• Kw6sTheater

    Airtimes Confort Vitesse Intensité

    New Texas Giant was the first RMC, and it’s not half bad! I really enjoyed the first half — the awesome first drop, step up into the series of enjoyable high-flying overbanked turns combined with the mental bunny hill before the mid-course brake run just keeps getting better and better. Unfortunately, after the mid-course New Texas Giant feels much less like an RMC and a lot more like a family ride with airtimeless hill after airtimeless hill. Only the last three or four hills just before the final brake run give airtime, and it’s floater at that. Still, New Texas Giant is very long when compared to the other two RMC’s I’ve ridden — Twisted Cyclone and Lightning Rod — but everything before the mid-course is awesome, yet everything after it... not so much.

  • SamYT

    Intensité Layout Hangtime Temps mort

    One of the most underrated coasters and my favourite in Florida.

  • SamYT

    Launch Vitesse Intensité Airtimes

    Only con is the airtimes which you would expect from a launch coaster of this type. I have risen fastest launches however a front row on this has got to be the most intense as the launch starting inside really hits hard.

  • SamYT

    Launch Intensité Trop court

    0 stars due to placing higher than red force which I cannot understand. When more realistically its a solid 4 and a half

  • SamYT

    Airtimes Lap Bar Layout

    One of my all time favourites

  • Sean Matrai

    Situation Baffes Harnais A raser !

    I survived so I guess that’s worth the half star

  • Sean Matrai

    First Drop Longueur Théma Sans intérêt Temps mort

    The new Texas giant is a decent ride however is far from being the best RMC. The first drop is fantastic As no matter where you are sitting you will get a burst of Airtime. After that you go over a speed hill And then through some overbanks Which are pretty good elements. After that the ride completely loses its steam. The second half of the ride features many dead spots and Loses nearly all of its Pacing. The coaster is traveling at the speed of a mine train Or a bit slower like a family coaster. And through the second half there are barely any elements except for a few tunnels The only elements which were pretty decent in the second half are the few bunny ejectors at the end. The theming Was very confusing it had a coaster themed to a Cadillac With a chicken coop in the station. Also the trains have windows on them which I think is a bit odd considering very few coasters really do that. This RMC was the prototype And you can see why. However it is still a good ride and if you’re in the area you should definitely go on it

  • Kw6sTheater

    Situation Fun Trop court Temps mort

    Trailblazer is a decent mine train that I rode back in the summer of 2014 during my first visit at Hersheypark. It’s a relaxing family coaster featuring cool interactions with Storm Runner, the railroad and the monorail and has a nice ending.

  • Kw6sTheater

    Vitesse Intensité Hangtime Trop court Débit

    I’ve had two rides on Fahrenheit, my first being on an overcast day in June 2016 — unfortunately for me, rain started pouring down just as Fahrenheit ascended the vertical lift. But after a reride in July 2018, I had a much better experience on it. Fahrenheit provides both hangtime, good pacing and intensity in the same ride — it even throws ejector airtime at you just before the brakes! My favorite moment on Fahrenheit had to be the Norweigan loop or the airtime surprise finale. But unfortunately, this coaster’s poor capacity means that its line is regularly in excess of 30 minutes. Fahrenheit is ultimately my 3rd favorite coaster at Hersheypark, behind Storm Runner and the absolutely mental Skyrush. It’s a great multi-looping coaster that makes me wish Intamin made more like it.

  • Sean Matrai

    Airtimes Inversions Hangtime Launch Intensité

    This is one of the more Re-Rideable Roller coasters that I want on in Europe. The best elements of helix are the airtime hills , the inverted top hat and the zero g roll at the end Which the inversions promoted a ton of hang time. The other advantage Was that it was a pretty long ride. One huge downside was the launches. Do not come on this ride expecting an Intamin launch like on Maverick or on Taron. It is a more mild launch And not as intense. At times it felt like someone was breathing on the train To get the train going. Just to give you an idea of how mild the launch is . Still this is one of the best terrain coasters you’ll ever see and it is a beautiful symphony. It is a definite must ride in Europe and has some of the most catchy music that you’ll ever hear I still listen to the soundtrack on a daily basis. Andrea’s Anderson knock this one out of the park it is a world-class coaster and one I am proudly to say that I got to ride