For a kids coaster this thing was VIOLENT. Theres no reason this should have been as fun as it was but at the end of the day its just a kids coaster. This thing isn’t here anymore it was relocated to some type of flea market place in Georgia.
Spaß Sanftheit
This coasters actually got some history to it. First starting off at Cedar Point then going to Valleyfair before coming here. It's a classic Schwarzkopf which is hard to come by anymore. This is a fun zippy coaster and I'm glad I rode it. However it's still not going to blow you away or anything. It's just a fun coaster to take a ride on.
I believe this is the only permanent Flitzer left in the states and its a fun lil family coaster. The tight turns are pretty fun but in the grand scheme of things isn’t anything to special, but was still a fun coaster to check out.
Its just a wacky worm. and this one looks sketchy. When I rode this it was missing the antennas and you could move the car back and forth on the track just from moving slightly in the seat.
Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!
This is one of the worst coasters I have been on. It is extremely rough and pretty boring at the same time. It doesn’t do much besides the one vertical loop but it just jolts around the track causing you to hit your head. I hate this thing its just trash. I'd be shocked if it was actually ever removed and replaced with something better but maybe one day it will be. Theres not much else to talk about its boring, rough, and painful. I would give this zero stars if that was an option it doesn’t deserve anything.
Inversionen Layout
This is just your average boomerang. Nothing really that special but this one isn't bad at all. This one doesn’t hurt to ride even though its one of the older ones. Its actually running pretty good for having the arrow trains. Its still just a boomerang though.
This is what it is. Its an sbf spinner. Better than most kiddie coasters but thats not saying much.
Kapazität Spaß Dauer Intensität
This is just a stupid fun coaster. I truly love marathoning this coaster as due to the 4 long trains and being in the back of the park lines move fast for this coaster as long as all trains are being used. The racing/dueling aspect is just plain fun. Theres some good spots of airtime especially at the beginning but there are some moments that don’t do as much as others. However I don't really mind as those moments are still fun especially when racing another train. When they are synced up and you get a close race it is some of the most fun in the entire park if you ask me. This coaster might not be that crazy but I always just have a blast on this coaster. Just a note but the way some of the elements are paced I slightly would prefer the Thunder side but both are still an incredible amount of fun.
Kapazität Spaß Dauer Intensität
This is just a stupid fun coaster. I truly love marathoning this coaster as due to the 4 long trains and being in the back of the park lines move fast for this coaster as long as all trains are being used. The racing/dueling aspect is just plain fun. Theres some good spots of airtime especially at the beginning but there are some moments that don’t do as much as others. However I don't really mind as those moments are still fun especially when racing another train. When they are synced up and you get a close race it is some of the most fun in the entire park if you ask me. This coaster might not be that crazy but I always just have a blast on this coaster. Just a note but the way some of the elements are paced I slightly would prefer the Thunder side but both are still an incredible amount of fun.
Airtimes Spaß Sanftheit
This is just a stupid fun coaster. It has plenty of airtime and so many fun moments. I prefer more extreme forces on a coaster but this is still a fantastic coaster. Its extremely smooth and is just just one of the rides you can't not have fun on. I don’t have really any flaws for the ride except I just prefer crazier rides. For the average person this is just easy to ride over and over again. And again to mention the airtime it has plenty of it on each hill even with trims on two of them it doesn’t affect the airtime.
First Drop Inversionen Rütteln Kapazität
Don't get me wrong I love this coaster its at my home park and has genuinely a really fun layout. However it is missing some power that I usually prefer in other coasters. Plus that cobra roll has a NASTY rattle, and it doesn’t ruin the ride but its noticeable. The rest of the ride is pretty smooth I don’t know why this one moment is so shaky. The ride still has some fun and powerful inversions and as the ride goes on it feels like it gets faster. Theres even 2 great airtime moments with the first drop and the one hill towards the end. Also this ride gets one of the longest lines in the park and the line moves slowwww. This is a great coaster but I prefer different types of forces.
Thematisierung Spaß Layout
This is just a boomerang however this is definitely the best of the normal ones I have ridden. Hershey has always taken better care of this than other parks and have kept updating it to keep it enjoyable. Even when it was just Sidewinder it was still one of the better boomerangs. The retheme to Jolly Rancher Remix was such a nice way to bring attention to an older ride that still had life left in it. It’s a boomerang so the layout is nothing special but the nice new editions of the lights, music, and smells make it worth the ride if its not to long of a line. Personally the halloween song goes so hard.
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors
I'm sorry if you can't handle this coaster thats not my problem. After all the coasters I have ridden this is still one of the craziest I have done. The airtime is genuinely insane and the first drop is honestly one of the craziest I have still experienced. This pulls fantastic Gs as well. The new seats and restraints are an improvement as well. It rides a bit different but is still such an insane coaster. Also the new lights and sounds are fun. I have ridden this coaster more than any in the world. No joke probably around 1000 times over the years and this thing still never gets old.
