Airtimes First Drop Intensität Dead spots
I love this coaster, it really packs in a punch with that insane drop and non inverting loop. It definitely has some weak spots later in the layout, but it still ends with a bang in the heartline roll.
Abschuss Zu kurz
It has a little bit of floater on the launch but there’s literally nothing else to the ride. It’s honestly just a waste of space
Abschuss Layout
It doesn’t do anything except unbanked turns, which makes for kind of an awkward layout.
Abschuss Intensität Layout
The launch is amazing but after that the ride doesn’t really do anything, which seems like a missed opportunity since they had so much land and money to work with. All it does is turns and nothing else.
It’s really not much more than what any kiddie coaster should be. E&F miler does a great job on their kiddie coasters and this one is no different
Tempo Intensität Layout
Really fun and unique woodie. Crazy laterals and intensity, all packed in the aggressive layout.
Airtimes Inversionen Intensität Rütteln Zu kurz
This is a perfect contrast to Knoebels wooden coasters. It’s a fun thrilling looping coaster, but doesn’t manage to overshadow Phoenix and twister. I thought it was super intense and had some great moments of hang time.
Airtimes Schoßbügel Sanftheit
Incredible wooden coaster with some insane airtime moment that’s are made even better by the buzz bars