• Ethan Finn

    Standort Dead spots Intensität

    I know this is meant to be a kid/family ride, and it was built with the park in 1971, so I feel like I can’t criticize it too harshly. But, it’s just not that fun. The drops are kind of fun, but nothing intense obviously. I think the location of this one is its best feature, taking you through some beautiful Missouri forest, and getting views of some of the other coasters in this park. Keep it, if for nothing else than old time’s sake.

  • Ethan Finn

    Intensität Layout Rückhaltebügel

    I don’t know what the hate for this ride is all about, I happen to really like it. Granted, I didn’t ride it before they supposedly made it smoother, but I don’t think it’s as bad as people make it seem. It was a fun experience with some cool views and elements, and one that I’d ride again.

  • Ethan Finn

    Inversionen Standort Enttäuschend! Intensität

    I don’t know what to think of this one. A product of both Arrow and Vekoma, it’s certainly an interesting ride. Its layout is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, but I think that adds to the charm. It’s not bad, but it’s not super intense, and even with the inversions it’s just alright. Surprisingly it’s not extremely rough, I’d put it slightly above Viper at SFMM, though I’d take Viper’s layout and intensity over this any day.

  • Ethan Finn

    Inversionen Layout Zu kurz

    I don’t care what anyone says, I love the Batman clones. They’re generally smooth, intense, and the compactness adds to the experience. I think these need to be a bit longer, maybe even a little taller. I don’t think they’re bad by any means, but the duration leaves a little to be desired.

  • Ethan Finn

    Standort Layout Intensität

    I actually had a great time on this one. Reminds me of Sierra Sidewinder at Knott’s, though maybe not as good as that one. The layout is fun, whipping you around the track with every turn. The ride is best enjoyed with a group of four obviously, but I think this is a fine coaster for this park. I didn’t get a chance to ride this clone at SFDK before it was replaced by Superman: Ultimate Flight, so I’m glad I got the opportunity here. Nothing too special, but a nice family ride.

  • Ethan Finn

    Intensität Unangenehm Reißt es ab! Layout

    I wish we could go back in time and prevent Vekoma from ever designing the Boomerang (and SLC) model coaster. Surprisingly, this is probably the least rough boomerang I’ve been on, but that doesn’t make the ride any more enjoyable. The capacity sucks, the experience is boring to say the least, and it’s uncomfortable in the process. No redeeming qualities for this coaster and this model, tear it down!

  • Ethan Finn

    Airtimes Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz

    This is by far the best coaster in the park, which makes it too bad that it’s so short. That 0-70 in 3.8 is a rush of adrenaline, but the vertical spike on this coaster is the crown jewel of the ride experience. Gravity begins to take you up the spike just as the LIMs kick in to pull you vertical the rest of the way. Then, you go through the layout facing forwards. I think the inside top hat element on the way back to the station is also a great moment for some hang time, which packs a punch as well. My only complaints here is the size of the trains/lap bars, and the fact that this coaster is less than a minute from launch to unload.

  • Ethan Finn

    Standort Rütteln Unangenehm Schoßbügel

    It’s too bad that such an imposing coaster atop the hills of this park is ruined by The Boss, which might be the most uncomfortable wooden coaster I’ve ever ridden, with the exception of the original Roar at SFDK. The trains are small, uncomfortable, and you’re guaranteed to have some bruises somewhere on your lower half after experiencing this clinker. The weakest of the three woodies here in St. Louis by far, which is too bad because the location of this beast is prime.

  • Emma K

    Airtimes Tempo Dauer

    I love love love this coaster. So thrilling every time.

  • Ethan Finn

    Komfort Layout Zu kurz Airtimes

    CGI will forever be my favorite manufacturer of wooden coasters, and rightfully so. The trains feel like a couch, the lap bars are comfortable, and the layouts never disappoint. I will say, I prefer Dollywood’s Thunderhead to this layout, but it’s still a great ride for sure. While the ride does give several airtime hills, they are not very intense/low quality when compared to other CGIs. This is easily the best wooden coaster of the three at STL, and it’s easy to see why.