• Robert A.


    I was expecting it to trim to hell - it didn't. I was expecting the comfort collars to be ridiculously uncomfortable - they weren't. I'll take it.

  • Robert A.

    First Drop Intensität Ejectors

    Unfiltered insanity from start to finish. Standing ejector, violent turns and a funhouse queue line that literally has funhouse props such as spinning platforms and logs over water that you need to stand on. I love it so, so much.

  • Robert A.

    Intensität Zuverlässigkeit

    This wasn't as bad as its Brighton counterpart but it was down for the entire day on my first Southport visit. A day later I tried for a second time and they got it up and running. Though it's a bit intense, it's nothing to rave about. There is a slight jolt in the last few turns at the end but nothing too bad.

  • Robert A.

    Kapazität Spaß Intensität Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    The OTSRs come down pretty far and press on my shoulders quite a bit, plus the valleys are quite uncomfortable too. But the ending helix is pretty intense and fun. Also, THREE train ops on a Pinfari is an incredible job from the park; using the load/unload system to its full potential.

  • Robert A.


    You can build with free use lego in the queue. 10/10.

  • Robert A.

    Inversionen Standort Layout

    Pretty polarising ride for me; sometimes it has a strong rattle sometimes my head only hits the restraint 3-4 times. The latter just happened and honestly the ride was really fun.

  • Robert A.

    Kapazität Inversionen Tempo Zu kurz Intensität

    The soundtrack upgrade is something this ride DESPARATELY needed as it's done wonders for the area. Too bad there's too much talking and not enough rock music but it's still an upgrade. For the ride itself, front left... Oddly really good! It's still pretty badly lacking in intensity but I got the shock of my life when the helix into the corkscrew got me really close to greying out! That was super fun; too bad no other part of the ride even comes close to half of that level.

  • Robert A.

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Rückhaltebügel Zu kurz Kapazität

    Was a fun little ride when I did it but I do remember coming off expecting more, even though this was pre-enthusiast days. However this was just the coaster part of the "full experience" of the attraction which was silly amounts of fun. Even if the coaster part was slightly less than I thought I'll take a rare model whenever I can. Love the trains as well.

  • Robert A.

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    I've heard the family boomerangs fizzle out in the backwards section but this one kept its speed pretty well. Very fun ride, and a lot better than I was expecting. The station flyover is a great idea too

  • Robert A.

    Komfort Spaß Layout

    I really enjoy the layout, every helix is so much fun, the hairpins are a laugh, and the hills end things off nicely. A very well put together coaster.

  • Robert A.

    Inversionen Intensität Layout Unangenehm

    Very overhated; doesn't deserve all the hate it gets (seems like everyone says that). I don't know how to explain it but the roughness almost adds to the experience. There's a jolt in the entry to the batwing and the corkscrews are a weird sensation but overall it's a shockingly alright ride with a fantastic layout.

  • Robert A.

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Kapazität

    I thought with every other Pinfari I was going to get yet another uncomfortable headbasher that I was going to get off with saying I was done with it and never riding it again. But to my surprise (and a welcome one for sure!), it was oddly smooth and fun. Apart from a couple janky transitions here and there it's a relatively enjoyable coaster! Absolutely zero headbanging, and just a generally fun coaster. I just wish it had more than one train ops, on an 8 person train.

  • Robert A.

    Schoßbügel Nette Überraschung! Spaß Intensität

    It's a lot taller than it looks when you're on it, especially in the back seat! Great fun but can't remember too much of it, sadly. It's a pretty short ride and not too intense but it's a family coaster that does its job at being a good step up from small to medium scale rides.

  • Robert A.

    Tempo Spaß Sanftheit

    Decently fast, decently short, decently fun. Goes around twice and the helix is actually pretty good.

  • Robert A.

    Inversionen Nette Überraschung! Intensität Zu kurz Zuverlässigkeit

    Forget what they tell you about how standup coasters are uncomfortable and bad, this was genuinely some of the most fun I've ever had on any coaster. It's not uncomfortable at all. The Zero G Roll is the best inversion I've ever done, even outranking the loops on Olympia Looping. You need to get on this as soon as you can and make sure to get several rides on it; this isn't something you just do once on a visit. It's incredibly rerideable but it's getting worrying seeing maintenance issues popping up more often. Ride it.

  • Robert A.

