Airtimes Schoßbügel Intensität Zu kurz
There's no real reason for them to have added a cloned layout for a boardwalk, but it fits a lot into it's short duration. First drop and hill give decent ejector. Cutback and non-inverting loop are pretty intense. Pretty enjoyable all around, and the lap bar is also beneficial with preventing unnecessary headbanging.
Second worst SLC I've done. This Mind Eraser absolutely miserable, even more than Mind Eraser at Six Flags America. Consistent headbanging with those awful OTSRs. Nothing about this is fun. Maybe the lake is nice, but that you can't acknowledge it during the ride when it beats you around.
Airtimes Rütteln
They fixed most of it, but it's just not that good. Slight pops of air, but the end of the ride is just terrible. At least it's no longer the worst wooden coaster I've done, nor the worst operating coaster I've done.
Short ride. It mainly just maneuvers a bit for about 30 seconds then it's over. It's a decent family coaster, but I wouldn't ride it again unless the line isn't that long.
Rückhaltebügel Rütteln
A relocated SLC will definitely be a rough one. Firewhip is relocated, but it has the vest restraints. There are a lot of moments where it is rough, but like Riddler at SFNE, there no longer is a need to ride defensively.
Spaß Headbanging
I can appreciate Star Mountain for doing more than the generic corkscrew layout. The parts that aren't the corkscrews don't do much, but it makes the ride feel more complete. The double corkscrew does provide headbanging, but not too much considering the ride first opened in 1980.
Airtimes Standort Headbanging
From a visual standpoint, the corkscrews are eye candy. It goes directly over the midway. On the actual ride, it's dreadful. Ironic that the worst part of the ride is the part it's named after. Insane amounts of headbanging, and it almost guarantees a headache. With that being said, it's still 1.5 stars because of one single element. The airtime hill. It's not often that an arrow looper has ejector airtime to this degree. The hill alone is why I ever re-ride corkscrew. It is Cedar Point though, so it's not the best airtime moment in the park, not even top 5. Even then, it still is an amazing element on an awful coaster.
Thematisierung Spaß Zu kurz Kapazität
It's the modern take on the spinning Wild Mouse. There's no more of the regular wild mouse section, which is an improvement. With this, there's element that are banked, which makes it a little worse considering the unbanked turns during the spinning part made it spin concerningly quickly. There's also 2 "horseshoe" elements like the Maurer spinners. I prefer the element on Maurer spinners, but it's still a fun part of the ride. The theming is a bit comical. There's onboard audio on the lift hill, except I had to listen to it for the entirety of the wait, but I'll get to that later. Each wild mouse car has its own name. It shows each one at the entrance sign. Then there's the cheese. I don't know why they made it spin the most, but I hope to get on it because I want to ride it in its best state. There's a couple negatives for this version of the Wild Mouse. First, the layout is nowhere near as long as the old spinning wild mice. It has slightly less track length, and unlike the old kind it actually has decent pacing. This is the first time zamperla made something like this besides the one in Abu Dhabi, so hopefully if there's more of these a longer layout can be possible. There is a similar negative between this and the old ones, and that is the capacity. It's still 4 people per car, so the line crawls. When the line is long, you're forced in the same area as that lift. It's dreadful. Anyways, I hope that they build more of these and try to add a longer layout.
Komfort Headbanging
"Comfort" is only used compared to Mantis. Mantis with the stand up trains hurt the whole time, even if the layout wasn't bad. The floorless trains give a decent improvement, going from pretty bad to decent. It's rough, particularly on the corkscrew. There's other moments with headbanging as well, so it isn't a complete improvement. The layout itself is just like a floorless layout, just with a few changes including a non-inverted loop. That inversion isn't that bad, not anything noteworthy though. The biggest difference is that there isn't a zero-g roll, with most of the time is the best element on a floorless coaster. Now, it doesn't really have a standout element. It would be a better coaster at most parks, but at Cedar Point it just becomes irrelevant.
First Drop Meisterwerk Intensität
It will forever be I305 in my heart, even with whatever name they're going to call it in 2025. Since it opened in 2010, it was at the top of my bucket list. Recently, I was able to cross it off. The words before the lift hill are iconic. It really starts the adrenaline rush before the ride starts. Ride it in the back, mainly for the first drop. It's ejector 300 feet downward. One of the best first drops on any coaster ever. The first turn caused me to gray, even with my high G force tolerance. There's a decent airtime hill following. The rest of the ride has many of potentially the most snappiest transitions between turns. There's even a few good airtime hills incorporated. As soon as it goes into the breaks, you have time to process what happened. It's legendary, no matter what name it holds, and it was worth the anticipation to finally return to KD and ride it.
