get a much better view of theming and since it was for kids,yes,mine trains are a thrill kiddy,mining that this could be the first really thrilling coaster for kids.also i loved is how the ride is comfort,it was with a rattle,dont get me wrong,but the trais didnt bothered me that much,they were comfort and fun to sit on,but i will say that it was a retty rattely ride which didnt helped that much,but aside from the problems,overall,calamity mine is a nice mine train,and again,its more for views so take it with a bit of a salt.

  • Adrien L.

    First Drop Sanftheit Kapazität Zuverlässigkeit

    Pour une fois Vekoma s'en tire parfaitement avec ce coaster des plus fous. La sensation d’être retenu uniquement par son harnais juste avant la chute est complètement flippante, notamment en last row. La sensation de chute est totale et s'approche, voire plus intense que sur une réelle tour de chute et peut procurer un petit voile gris. Le reste du ride s'effectue avec fluidité extrême insoupçonnée chez Vekoma, mais l'ensemble reste malheureusement trop court. Cette jolie machine s’avère plus que capricieuse et en raison de sois disant possibilités de surchauffe, le train doit observer une pause de 15 minutes entre chaque envoi.... Ajoutez à cela 2 rangées condamnées, même avec un parc vide on peut facilement monter à une heure d'attente.

  • Adrien L.

    Airtimes First Drop Kapazität

    Petite merveille qui allie sensations et confort. Les airtimes tout comme la vitesse sont présents tout au long du ride avec aucun temps mort. Les figures s’enchaînent avec un fluidité extrême et sans aucune vibrations. L'aspect extérieur est plutôt sympa avec un choix de couleurs originales, mais la thématisation reste quasi inexistante. Gros point noir sur le débit avec des opérateurs japonais très lents et agissant en suivant scrupuleusement la procédure tels des robots.... Ajouter à cela un seul train de sorti et on l'on obtient un envoi toutes les 6-7 minutes.

  • Maxime Cretton

    Thematisierung Komfort Layout Rütteln Zu kurz

    Timber réussit à maximiser le fun sur un parcours dont les stats ne sont pas les plus impressionnantes. Aussi on peut noter un effort bienvenu de thématisation dans la file et autour de l'attraction. Le parcours est très court malheureusement… Update 2019: trois ans après mon dernier ride, le coaster a malheureusement gagné en vibrations.

  • Maxime Cretton

    Airtimes Komfort Layout

    Vraiment un très bon coaster pour un parc de la taille de Walibi. Le layout est excellent, beaucoup d'airtime. La flèche et la partie en arrière font une superbe conclusion au parcours. La durée du ride est pile ce qu'il fallait. Par contre c'est dommage que les opérateurs serrent un peu trop les lap bars, mais bon la sécurité avant tout!

  • Mathis Gullon

    Thematisierung Schoßbügel Layout Zu kurz

    Un investissement quasi-parfait pour Walibi Rhône-Alpes. Mystic, c'est d'abord une thématique originale et poussée qui n'échappe pas à l'humour et à l'auto-dérision, devenus des marques de fabrique chez la CDA. On aime le parcours ou non (notamment cette flèche, surprenante), mais chaque mètre de rail a son utilité, et l'on ne retrouve pas ce côté compact des éléments parfois pénible sur d'autres créations Gerstlauer. Voilà ce que donne un coasser fait avec amour avec un peu de budget, beaucoup de passion et énormément de contraintes ! Je demande à comparer avec Fury, mais le parcours me semble plus fade. Reste à voir comment va vieillir ce coaster, qui devient très intense en fin de journée...

  • אדר פופקו

    First Drop Sanftheit Layout Intensität

    orkanen is without a doubt,one of the greatest vekoma coasters which really need to be talked about more by entusiastes.mostly,americans and other seeing vekoma in a very negative light to me,why?vekoma isnt that bad,its honestly one of the greatest coaster manufacters ever,they are really creative and hell,my first ever coaster was a vekoma slc which i thought wasnt too bad.and yea,some coaster from them i despise like the shitty super manage at la ronde,but they have more good than bad coasters(hell,even some of their slc arent that bad,but if jolty).now lets get on with the ride.orkanene was build in 2013 and at its opening,was considerd to be the tallest of the sfcs(f=family),only to be cloned 7 times more,which satteled down with its originallity,but thats ok,as i mentioned,as long as a clone good,its fine for me,just if you are cloning a coaster that is bad,somthing is wrong with you.this coaster mgiht not be an intense ride,but whi told that a coaster needs to be intense to be good.and here comes orkanen,the defention of it.what i love about orkanen is how relaxing its feels,seirously,the fly on the water really give the ride a beautiful athmosphere,one of the greatest feelings ive ever had on a coaster,which is a relaxing,beutiful feel.not to mention the layout of this 453m prototype model vertion of a sfc,its so good.the rides first drop is going staright under the water,and it was really unexpected and honestly felt so fun.the next elemant were of some helixes,and really cool turns and then its cool setting over the water helped really.not to mention that it is so smooth,you dont bang your head and honestly it is one of the smoothest vekomas out there,which helps to the feel.this is their last coaster farup has recived too,and seeing them getting a family boomerang after its succes really warms my hears,so yes,it is a good coaster,and the feeling you will get is great,highly reccamand it to the entusiastes who want a brake from those intense coasters.