• Philippe-Minh N.

    Thematisierung Intensität Layout Zu kurz

    Alton Towers' 1994 Inverted coaster deserved its legendary reputation. Its short but action-packed layout stands out with its unique element order. Each element seamlessly leads to the next one and the pacing is excellent. The extremely forceful downwards helix following the first Corkscrew is arguably the highlight of a ride devoid of any dead spots. In addition, the ride aged gracefully - Europe's first B&M it is still glossy smooth! Simply put, Nemesis is a masterpiece and the best coaster in England in my opinion.

  • Luc R.

    Inversionen Standort Intensität Rütteln

    Un monstre d'intensité qui rugis à travers tout le parc, des inversions qui passent sans aucun temps mort et vous éjecteront de votre sièg,. ajoutez à cela une intégration super sympa au terrain et à la végétation et vous aurez Dragon Khan! Ce super looper B&M mérite sa réputation. Biensure la bête commence à se faire vieille, mais il est difficile de savoir si c'est Drakon Khan qui vibre ou Shambhala qui est extrêmement fluide. Ce crédit permet à PortAventura d'avoir un Top 2 très solide.

  • Luke Freeman

    Thematisierung Standort Intensität Zu kurz

    One of Britain's best rides, the 1994 classic still delivers a good ride to this day, but is a bit too short for me to rank this any higher than my number 5 spot.

  • Luke Freeman

    Thematisierung Inversionen Intensität Headbanging Rückhaltebügel

    My No.2 ride after Wicker Man, The Smiler packs a lot into its compact space. The theming is fantastic, along with the soundtrack, and the overall experience is incredible. My only downside is the second-half of the ride, especially the second-half of the cobra roll and the first corkscrew at the end of the ride. If you are shorter, your head will not thank you after this ride.

  • Luke Freeman

    Tempo Spaß Intensität Rütteln

    This is a really underrated coaster. I really have nothing bad to say about this ride, except it has a bit of a B&M rattle to it, but it really does not affect the ride that much.

  • Luke Freeman

    Airtimes Thematisierung Spaß Zuverlässigkeit

    This is the best coaster I have ever been on! The preshow, soundtrack and layout are amazing! I could not ask for anything more, except its reliability is sometimes off, as it breaks down often, but what do you except with a new and state-of-the-art ride?

  • Luke Freeman

    Unangenehm Reißt es ab! Intensität

    This is by far the worst rollercoaster I have ever ridden. First in line for the day, but because of single rider rules, I had to go to the other side of the train, then wait 35 minutes after it broke down. They eventually let me on, and it was rough, uncomfortable, and just plain bad. The end drop is the worst as it tries to snap your legs off. If you ever come to Gröna Lund, give this ride a miss. (I recommend Jetline)

  • Romain

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Rückhaltebügel

    Bonne petite surprise,le launch fait son petit effet. Théma soignée et originale. Les laps bars sont inconfortables

  • Romain

    Thematisierung Spaß Kapazität Unangenehm

    C'est du vieux Soquet,mais n'aurait t'on pas là le Soquet le mieux Thématisé ? Franchement,c'est pas le coaster du siècle,mais c'est sympa à faire.

  • Romain

    Schoßbügel Nette Überraschung! Komfort Thematisierung

    Bonne surprise ce kiddie ! Un must,dans le genre. Bon confort,et quelques légers airtimes. La théma est très légére