• Robert A.

    Harness Discomfort Tear it down!

    Pure misery. Audio was broken, a ridiculous shuffle in a restraint that you can barely move around in, and the backwards part was absolutely dreadfully god awful. "Best boomerang in the world!!!" No. Words could not describe how much I wanted to get off by the time we were going up the second spike in preparation for the backwards section. Never again

  • Kevin Li

    First Drop Pace Intensity Capacity Harness

    Railblazer has an awesome first drop and great pacing and intesnsity with even a few moments of decent airtime. Main issue is the comfort collars and the capacity.

  • B West

    Theming Rattle Discomfort Layout

    It really is a shame that Iron Menace is as bad as it is. It feels like a 8-10 year old coaster and I rode it less than a week after media day. The theme, presentation, and vibes of the entire area of the ride are really well done. I love the music and ambiance building up to entering the ride’s queue. I wish the first room you entered in the queue passed through a second time. Because after the introduction of the McTavish Steel Mill you are sent into an absolute abomination of an un-shaded queue line. There are zero trees, zero shade and zero relief from the sun in the queue of the ride. There seems to be a “ghost hunting” theme but it is not explained very well at all. There’s a fake youtube channel that has an Instagram account you can follow in line which I would assume explains more lore, but no one in the queue is going to look up that account. There’s a van with ghost hunting equipment in it before you climb the stairs and that’s about it. Once you’re at the top of the stairs you merge with the fast lane losers and are grouped into the next train. If you ask for a row and it is available the operator will honor your request. The station has awesome style, light fixtures, and overall is themed very well for Cedar Fair. The station is on par with the theming you would see on Copperhead Strike or something in Jungle Xpedition. There is audio on the lift hill as the spirits of the abandoned mill “take over” your ride vehicle and send you on your way. A steam whistle from old steel mills blows and you drop right after (It is also the exact same whistle sound from Billy Joel’s “Allentown”’s opening, so it's probably the same generic sound). The drop in the back row is good, it has good whip and is the best part of the ride because it is all downhill from there. The valley of the drop has some decent positives overshadowed by the shuffle you feel beneath you. The immelmann is very mediocre and does not pull many forces. Once you pull out of it, the valley between that and the zero G roll is an unacceptable level of roughness for a brand new coaster. The zero G roll is very boring and once again does not pull many forces. The inclined loop had potential entering it until the descent began and the entire train shuffled the whole way down until we entered the final corkscrew. From the corkscrew until the brake run it vibrates like a massage chair until you hit one of the absolute worst moments on a B&M coaster as your head slams side to side before flattening out into the final brake run. Old-school B&M OTSR’s would have made that transition miserable. Overall, Iron Menace is a very mediocre ride. It will definitely bring in crowds to the park and that’s why this coaster was built. The park itself should be very proud of themselves for how this coaster is presented. It is a shame that B&M gave the park such a low quality product, because before the valley of the first drop, the ride is an 8/10. After hitting the brakes, it is a 2/10. If I were a park executive I would never want to work with a company that provides such a terrible opening day product again.

  • Matt Krom

    When I ride it my sister was too havy for the launch and we have a rollback, that was super scary but the break section can launch roo! That was a big suprise but in the third launch we finally made it!

  • Matt Krom

    Its a super fun coaster but when I ride it, it breaks down and then we go accidentally backwards but I survived it…

  • Coaster Great

    Airtimes Rattle

    They fixed most of it, but it's just not that good. Slight pops of air, but the end of the ride is just terrible. At least it's no longer the worst wooden coaster I've done, nor the worst operating coaster I've done.

  • Nio Van der heijden

    Launch Intensity Capacity Discomfort

    Insanely instance for an coaster at Plopsaland but the capacity and discomfort of the restraint ruined it a bit for me.

  • Nio Van der heijden

    Lap Bar Masterpiece Hangtime

    Just a masterpiece I got nothing bad to say about it

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Smoothness Ejectors

    An awesome coaster with relentless insanity. There are so many great moments, but my favorite is the arcade barrel roll, which is a thing of beauty. The ride ops won't staple you unless you request it. I stapled myself once, and the airtimes were unpleasant. However, with a slightly loose seat belt and the lap bar an inch or two above the thighs, the airtimes/ejectors are phenomenal. I thought the ending quad-down was going to be "too much of a good thing," but I was wrong. I love that finale, especially in the back! Also, front seat after dark is amazing.

  • Coaster Nut

    Inversions Launch Intensity Dead spots

    Top 10 for me, but only at night in front. I’m surprised more people don’t mention the first half is fairly dull, especially in daytime. After the launch, there is a noticeable lack of cheering/yelling from riders during the first half. Anyway, four night rides in the front make this an elite coaster for me. Those rides were fantastic, really bringing out the speed and intensity in both halves. Front seat at night also makes the Mosasaurus roll my favorite coaster finale. I just wish this coaster had the intensity in every seat at all times of day. Excellent ride ops, by the way!