Spaß Dauer
I was 5 when I rode this so I don't remember much, but this is a really adorable ride! Left / Tomorrowland is better
Spaß Dauer
I was 5 when I rode this so I don't remember much, but this is a really adorable ride! Left / Tomorrowland is better
Fun family ride! Although the WDW one is more fun with its airtime pops, being on the dark is always special on a coaster. Can't rate it much higher than this because it's not my kind of ride, but still very fun!
It's a nice family coaster from MACK, can't score it much higher than this, because it really isn't the kind of ride I personally enjoy the most (it's very family oriented, and honestly a bit sluggish. Don't come in expecting a thrilling MACK Launch Coaster or even something like Manta @ SWSD), but it's still better than most other roller coasters at the Disney Orlando parks, in my humblest of opinions.
Dauer Rütteln Dead spots
Having ridden Montezum before I was expecting something similar, but this was nowhere near as bad. After the retrack most of the ride rides fine, save a few really bad jolts. I actually found you can barely get airtime in the back at some points which was interesting enough! But for the most part I found this more boring than rough, honestly. Needless to say, please RMC this!!
Thematisierung Spaß Dauer
Probably the best Mine Train out there? Going backwards and in the dark is always fun, and this coaster does pack a surprising punch on a helix or two!
Spaß Dauer
This ride is iconic for Hopi Hari! It's a family spinning coaster, but enclosed in the dark which makes it feel a lot more special than if it were just plopped down anywhere, unquestionably one of my favorite family coasters due to the spinning and being in the dark. The theming is good for the country's standards, and it absolutely fills its role in the park lineup!
Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure - Universal Islands of Adventure
Matheus Castello vor einem MonatThematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß
I hate that this ride replaced Dueling Dragons, but I still cannot do anything but praise it. It's a fantastic family coaster with some very fun surprises, and the theming goes a very long way! I don't rate it as high as others because I prefer more thrilling rides to this, but that's just my personal taste, all the special elements here are incredibly fun!
Intensität Dead spots
This ride is a lot of wasted potential, unfortunately. The drop doesn't do anything but get you up to speed, and the turnaround is mediocre. For positives (quite literally), the helix after the midcourse is admittedly very intense! And the airtime hill does give some near-float, which is kinda fun. But given what a coaster this tall could have been, it really is a shame how many of the elements here don't hit :( Also, the MCBR gets you to a full stop and it absolutely saps every drop of the ride's momentum. I get why they do it (to make the helix at the end be a little bit less intense) but I don't think it accomplishes it's goal, because breaking the train to a halt compared to leaving it with 20 or so km/h really wouldn't change all that much, and it'd at least make the ride feel less broken up. Nonetheless, for the one and a half elements in the ride that actually do hit, and for the sense of speed you get (even if said speed is not well-utilized) this ride is fun! Just don't go in expecting a B&M or Intamin hyper.
Inversionen Abschuss Hangtime Zu kurz
This thing is so fun! Best ride in Brazil as of now. The launch, while not as immediate as more modern technology, has a nice feel and pull to it that really makes you appreciate it. You then traverse a classic vertical loop that absolutely delivers. Go up a spike, and do it all backwards. Such a forceful loop backwards is completely insane, and backwards hangtime on the return run is completely out of this world. It's a fantastic ride for a park that has been struggling to afford something better for a while, but it absolutely gets the job done!
Rock'n Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith - Walt Disney World - Disney's Hollywood Studios
Matheus Castello vor einem MonatInversionen Abschuss Spaß
This thing is so much fun! It can cause headbanging for some people, but I didn't experience any my last ride, and it really made me enjoy the ride! It's got a great double inversion, a strong launch, and going in the dark is always fun! I don't mind the ride dying off after the launch and sea serpent roll, as being in the dark helps!
Airtimes Hangtime Dauer
This thing is very fun for what it is: a family thrill coaster. Don't go in expecting Maverick. But the launches are fun, the S-bend section is a highlight, you get some nice ejector cresting the windcatcher tower (although that's the only moment, as far as I remember), and the inversion has some very nice hangtime! I couldn't think of a better ride to be your first "upside-down" coaster, and even for thrill seekers this thing is still fun! I just wish the random straight section of track was something else, because going through that part always takes away my immersion!
Inversionen Intensität
I don't remember any discomfort with the ride system when I rode, but I do remember the great inversions and forces, as well as a very fun first drop! Getting to stand-up on an old-school B&M is truly something else, and as long as you find a way to get somewhat comfortable on these trains this ride is a hidden gem in such a stacked park! RIP Green Lantern :(
Inversionen Intensität
This thing is very forceful! I don't recall personally being uncomfortable with the stand-up seating (although, of course, I understand if others find that problem), and getting the strength of an old-school B&M while sitting-up is genuinely unhinged. Great ride!
Abschuss Hangtime Rütteln Zu kurz
This felt like an RCCA with a hydraulic launch and a heartline roll, and I mean this in the most endearing way I can. It IS rough, rough as fuck, but with how the restraints are set up you don't get any headbanging (or at least I didn't), but you may get a headache, especially if you ride multiple times or ride enough of Stampida or Dragon Khan it can add up. Still, the launch is fantastic, you get a good floater pop after the launch, the turns almost feel more out of control with the shaking, and the heartline roll is sublime, too bad it's short, but it's definitely one of the coasters of all time! I liked it, but it's not for everyone!
