Komfort Spaß Sanftheit
Fun and smooth little coaster. Don't expect too much tho.
First Drop Spaß Meisterwerk Kapazität
Wow! One big freakin wow! I did not expect this one to be as amazing as it was. First the drop - You enter the first drop with a surprising amount of speed. The inversions are incredibly smooth and give you an amazing feeling like flying. The ride is long enough and stays interesting the whole way through it's intricate shape of thousands of wooden beams. It's right next to the sea, so the view is stunning too. Since the park was empty that day we could ride it 3 times, and it was always incredible. Capacity could be a problem tho, since there's a strict way of (security) procedures. Because of that we also couldn't choose the last row seats, even if they were free. Anyway, a clean 10/10.
Airtimes Standort Dauer Kapazität
It's pretty high, so you get a beautiful view over the park and the sea. The first drop is nice, but not too intense. The ride lasts quite long and is fun, you really notice the speed. Not too many surprises, just fun all in all.
Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Rückhaltebügel
I liked the way you hang in the trains. The ride itself was fun but pretty average, but oh boy did the looping/pretzel loop surprise me. That one was really intense! Fun water elements were a good bonus. Since the park was empty that day, there was no waiting time, so definitely worth riding this.
First Drop Inversionen Meisterwerk Kapazität
[2010] Awfully long waiting time, but an incredibly amazing ride. Thrilling, smooth, just perfect. [update 2022] Got really lucky with an empty park, so I could ride this beauty 3 times. The most spectacular thing about this gotta be the first drop. The things it does - amazing. The rest of the ride is quite thrilling too. It's not running as smooth anymore, but still comfortable. Only downside is the heavy security and thus leading to insane waiting times, when the park is fuller. Otherwise one of the best coasters.
Dauer Rütteln Kapazität
Beautiful view of the area around Fuji-san. The ride was nice, but very bumpy towards the end. Waiting times can be pretty high, imo only woth riding when the line's short.
First Drop Spaß Rütteln Unangenehm
Old and ratty, but alright to ride.
Spaß Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm
I really like the idea of this coaster, lying inside like flying. Sadly it shakes so badly that you really have to press yourself into the harness which leaves sore spots on your shoulders. I rid this thing quite often and I'm still fond of it, but.... Sorry darling, no more future rides from me.
Intensität Intensität
Honestly surprised that we greyed out twice during this ride. Otherwise quite unspectacular, but we really didn't expect the force.
Spaß Rütteln
Appreciating how old it is, there even still is a breaker on the train.
Standort Spaß Rütteln Unangenehm
Liked the layout of the coaster and that you could actually sit opposite each other. Sadly it was very bumpy and riding it backwards was just uncomfortable and ended with a few new bruises.
Rütteln Headbanging
Disappointing first ride of the park. Waited pretty long just for some bad headbanging and a nasty headache afterwards. It looks beautiful, but it's not great to ride, sadly.
First Drop Thematisierung Komfort Zu kurz
Beautiful first drop. I also really liked the theming of the waiting area.
Airtimes First Drop Dauer
Last row on the outside really seals the deal. Amazing drop, amazing airtime, quite a long ride. Absolutely loved it.
Inversionen Abschuss Sanftheit
Absolutely loved it. We rode last row, so the experience was more intense and instantly catapulted the coaster to one of my favourites. It's very smooth and fun - you can see on our onboard video just how amazed we were throughout the whole ride.