• Quentin L

    Nette Überraschung! Komfort Sanftheit Kapazität

    Moi qui m'attendait à un pétard mouillé, je suis subjugué. Le genre de coaster planant avec une belle de g qu'on aimerait plus voir dans nos parcs.

  • Quentin L

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Layout Unangenehm

    Une bizarrerie qui vous rendra fou ! Une bourré de fun et parfois d'inconfort. Il ne laisse pas indifférent, j'adore !

  • Raymond C.

    Layout Dauer Rütteln Headbanging

    This was one of the worst rides on a rollercoaster I have ever had. There was a constant rattle and the train felt like it was jumping off the track any second. And for me, the rattle ruins the overall ride experience. But the layout itself isn't too bad. If it was an Intamin Prefab or GCI this could probably be a decent ride. This is definetely a worthy contender for a fourth European RMC or a general retracking at least. An RMC would be an awesome addition to Walibi Belgium in my opinion.

  • Quentin L

    Inversionen Meisterwerk Layout

    C'est vraiment une franche réussite ! Nous sommes vraiment immergé dans ce monde, avec ces rails vraiment atypiques. C'est une vraie intensité, c'est génial ! La fin de coaster pourrait être mieux réussie, ça reste l'un des meilleurs coasters d'Europe !

  • L B

    Airtimes First Drop Spaß Zu kurz

    This coaster gets better with every ride. The barrel roll drop is such a unique experience and really sets the pace for the rest of the layout. It also has an incredible second half that really keeps up the pace of the first...as most have stated the twisted 2nd half camelbacks are just plain fun with the combination of airtime and torsion. I never ride this coaster just once, we always get back in line and ride it again! Rode it front row for the first time and it was pure joy and smooth like butter. An absolute must ride when you get the chance to go to KD. Come for p305, stay for TT.

  • George Oneal

    Airtimes Kapazität Meisterwerk

    Very fun. Lots of air time, lots of hang time and very fast.

  • Nathanael S.

    Airtimes Spaß Meisterwerk Kapazität

    Ghost rider is the best. Incredibly paced, strong laterals, excellent floatjector on the mid course break run drop, nice floater, just excellent in every way. Jumps from 9/10 to 9.5/10 at night.

  • Jules Coaster

    Thematisierung Kapazität Nette Überraschung! Dead spots

    Excellente surprise!! J'ai apprécié ce ride, contrairement à ce que tous le monde dit, le coaster ne m'a pas baffé, c'était vraiment sympa, après ça reste un coaster de fête foraine.

  • Bryan Bonafede

    Thematisierung Komfort Intensität

    Light on forces for sure but a highly comfortable, ideal gateway coaster that establishes Mack's design thesis. Easy to see why this was cloned.

  • Mark B.

    On one hand it is made for kids but on the other hand it is the GOAT, so this rating is fair (40th Credit)