Airtimes Inversionen Meisterwerk
So much of an improvement compared to Hurler. Great inversions, including the amazing barrel roll downdrop. The 3 consecutive camelbacks provide some of the strongest airtime, and the whole ride includes many quick pops of ejector. It's one of the better RMCs, and it fulfilled my wishes of an RMC of Hurler.
Airtimes Rütteln
I was able to ride it before the retracking, but it was over 10 years ago. It was still pretty rough then, although Hurler was the rougher ride. The retracking makes the first half smooth, although the second half still is rough. The layout itself is filled with airtime, which makes it a pretty good wooden coaster. I'd even call it the best wooden coaster in the park. Gravity Group did wonders to Grizzly, and it should be the top method for wooden coaster retracks, since titan track makes it a steel coaster and gets rid of most of the charm.
Headbanging Unangenehm Dead spots
The layout is longer than an average arrow looper, which would be beneficial if it wasn't for the fact that the added elements are meaningless and janky. It's also roulette seeing if you'll get a pretty bad ride or an atrocious ride. I've gotten both. The pretty bad ride still has mild headbanging on the corkscrews, but the terrible ride is headache inducing. It does go underwater after the first drop, but it hardly lasts. The first 2 inversions are the only part of the ride that do something, and they're not bad. That is unless you get the terrible ride, then it'll have headbanging. The rest is meaningless and it should get replaced.
Thematisierung Abschuss Intensität Zuverlässigkeit
I still miss Volcano to this day. I probably was so upset about its closure because I wasn't able to get a true final ride on it, it was just the last ride of my final visit until after its removal. With that being said, the reliability when it was open wasn't good. It would be closed pretty often. When it was open, it was an experience that, for years, was my favorite. The mountain was iconic. It was there for so long, and Volcano made it even more breathtaking seeing it fly out of the top. The first launch was great, especially for a magnetic launch. There isn't any other invert I can really think of that has a better launch, probably because this is one of only a few launched inverts, along with the impulses. The first element after the launches is a rollout out of the volcano. Still one of my favorite inversions to this day. That combo of elements is why Volcano was one of the greatest. The rest of the layout was still good, with 3 additional heartline rolls. I hope that something great will replace it, but I don't think that it'll surpass how amazing Volcano was.
Abschuss Zu kurz Zuverlässigkeit
I was able to ride it in the short amount of time it was open, and it was revolutionary for its time. The launch was incredible. It immediately went from sitting in your seat in anticipation to suddenly going at 80 miles an hour. The tophat was a fun element, but the ride had barely any duration. It also was unreliable, which prevented me from getting more rides than I was able to get. Fortunately the idea of a compressed air launch still lives on with Maxx Force, which has a launch that's equally as good as this one's was.
Rütteln Reißt es ab! Irrelevant
When this and Shockwave closed, they were my two least favorite coasters. This may no longer be my second least favorite, but it still earns the badge for being the third worst. It did nothing. It tries to be like a classic wooden coaster but without any thrill. To add salt to the wound, it was insanely rough. More than an average woodie. It was 19 years younger than its racing neighbor, but that wasn't anywhere close to the pain Hurler gave. The only benefit this gave was the structure so that it could be used on Twisted Timbers, which is actually one of the best coasters I've done.
Rütteln Unangenehm Reißt es ab!
It's been gone for 9 years, but it remains the worst coaster I've ridden. I already don't like B&M stand-ups, but this is Togo. The trains are terrible, and it's not even a forceful ride. It's just rough and the whole ride is in pain. Delirium isn't a coaster but it's probably a million times better than this.
Airtimes Standort Spaß
Whether you prefer RoS or Apollo's Chariot depends on if you prefer floater or ejector. I like ejector more, so RoS is better, but I still thoroughly enjoy Apollo's Chariot. It still has some float to it, but it's more gracefully going through the terrain. At the top, you get some time to appreciate the view, then you drop. It's decent, not that good for hyper standards but average for overall drops. The ride is just hills and turns, but it's fun throughout the ride.
Kiddie coaster
Inversionen Standort Intensität
Whoever thought of a nearly 200 foot tall B&M invert is a madman, but the result is great. The first drop gradually develops speed until entering an immelmann and a vertical loop that aren't too intense. The cobra roll that follows is insane. Some turns lead into the midcourse. After the midcourse is a pretty good zero-g roll and a corkscrew that I find to be pretty intense. A semi-intense helix leads to the end of the right. It's definitely one of the better B&M Inverts, but that's what happens when a B&M Invert is to this scale.