Inversionen Intensität
Manta is a fantastic ride, even if mostly for the pretzel loop! The rest of the ride doesn't particularly standout, but the usual fair for a B&M flying coaster, especially the Zero-G rolls, is fun given your position. Great ride! Just pray the ops are fast enough for you not to be stuck on the brake run at the end (they won't be)!
Inversionen Intensität
This thing is wildly intense, all the inversions and forceful helices, and the whip on that zero-g roll, as is tradition with old school B&M was absolutely fantastic! There's a reason they cloned this layout so much!
Inversionen Intensität
This thing is wildly intense, all the inversions and forceful helices, and the whip on that zero-g roll, as is tradition with old school B&M was absolutely fantastic! There's a reason they cloned this layout so much!
Inversionen Intensität
This thing is wildly intense, all the inversions and forceful helices, and the whip on that zero-g roll, as is tradition with old school B&M was absolutely fantastic! There's a reason they cloned this layout so much!
Inversionen Intensität
This thing is so intense, it's completely nuts. The whip, the forces, it's all so strong and throughout all the inversions, with the batwing and zero-g roll being the highlights. The trenches are a very nice addition to help the sense of speed. Montu is just plain fantastic!
Inversionen Intensität
This thing is nuts! It has an enormous elevation change between highest and lowest point, and it absolutely feels like it. The inline twists and Zero-G rolls are always fun, but the highlight cannot be anything other than that Pretzel Loop. That thing is intense! I don't think the ride has pacing issues, though. Even though none of the rest of the ride matches the Pretzel Loop, the standard B&M Flying coaster fair so high off the ground is always fun and enjoyable! Truly a world-class ride!
Inversionen Abschuss Intensität
This thing has the perfect start: A very forceful tire-driven launch, into a super whippy Zero-G Roll drop, sustaining the positives into a very powerful Cobra Roll and Vertical Loop! absolutely nuts! Some of the parts after let their foot off the gas a bit, but I don't think it's anywhere near enough to be a problem. This ride is a classic and for good reason!
Dragon Challenge : Chinese Fireball - Universal Islands of Adventure
Matheus Castello vor einem MonatInversionen Intensität Layout
This thing was sublime when it dueled, the image of every single near missed is etched in my mind and I'm sure it forever will be. On top of the fantastic dueling elements, this ride was also batshit intense. I slightly preferred Hungarian Horntail due to the Zero-G on the first dueling element where Chinese Fireball does an airtime hill, as well as that Cobra Roll which was very forceful and had a crazy near-miss with the wall. All in all, these were my favorite B&M inverts, and I think they innovated in terms of dueling coasters like no other coaster did. RIP, Dragons, and fuck JK Rowling
Dragon Challenge : Hungarian Horntail - Universal Islands of Adventure
Matheus Castello vor einem MonatInversionen Intensität Layout
This thing was sublime when it dueled, the image of every single near missed is etched in my mind and I'm sure it forever will be. On top of the fantastic dueling elements, this ride was also batshit intense. I slightly preferred Hungarian Horntail due to the Zero-G on the first dueling element where Chinese Fireball does an airtime hill, as well as that Cobra Roll which was very forceful and had a crazy near-miss with the wall. All in all, these were my favorite B&M inverts, and I think they innovated in terms of dueling coasters like no other coaster did. RIP, Dragons, and fuck JK Rowling
First Drop Inversionen Intensität Rütteln
Stunt Fall was amazing!! The inversions are insanely forceful since the train has to have enough speed to clear all of them, and the spikes leave a fantastic feeling of weightlessness! But the best part is doing all that in reverse. In the front row, the combo of doing a nearly 200ft drop into an extremely forceful vertical loop all backwards is just out of this world. There was a jolt in the cobra transitions but it didn't really impact the ride for me, and didn't lead to headbanging, but your experience may vary of course! Myself, I absolutely ADORED this ride model and I need to see more built. Beats out every B&M invert I've done!!
Airtimes First Drop Abschuss Zu kurz
Holy shit that launch is out of this world! You feel the speed so much, and then you're blasted with positives entering the top hat. The drop has amazing floater! The only thing the ride is missing is the rest of the layout, but you can excuse something this tall. Although I do at least wish they kept the Ka-like camelback from the original plans. I've heard people rave about the bunny hill in between the brakes, but it didn't really do much for me.
First Drop Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz
This ride was very divisive for some reason, but I think it's absolutely fantastic for what it was. That launch is out of this world. The pullouts are very intense, and of course, that twisting drop is so memorable! While the hill after the drop doesn't give much airtime, it doesn't really need to. I think it serves its purpose as a "cooler brake run" moreso than an actual element, and I think it's definitely better than going straight into the brakes, so I judge it like so. All in all, this is the most iconic coaster of our times, and it's an absolute shame to see it being ruthlessly taken down. RIP King :(
Zu kurz
THE ALLIGATOR ZERO CAR!!! so fucking adorable, iron gwazi wishes it had a train that beautiful
Zu kurz
Family coaster! Going over the roof is cute at least!
Airtimes Inversionen
No one told me this thing had airtime, what the hell? The first hill after the drop hits from the middle seats onwards, and especially in the front, it's some pretty good flojector. The hill after the "MCBR" rides similarly on a smaller scale and with less air. The first drop and the drop off the "MCBR" on the otherhand, bring some airtime to the back. From there the ride has a fun pair of corkscrews, and that helix is actually kinda fun with all the laterals moving you up and down! I was very pleasantly surprised with this coaster as well! I hope the rumors of it biting the dust aren't true for the near future at least, because it really is something special compared to other coasters in the country!