    Standort Spaß Dauer Dead spots

    To say the least... it's a roller coaster. You can clearly see it doesn't have long left in it at all as you watch it struggle out of the station but when it makes itself over the path, it picks up speed gradually and becomes a decent ride. Except the helixes and a couple janky transitions, there's a lot of straight track where you just "wait" for the ride to do its next thing. The helixes especially the one over the lake, and the swerves between two man-made hills, are my favourite parts of the ride. We're starting to run out of coasters with the transitions this ride has, so have fun with them while you can.

  • Robert A.

    Komfort Spaß Dauer Dead spots

    I did this for my 75th credit and I went into it knowing nothing about it. It was very fun, and almost the entire ride is in pitch black with a few tunnels with lights and audio. The dead spots come in the second half of the ride where the forces and speed is notably weaker than the first half. Strangely this coaster has some of the most comfortable and nicest trains I've been in, I've always been a big fan of those bobsleigh-type seats.

  • Robert A.

    Kapazität Spaß Irrelevant Dead spots Layout

    Jokes aside, while this is still a very fun coaster, I really think it could've been a lot better. This fits better as an indoor coaster as how it used to be, and just standing there out in the open doesn't fit the park at all. While the helixes are decent fun, the dead spot is where it just rolls along straight track while banked 30 degrees to the left. Compared to the other coasters at Thorpe now, it doesn't even try with theming either. It's unfortunate, and could be a lot better. Though I'd prefer Thorpe to invest in a new family coaster instead now so this park is no longer the most "top-heavy" park in the world.

  • Robert A.

    Thematisierung Spaß

    It's a decent powered coaster that even includes fire and water effects. It doesn't get up to Runaway Mine Train levels of good but blows Flying Fish out of the water (no pun intended).

  • Robert A.

    Thematisierung Dauer Airtimes Dead spots

    By far the best part of the ride is the very beginning which you shouldn't find out about if you haven't done it yet. It'll make you appreciate the ride a lot more. Overall this would be a great little coaster for kids and even though the back seat has zero airtime even on the headchopper dip below the final brakes, it's still an enjoyable ride.

  • Robert A.


    Was my first woodie and I think one of my first coasters overall. Was a great little thing when I was 6-7 but I'm not sure if it still holds up today 12 years later.

  • Robert A.

    Tempo Spaß

    One of the stronger Wild Mouse coasters I've done. Had a photo op as well which was a good surprise too!

  • Robert A.

    Thematisierung Spaß Kapazität

    I find this coaster to be very fun, the turns are tight and the drops are sharp with headchopper into the tunnels. However a ride with this low capacity shouldn't be at Chessington which is a park that desperately needs high capacity rides. I've seen this ride hit a 90 minute queue several times.

  • Robert A.

    Nette Überraschung! Tempo Spaß

    I remember this coaster being oddly fast and was pleasantly surprised by it. I don't have much to say but an enjoyable ride nonetheless.

  • Robert A.

    Spaß Sanftheit Kapazität

    When I rode this in its reopening year it was a powerful thing I kept riding over and over and over again, but my last ride in 2018 didn't have any of that. I don't know what made my 2018 ride so much weaker than my reopening year ride. Despite that, it's still very fun and rerideable if it's a one or two train wait. Because there is only one train operations and the total ride time is just over two minutes, only a three train wait can quickly go up to 15 minutes if you consider loading and unloading too. Other than that, it still holds up as a fun ride with an especially great finale. It has a LOT of double-downs too which are silly amounts of fun.

  • Robert A.

    Abschuss Tempo Intensität Zu kurz Thematisierung Rückhaltebügel

    It keeps its speed throughout the ride, good launch and quite intense. I don't understand the people who say to tear it down despite it not being a great Towers coaster because since it's basically entirely over path, nothing could really replace it unless the park got extremely creative, but even then it'd be very difficult to replace.

  • Robert A.

    Komfort Sanftheit Thematisierung Dead spots Intensität

    This is a fantastic ride if you get front seat but any other row isn't too great. I absolutely haven't gotten enough rides on this to form a solid opinion yet. They also could've done so much more with the theming; and I think a complete repaint would be a good start. Black track with shiny dark blue supports would look gorgeous and actually fit the space theme.

  • Robert A.

    Thematisierung Komfort Sanftheit

    Though I rode this seven times in one day I can't remember what the ride was like. However, I do remember enjoying it heavily and there weren't exactly any bad parts at all. It's very smooth and comfortable, sadly I can't say anything on the intensity until I get a more recent ride on it in the future.