Airtimes First Drop Rückhaltebügel Zu kurz
200 foot drop at 90 degrees, it's insane. Before getting to experience other B&M dive coasters, Griffon was the first one, meaning that I didn't have any prior experience to it. Even then, it's still an amazing drop any time. Griffon's drop is enhanced by the lack of vest restraints, which for me can limit the quality of the drop. After this drop, there's a decent Immelmann before going into the midcourse. What follows is a a pretty good drop and another decent Immelmann. The following airtime is underrated in the sense that nobody talks about it. It's pretty good. There's a few more elements, then it goes into the brakes. I wish it had a longer ride, but it still does a lot with the short duration.
Inversionen Standort Dead spots
Loch Ness monster starts out with a drop, then immediately loses all of the speed by going back up and meandering. This is the start of a lot of dead spot. Once the meandering is over, it goes into the first loop. What follows is a lot more dead spots. Then, one last loop into the rest of the ride which is of course, more dead spots. When I describe it like this, it seems like a bad ride. It's not actually, the loops are fun and the ride is pretty smooth. Even in the dead spots, the ride is beautiful and it's a fun experience for people who might not have ridden a looping coaster yet.
Thematisierung Standort Layout
It was more than just a suspended coaster. There was something great about going through the course while there's the nice thematic elements. Then of course there was that drop over the river. It was great visually and on the ride. My last rides were on its last day, and they might of been the most memorable. Knowing that it was closing made me appreciate everything about the ride one last time. Rest in peace, Big Bad Wolf.
Inversionen Headbanging
The first B&M, and they didn't start too bad. It's not too intense, but it's fun. It's better than when it was Iron Wolf (didn't ride it as Apocalypse), but the floorless trains didn't fix the ride. There's headbanging in several parts of the ride, especially the second half. I did enjoy the inversions and some moments are quite fun. 5/10, a retracking would improve it further.
Intensität Unangenehm
The first half is an average wild mouse, just with a different seating configuration. The second half is just comical. There is absolutely no banking, and the ride starts spinning comically. I almost got dizzy. Definitely underrated, highly recommend it.
Inversionen Intensität Unangenehm
Batwing, definitely innovative. The Vekoma Flying Dutchman is the predecessor to the B&M Flyer, and it feels like one. Instead of initially going in the flying position, it forces you into the position you use to sleep. Also weird, it has a lap bar and some form of vest restraint?? The lift hill is bad, you have the loud lift hill right in your ear for the entire time. Finally during the first descent, you go into the flying position. It lasts 1 whole turnaround until it goes back into the lying position. Then, the vertical loop occurs. It's an early attempt at what the pretzel loop does. It goes to the top, then tries to rip you in half. Best element of the ride definitely. Finally the ride decides to be in the flying position until some in-line twists. This whole part feels somewhat like flying. One more turn and the rides over. Batwing is fun, but it is weird and sometimes is uncomfortable. At least the pain in the ears is from noise and not headbanging.
First Drop Schoßbügel Ejectors Rütteln Dead spots
Six Flags randomly mirrored this ride from Darien Lake, but I'm not upset about the decision. I experience this one earlier than the NY counterpart. In fact, this was my first hyper. Only takeaway from the mirrored layout is that the parts where it goes over a lake now go over nothing, which takes away from the experience. Also recently, a rattle has emerged. Not too terrible, but still noticeable. With that being said, it's still a great ride. T-bars are some of the most minimalistic restraints ever, and it adds to any coaster with them. First drop from 200 feet up is great, then into a turn. This is one of the few times where it doesn't feel like a dead spot. The next hill give solid floater. What follows is a bunch of dead spots and a few hills. The hills are ejector, and t-bars make sure that it's notable. 3 final hills at the end ensure this ride of being a 9/10.
Abschuss Layout Dead spots
I remember the days when Joker's Jinx (and Flight of Fear) had shoulder harnesses and rattled your brain around. Flight of Fear was the first one to get the lap bars, and back then I heavily preferred it over Joker. Now, there about the same, in a good way. Joker got lap bars the next year and now it's smooth and fun. The ride op tries to add suspense before dispatching, which is understandable considering the name. Launch is pretty good. Inversions are okay, but they used to be abysmal. Tons of meandering, another inversion, and then into the breaks. For how compact it is, it's great. I wish the dead spots had more to offer.
Spaß Intensität Rückhaltebügel
Somehow, even with the same restraints as Mind Eraser, Two Face managed to be a fun ride. I was able to choose forward first or backward first, even being able to face other people while riding. I enjoyed that aspect, but what really surprised me was the smoothness. It had no headbanging! Regular boomerangs can be terrible, but Invertigos always somehow are smooth. Both models are also stupidly intense. With Two Face, I was able to actually enjoy the intensity. I was definitely upset when it was removed, but at least there's still one of these at Kings Island.