• B West

    Airtimes First Drop Nette Überraschung! Thematisierung

    This is almost as good as Diamondback and definitely a lot smoother than it

  • B West


    Its a junior PTC, not much else to say. Good for small children for which I am not

  • B West

    Komfort Dead spots

    I missed Hurler at KD as a kid so it was nice to see how terrible the ride was before Twisted Timbers

  • B West

    Rütteln Reißt es ab!

    Somehow worse than Vortex

  • B West

    Intensität Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    Somehow not the worst coaster at this park

  • B West


    A very very mid mine train. Nothing too good about it, nothing too bad

  • B West

    Reißt es ab!

    I didn't think I could ride a worse boomerang than the one in Ocean City MD but somehow this is absolute garbage. I'm so glad I didn't wait more than 1 cycle for it

  • B West

    Inversionen Rütteln Rückhaltebügel

    Arrow corks are awesome but they have been insanely outclassed by more modern and better coasters

  • B West

    Dauer Zuverlässigkeit

    Not my finest +1. Had to ask an op to come over and unlock the ride for me. Sent me around 10+ times as punishment.

  • Ethan Jones

    First Drop Meisterwerk Intensität Kapazität Zuverlässigkeit

    This ride is amazing. It was probably the craziest thing I have ever done. The only bad part is that is bangs your legs on the seat and they were only running one train when I went. Other than that, I rank this my number three, just behind iron gwazi and velocicoaster