Inversionen Layout
This is a good floorless coaster. It has a great layout and is smooth the whole way through. It is somewhat basic but it definitely is one of the better coasters at Kings Dominion.
Nette Überraschung! Spaß
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this. It’s a tame ride but something about it is just a lot of fun.
Airtimes Spaß Sanftheit Dead spots
Grizzly ran great when I rode it fresh off of it being re-tracked. It had some good airtime and was smooth throughout the whole ride.
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors
Good airtime, basically Steel Vengeance junior. I did like Wicked Cyclone more though.
First Drop Inversionen Standort Rückhaltebügel
Underrated ride. I hate vest restraints but I’m still able to enjoy this ride despite them, especially the first drop and third inversion. It’s surprising shaky if you ride on the end of a row so try to sit towards the middle for the best experience.
Airtimes First Drop Intensität Rückhaltebügel
I enjoy this ride more and more each time I ride it. The first half is great but it just gets better after the launch.
Standort Spaß Ejectors Unangenehm
This is probably the most painful ride I’ve been on that was actually enjoyable. The triangle airtime hills are no joke. The first half of the ride is actually pretty meh though. The views of the lake at the top are great.
Inversionen Intensität Layout Headbanging
Raptor is a great ride. I prefer a few other inverts, but this does a good job of being an intense ride. The helix is great and the rest of the layout is also very good. The transition into the final brakes is violent and is the only part of the ride I don’t like.
First Drop Spaß Unangenehm
Over-hated but still not good for a B&M. It was okay but the layout was very basic and the ride is pretty jerky.
Inversionen Spaß Layout Rückhaltebügel
I guess with Nighthawk being removed this is the only Flying Dutchman left. It’s good and the vertical loop is a great sensation, but B&M flyers are still better.
First Drop Inversionen Intensität Rückhaltebügel
Intensität Rütteln
One of the better boomerangs
Thematisierung Dead spots
It’s like the first half of the ride is a monorail and the second half is a mine train
Nette Überraschung! Spaß Zu kurz Kapazität
These 4-D free spins are underrated. I rode this several times in a row because there was no line and it was great.
First Drop Dead spots
Not a very fun indoor coaster, besides one airtime moment on the drop this ride is boring and has very little theming inside the building.
Inversionen Spaß Intensität
Inversionen Abschuss Intensität Rückhaltebügel
Airtimes First Drop Standort Unangenehm
Standort Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz Zuverlässigkeit