• Jude Iraheta

    Airtimes Thematisierung Layout

    Great family ride!!! No complaints!

  • Jude Iraheta

    Airtimes Spaß Layout Dead spots

    Good starter... A little headbanging but it is a classic and it does not really hurt, well I guess sometimes it does, good layout settling on the mountain... and for a family coaster it does got a surprising intense ending helix.

  • Jude Iraheta

    Tempo Spaß Sanftheit Layout Zuverlässigkeit

    Nice starter ride, especially for an under-the track experiences for newbies! Good pace, pretty fun and smooth for an 87' coaster...can be unreliable and layout is decent but could be longer but other arrow suspended's share same minor problem.

  • Jude Iraheta

    Airtimes Thematisierung Spaß Layout

    Pretty solid GCI...Underrated but gives a solid punch! Good airtime, laterals, and pacing, Love the first drop but can use extra length or improved layout. Nice 7/10

  • Jude Iraheta

    First Drop Abschuss Dauer Rütteln Thematisierung Rückhaltebügel

    Overall solid ride, Got to marathon it four times and Trying in in different places, the Second to back is the magic seat. Decent launch, Great first drop...A little rattle but never really got into my head. Good ride for the families but gives not much forces... Not too much theming, a little repetitive too... But a great kick in the starter roller coasters with a loop for the kids!!!