• Pecheur du Saulnois

    Thematisierung Komfort Sanftheit Intensität

    OzIris possèdent une théma qui est juste magnifique mais je trouve qu'il lui manque un peu d'intensité quand même

  • Mathis Gullon

    Standort Intensität Layout Rütteln Rückhaltebügel

    World's tallest, fastest Wing B&M delivers a two-part experience : while the first part is very aerial, the second one happens around the rock that constitutes the central theming element of the park. Location is wonderful and passages around the rock deliver some serious head/footchoppers. The coaster is more about intensity than airtime, with a constant grey/blackout after the banked over turn. Last inversion is absolutely fantastic! Two downsides: the damned harnesses and one or two rattles, especially on the overbooked turn. Not the masterpiece we could hope for but still my favorite WIngcoaster by now.

  • Pecheur du Saulnois

    Spaß Rütteln Unangenehm Dead spots

    Bon Anaconda n'est quand même pas si horrible que sa depuis le retrack reste assez fun a rider

  • Pecheur du Saulnois

    Inversionen Spaß Headbanging Zu kurz Unangenehm

    Comet reste assez fun a rider même si sa baffe un peu et que ce soit inconfortable (mais bon c'est du vieux Vekoma) et qu'il soit très court

  • אדר פופקו

    Inversionen Tempo Unangenehm

    this ride is a good one,it is an arrow looper which have a nice history to it.originally,it was in a defunct park in rhode island under the name loop crokscrew and was originaly build in 1984.but then brought to wild waves in 1995,and guess what,its a good historic coaster,but rcdb says that it was opened on the same year as kiddy coaster.but lets just get to the review,the pace was kept with the good layout,it was fun,compact and well,actually i liked the inversions alot,the loop was fun and fairly smooth and the crokscrews were with a good bits of hangtime,i belive it is a good coaster but sadly,this is an old arrow,and as we know,arrow loopers arent the smoothest,its a shame,sins it would had potential,and i belive they could get a new trains,but it didnt bothered me,well a little bit,but i at this point knew it will be rouh,and didnt mind.overall,it is a fun and historic coaster,and you can ride it if you are an arrow fan.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Unangenehm Dead spots Layout

    guys,klondike is a pretty bad wild mouse,it one of the worst wild mouses that build and im even dont reccomand this one.welp,the layout isnt helping,its your standart,boring layout of a wild mouse,but still,even with the fact that the layout is unoriginall,it is still bad.switchbacks were weak af,as a wild mouse goes,those swithc backs needs to be good,but here they are just forceless and doesnt provides any banking at all.the other half is just hurting to you,and since this is a wild mouse,a coaster that build to this banked and need to be done smoothly,is a really bad thing.and the only positive i can say about it is that the airtime was pretty decent,not the best,but ok for my standarts.im reccomanding to skip this one if you are only for credits.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Tempo Layout Unangenehm

    this ride,granted,is the best coaster in all of wild waves,and this is the first ever woodie by s&s,and its quiet interesting to see their own take on a woodie.it was build in 2003,right after they build hypersonic and dodo-donpa,two cool rides.however,it seems that s&s doesnt make this woodies anymore,ans there are only 4(including timberhawk)remaind.all of their last woodies were build in 2004 with the last one being hell cat at clementon park at new jeresy.so what are my thoguhts?honestly the ride main issue is that it is a pretty discomfort ride,mustly in the turns,but i will speak on that later.the rides layout is pretty cool and unique,with great and actually pretty smooth airtime hills which provides airtime in its best.some cool headchoppers with the track,good views and drives with a good pace.however,as mentioned,the turns can be painful,unlike the airtime hills,every turn just slams you into the cars,and it isnt that good n a woodie,thats the reason why i dont like bandit that much.still,it is good,just need to smooth the turns and it will be much better ride.

  • Aubin D.

    Le pire boomerang qu’il m’ait été donné de faire. Dans le cobra roll, une baffe que meme mon père n’aurait pas osé me mettre.

  • אדר פופקו

    Thematisierung Komfort Dead spots Layout

    this was a fairly weak wild mouse coaster,like our intamin,this also opened with the park,it is reptetive with the layout,well,i expected a wild mouse,but it could have been a btter layout,it was smooth tho,and had a good theming,but some dead and on interesting spots are here.

  • Aubin D.

    Headbanging Unangenehm Irrelevant

    Mon tout premier SLC! Et il faut dire que même je m’attendais à pire, c’est quand même une catastrophe. À faire en front row pour anticiper un minimum!