• Drive Safely

    Airtimes First Drop Dauer

    Twister does a lot for what its stats represent, and it really impressed me. The first drop in the back row is amazing, and the compact yet awesome layout keeps on going, with several airtime moments tossed in between the transitions. It’s my number two in the park, just behind Monster.

  • Drive Safely

    Thematisierung Spaß Dauer Zuverlässigkeit

    This blew me away the first time I rode it. It’s an incredible coaster with amazing theming, a decent layout, and great surroundings. This ride is just great fun. It doesn’t have many extreme forces, but the side to side turns and launches make this a must ride. It used to break down a ton, but now it’s better.

  • Drive Safely

    Thematisierung Spaß Dead spots

    It’s a great ride if you appreciate it for what it is. Sure, it would be nice if there were more and longer coaster sections. But the main focus of this ride is to appeal to younger children. The theming and storyline are great. Look at this as a dark ride, not a coaster, and you will come off satisfied. Also, it’s a launch coaster, dive coaster, spinning coaster, dark ride, and a 4D coaster.

  • Drive Safely

    Airtimes First Drop Spaß Rütteln Rückhaltebügel Dead spots

    The vertical lift is a great way to start this ride, especially with just a lap bar (albeit a terrible one). The first drop provides great ejector airtime in all rows, especially the back. The non inverting loop throws you from side to side. Here come the mid-courses! Oh boy, do these kill the ride. Every time there should be a great element like an airtime hill or something, you go into an MCBR that is severely trimmed. In the front, you do get some airtime going up into one, and in the back you get airtime going out of it. They do kill the ride’s pace. The helix in the middle of the ride and the inclined loop at the end are very intense elements and a nice surprise. The restraints are bad and the ride can be rough at times. Overall, this coaster is good, just with dead spots.

  • Drive Safely

    Thematisierung Abschuss Spaß Zu kurz

    Great theming throughout the queue and ride, as Universal usually has. The uphill launch is great and there are a few good airtime moments on the ride. It feels really short and the section after the MCBR feels slow. I love the fire and mist effects throughout the ride and the part after the launch makes the ride.

  • Drive Safely

    Spaß Dauer

    Pretty fun mine train, I haven’t ridden it in a few years though

  • Drive Safely

    Thematisierung Dead spots Intensität

    A tame family mine train, doesn’t really do anything worth waiting two hours for.

  • Drive Safely

    Thematisierung Spaß

    Really good family coaster, good airtime and the dark aspect makes it so much better.

  • Drive Safely

    Thematisierung Abschuss Headbanging Dead spots

    The beginning is good with that launch into the sea serpent. After that the ride is rough and dies down.

  • Drive Safely

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß Dead spots

    This was my first “big coaster” as a kid. Sure, I had been on Big Thunder, Space Mountain, those others. But the way the mountain loomed over the rest of the park was terrifying. This was when I was a lot younger, and I haven’t been to any of the Disney parks in years. From what I can remember, the ride was amazing, with a really intense backwards section and helix toward the end of the ride. The drop thrilled me as a kid, but I’m not sure how I would feel about it now. The theming was great and the ride was really good.

  • Drive Safely


    All I can remember from this ride when i was younger is that it was plain fun. It wasn’t my favorite, and it wasn’t very thrilling, but it was just good fun. I remember that we took a POV and we were all laughing and screaming just having a good time. I was like 5 at the time, so I’m not sure how I would feel about it now. I guess I never will be able to ride it again due to it being torn down. I just thought it needed a retheme.

  • Drive Safely


    Nice little ride, the helixes were pretty forceful surprisingly.

  • Drive Safely

    Tempo Spaß Zu kurz

    This ride feels like a family coaster on steroids. It’s not what I would call thrilling or exhilarating, but it packs a bit of a punch. There wasn’t as much airtime as I thought there would be (just mild pops of floater), but I hadn’t ridden in the back. Overall, it’s a nice little ride with some pretty good elements.

  • Drive Safely

    Abschuss Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm Schoßbügel

    I hate these stupid restraints with every fiber of my being. They take what would be a fun, enjoyable ride and turn it into a pain machine. It’s almost impossible to enjoy the ride when the so-called “comfort” collars are slashing at your neck and the horrible lap bar digs into your thighs. The trains are a nightmare too. I’m not that big (6 feet tall) and I had to shift my body around to fit in the train and around the restraint like I would on a kiddie coaster. The launches are fun, and the rest of the layout is cool, but fix these god-awful restraints.

