• Eric Esty

    Inversionen Standort Spaß

    It's not forceful or whippy at all, but it has hangtime, airtime, and cool shaped inversions that are really cool to go through. The coaster is gorgeous, and the situation on a hill contributes to how fun it is.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Spaß

    A fun, classic little wooden coaster. Such a good time to ride.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Inversionen Standort Headbanging Zu kurz

    A short little ride with an airtime hill and some loops. There's headbanging on the corkscrews, but otherwise it's a fun ride that I hope sticks around, especially because of how awesome the corkscrew midway is.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversionen Intensität Layout Headbanging

    This stand-up coaster meant layout works beautifully for a floorless coaster. The first drop, three loop varieties, twisted airtime hill, and twisty second half are so unique from any other floorless, and more physically intense than any other either. The downsides are that it's short with less inversions, and headbanging kicks in after the inclined loop. I was able to move my head forward to avoid it, but others may not. But since I was able to negate the roughness, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

  • Eric Esty

    Inversionen Spaß Sanftheit Dead spots

    Gatekeeper is a super fun coaster just because of the hang time, and how huge it feels next to the beach and over the entrance. It's a gorgeous coaster on and off ride. The hangtime and near misses are great, and every inversion is fantastic. Unfortunately the "airtime" hill is forceless, but that's the only dead spot. Great iconic coaster otherwise.

  • Eric Esty

    First Drop Schoßbügel Abschuss Zu kurz

    Top Thrill Dragster is the most terrifying coaster I've ever ridden, and I love it. It always makes my palms sweaty and makes me hold on as tight as I can. Short, but sweet. Pure adrenaline for 20 seconds.

  • Eric Esty

    Intensität Reißt es ab! Irrelevant

    This ugly coaster, while a decent launched family coaster, ruins the view from the Eiffel Tower of Coney Mall and Rivertown, and is an ugly reminder of how inept and out of touch Paramount was at managing theme parks: by making a coaster based on a movie nobody has seen or remembers. It doesn't fit into either section, and its prime spot on the hill should be given back to the antique cars.

  • Eric Esty

    First Drop Inversionen Standort Headbanging

    A great first drop and fun inversions, but it suffers the same unfortunate problems as most Arrow loopers.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Standort Tempo

    By far my favorite GCI wooden coaster. The airtime is strong from beginning to end, the pacing is perfect, the ride through the woods is dark and feels extremely fast, and the theming at the end is the wonderful icing on the wooden coaster masterpiece cake.

  • Eric Esty

    Standort Meisterwerk

    This is a coaster that defies how it thrills its riders. With only two drops in the first half to speak of, some may find it pointless. But it's an otherworldly experience. The downhill acceleration through the woods at top speed is one of the few times I've been terrified on a roller coaster. The coaster is so long, it takes a second lift hill just to do the finale: an inclosed, enormous double helix. The wooden feel of the coaster adds to the sense of speed, danger, and terror. I'm extremely happy I'm able to appreciate this coaster, as it's my #1 wood coaster, and the most thrilling ride I've ever been on.