Airtimes Meisterwerk Ejectors
This was genuinely a dream come true for me. Since I became a coaster enthusiast I wanted one day for Wildcat to get RMCd. This is my home park they had such a good opportunity for an RMC and they took it. I had literal dreams of this being a reality and every time as the train dispatched in the dream I would wake up. This dream happened more and more leading up to its opening. And I can truly say it’s everything I dreamed of. This is genuinely as of writing this the best paced coaster I have been on. Each element just adds onto each other and the ride feels like it just keeps gaining speed. Theres plenty of airtime and different forms of it as well. Not to mention the inversions are all extremely well done. There is not a single moment to breath on this coaster and thats how I like it. This coaster is better then anything I could have imagined.
Thematisierung Spaß Kapazität
This is a fun family coaster with a fun house theme. This being a spinning coaster fits with the fun house theme as well. Its not crazy theming or anything but it adds a fun extra flavor to the ride. I like to try and get a spin on this every once and a while however this gets a longer line then its worth. Highly recommend trying to hit this first thing or at the end of the day to try to avoid the longer waits it can get. Definitely fun to do but the lines it gets makes me ride it less then I would. Still recommend a spin on this coaster if you have never been on it as its still always a fun time.
Inversionen Standort Intensität Dead spots
This is a fantastic and unique inverted coaster due to its location on Kissing Tower Hill diving into the Hollow. Each of the inversions is extremely powerful and whips you through them. The location of this coaster makes it more special then others due to how it goes over and under other rides as well. Overall this is a good coaster with powerful inversions but it doesn’t have any special moments of craziness which I prefer in my coasters. Also the ending is dumb but thats the price for its location. Overall just a solid coaster that almost everyone who goes on it loves. This is easily one of the GP favorites at Hershey.
Standort Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz
This coaster type is becoming a rarity and I'm so glad the one at my home park is one of the most reliable of its type. It's got a funky lay out due to how they squeezed it in, but that makes it the special coaster it is. The launch is simply fantastic and a power house and every element afterward hits hard and stands out. It is really short but its strong elements and mighty punch make up for it.
Airtimes Layout Rütteln Unangenehm
Listen. I grew up on this coaster. I have so many fond memories on it and I believe it was once such a good coaster. It had a good layout that had a little bit of everything with laterals, airtime, and other forces. HOWEVER, this thing aged like milk. Hershey takes such good care of its coasters and even with their good maintenance this thing was just unbearable by the end. I have so many memories and once loved this coaster but I stopped ridding it when I went to the park and was BEGGING for RMC to come in. So overall this coaster was once really good but became horrible regardless of its good layout. Rest in peace kitty your revenge was necessary.
Airtimes Unangenehm
This is a common Wild Mouse coaster however I still have not found a standard one that runs as fast as this one. This one has minimal breaking and goes over hills and turns much faster than your average mouse. But its still just a mouse and its not anything special and these aren’t the most comfortable rides in the world especially with how fast this one runs. But I personally like that its more aggressive and its at my home park so I have many memories of this thing.
Spaß Dead spots Zuverlässigkeit
This was a fun concept of a coaster but it never did much for me even as a kid. I only rode it like once which is completely different from the other coasters open when I was little. It was fun and the water battle idea was nice but as soon as people stopped interacting with the ride it wasn’t as good. The layout its self didn’t do much and it had A LOT of down time. Glad I rode it but its replacement Breakers Edge is much better even if its not a roller coaster.
This is a simple kids coaster. It doesn’t hurt to get the credit so yippie. This was added by the time I was older so this doesn’t hold any significance to me. Trailblazer was my first cause this wasn’t a thing yet lol. It does its job thou.
Standort Sanftheit Dead spots
This is a good classic coaster and it was my first ride to ever go upside down so it holds a special place in my heart. The vertical look is fantastic no one makes a vertical loop like Schwarzkopf, but after that it doesn’t do a whole lot. The rest of the ride is a fun coaster thats still smooth and in such a cool spot. It might not do to much in todays market but it still holds its spot in the park and is worth a ride if the lines not long.
Airtimes Spaß Dauer
This is such a fun classic coaster. It has some good airtime at the start as well. Especially with the drop off the first turnaround and the hill after it. The first drop is decent as well. The other hills are a give and take on how much air you get. I miss the old buzz bars a lot but the new trains don’t ruin the ride. It was just a better overall experience with the buzz bars. Maybe its bias as I grew up on this coaster but I always have a good time on this coaster. It’s s just a classic that always gives a fun ride.
Standort Zu kurz
My first review to my first coaster. It's a fun little family coaster for what it is. Loved it as a kid