  • Drive Safely

    Airtimes First Drop Spaß Zu kurz

    Sheikra is a great ride and does what it’s meant to do. The two drops give fantastic airtime, especially the first one, the Immelmann is fun, and the rest of the layout gives an enjoyable experience.

  • Drive Safely

    Intensität Layout

    It’s a nice intense ride, but doesn’t really do a lot.

  • Drive Safely

    Inversionen Intensität Sanftheit

    Montu is an outstanding invert with a barrage of fantastic inversions and intense turns. The zero-g roll and the batwing are incredible, as is the rest of this amazing ride.

  • Drive Safely

    Inversionen Intensität Layout Rütteln Headbanging

    Kumba features some really forceful elements and inversions, my favorite being that awesome zero-g roll, but the constant headbanging after that elements detracts from the amazing layout.

  • Drive Safely

    Airtimes Standort Spaß Rückhaltebügel

    I went in expecting a mediocre launch coaster like people made it out to be and this blew those expectations out of the water. The ride is long, has some pretty good airtime moments like the drop off of the windcatcher tower, the few twisted airtime hills and the hill after the third launch, and is overall a fun experience winding through the terrain. The restraints don’t cause a direct problem, but it would be nice to not have those hard plastic OTSRs. Go in expecting a family multi-launch like Hagrid’s or even Manta at SWSD, not a top-tier blitz like Velocicoaster or Maverick and you will come off with a smile on your face, but also disappointed that you’ll have to wait another hour and a half to ride it again.

  • Drive Safely
  • Drive Safely

    Spaß Intensität Unangenehm Dead spots

    As my first and only flying coaster, this gave me a mixed feeling. I do enjoy this ride very much since the pretzel loop and other inversions are very fun, but the flying position causes discomfort and there are some dead spots in the layout. This is a nice ride altogether.

  • Drive Safely

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    It’s a pretty fun water coaster. The drop and coaster section are a really welcome addition to this ride. I also like the indoor section with some good theming.

  • Drive Safely

    Thematisierung Meisterwerk Ejectors

    I had watched this coaster be built for 2 years. I followed every update, every video on it. And it seems like everyone else did. I had a chance to ride it during technical rehearsals before it opened. At the time, the operators were not accepting row requests and I got assigned row 6 (of 12). It was a great ride, and my number one, but I found it a bit overrated and overhyped. There, the only things that stood out to me were the deceptively powerful first launch and the mosasaurus roll. I wasn’t able to get another ride on it that day, but I was looking forward to getting back on it. Then I rode it again. It was an evening ride, around 7:30, and I had heard great things about the back row especially at night, so I requested the back. The first launch is really powerful, especially because of the short launch track. The first Immelmann gives great airtime coming out of the element, and the following dive loop throws you out and around your seat. The next curves are forceless, but it gives you a chance to appreciate the scenery. There is a twisted airtime hill that gives amazing ejector in the middle of the first half. The first half ends with a curve into the second launch. This launch doesn’t accelerate too much and isn’t that forceful, but you can definitely feel the sense of speed at the end. The top hat gives you a great view of the park, and the drop off of the top hat in the back is the best ejector airtime moment in all of Florida. Following this is a first for Intamin, a zero-g stall. I hadn’t been on a stall before, but I anticipated more hangtime than this gave. Still, with the extremely comfortable lap bar, you feel like you’re falling out of your seat. After that is a wave turn which gives great sideways airtime. Following that is a very unique element that I don’t know what to call. Whatever it is, it gives great laterals and airtime at the same time. Next is an overbanked turn that leads straight into a little bunny hill. This hill gives weak ejector airtime and prepares you for the insane mosasaurus roll. This inversion is incredible and hard to describe. It’s without a doubt the best part of the ride and maybe the best inversion in the world. Following is a small s-bend into the brakes. This coaster is incredible and the best I have ever ridden.

  • Drive Safely

    Thematisierung Spaß Zu kurz

    Pretty fun kiddie

  • Drive Safely

    universal could have done a lot better

  • Drive Safely

    Inversionen Abschuss Intensität Rückhaltebügel Dead spots

    The start to the ride with the launch into the zero-g roll is a great way to begin the experience. The following cobra roll and next inversions are intense. The ride starts to die down in the second half especially after the MCBR. There will be some headbanging, but if you stick your head forward, the headbanging is eliminated. I’m not a fan of the bulky restraints.

  • Drive Safely


    Fun little kiddie coaster, packs some decent laterals.