• Dave Scott

    Inversionen Intensität Rückhaltebügel

    Ace coaster, and one that almost cannot be believed to be portable, even after all these years. Clunky two part restraints are a dislike especially the shoulders, though I can see why they are necessary. The ride would have clearance issues in certain places if your arms were free. Pacing isn't the best; after the 5 inversions the ride still has quite a bit of run time, but can't do an awful lot with it. Still an incredible achievement and long may it continue!

  • Dave Scott

    Kapazität Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    The Smiler is Marmite. Love it or hate it, it seems. The latest Gerstlauers have learned that rate-of-change-of-acceleration is important. Smiler was on that learning curve, but not right. Suspect build quality from day one, even pre-accident it had a lot of problems. The spin-and-spew quality to the ride is, I will grant it, somewhat novel, but those trains, oh those trains are hateful bolt-upright things and highly uncomfortable. Also, I intensely dislike the queue line. Yay! Let's deliberately pack you all in like cattle in a cage. Not a pleasant experience. Given a shorter queue I'd maybe have enjoyed it somewhat more; however the only thing that will entice me into a return is a refit with Hangtime-style clamshells. Some legends say the Black Hole was cursed; and I am inclined to believe the Smiler is proof!

  • Dave Scott

    Horror theme is hardly enticing; and a crap ride to boot. Like other early Gerstlauers, instant migraine. Merlin can afford far better and being short changed with crappy rides in one of the few parks that could actually finance something good in the UK is doubly annoying.

  • Dave Scott

    Instant migraine. Oakwood were looking for something impressive within their budget, which I guess the ride ticks that box, but absolutely no desire to go back on this. Gerstlauers I like are very rare indeed, and this is definitely not one of them.

  • Dave Scott

    Good layout in a half interesting setting if it's not overran with rubbish and graffitti. Frequent power cuts in the park mean frequent downtime, and the ride has poor capacity at the best of times. Routinely fitted with 50-pence piece shaped wheels, and the restraints aren't far short of requiring a yoga instructor to get in an out. Can't help but think it was intended to have TTD-style lap bars; but insurers got nervous after some unfortunate events elsewhere.

  • Andy D.


    Une Wildmouse très améliorée avec une bonne théma...la première création du constructeur, c'est donc intéressant.

  • Andy D.

    Intensität Rütteln Headbanging

    Un SLC un poil moins brutal que d'autres (MPexpress ou Condor par exemple) mais cela reste peu agréable, au mieux essayer d’être à l'avant.

  • Syl Splace

    Schoßbügel Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    Un petit bijou, des éléments très funs durant le parcours, un train hyper silencieux, et grâce aux lap bars même s'il tape un peu à quelques endroits ce n'est absolument pas gênant.

  • Antoine M.

    Abschuss Intensität Rütteln Kapazität

    5 étoiles pour ce launch de malade qui scotche au siège en une fraction de seconde. Le ride pourrait d'ailleurs s'y limiter qu'on ne serait pas déçu, tant la suite est plutôt sans intérêt voire désagréable avec de gros à-coups sur tout le (court) parcours. Cela lui coûte une demi étoile pour la forme, mais le fond vaut le coût de subir les affluences délirantes et les opérations calamiteuses...

  • Antoine M.

    First Drop Layout Ejectors Kapazität

    Évidemment le débit famélique n'est pas dû au modèle RMC mais bien aux opérations du parc japonais, comme partout dans le pays. Hormis ça c'est un excellent modèle, qui coche beaucoup de cases : beaucoup d'airtimes, de très belles figures bien intenses et aucun temps mort, le tout avec un confort agréable. Petit passage pré-lift qui met en conditions. Son joli habillage et sa localisation en bord de mer rajoutent du cachet et appellent le chain-ride pendant toute la journée... Autant que le débit le permet.