• Chris k

    Lap Bar Fun Tematización

    Don't have not much to say about this coaster but I wish it had more theming since its themed to Jimmy Neutron. they could have done soooo much with this IP!

  • Chris k

    Fun Intensidad Layout Arnés

    I totally love this SLC. I never had a very rough experience on it as other people say. its a little unpleasant on some points but that's it. If they would replace the trains with the new gen ones it would be soooo much better!

  • Chris k

    Primera caída Fun Capacidad

    The big drop is what always gets me on this wild mouse! the turn before the drop sends you FLYING and overall its a fun experience. The capacity is a bit bad tho :/

  • Chris k

    Airtimes Fun Duración Vibración Incomodidad

    Whenever I visit Movie Park Germany I NEED to ride this coaster! its fun, has great airtime and a nice layout. yes, I also think that its very rough but its still enjoyable.

  • SNake N.

    Velocidad Obra maestra Layout

    I'm flashed. Incredible! Very comfortable, fast and a little bit of Ejector at the top of one hill. Although its very noisy from the outside, it isn't as loud while riding. A few vibrations, but because of the comfy seat and the surprising ride, i didn't notice or care much. VERY UNDERRATED BEST COASTER IN THE PARK BY FAR!

  • Adrien Mathieu

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Launch Intensidad

    Fury c’est bon, très bon. Fait le matin le coaster m’avait un peu déçu notamment avec ses vibrations fort présentes mais le soir c’est une autre histoire ! A chaud le coaster nous met des airtimes de malade et il est d’une intensité folle ! Je reste sur une très bonne impression de Fury !

  • Justin Fraselle

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    Très bonne surprise pour une wild mouse!

  • Laurenz T.

    Tematización Capacidad Duración

    Cancan is a top tier family coaster. It has one of the nicest queues I’ve seen on any coaster. The theming throughout the ride and the great soundtrack add to the experience, while the ride itself has a good duration and the layout in the dark is a lot of fun.

  • RetroVision

    Tematización Demasiado corto Sin interés

    Vraiment dommage, on nous monte la sauce tout le long pour au final avoir quelques secondes de ride anecdotiques, il aurait pu être tellement mieux avec 400m de plus, c’est dommage

  • RetroVision

    Suavidad Demasiado corto

    Très très intense mais mériterai quelques airtimes où passages fun en plus, on commence à peine qu’il est déjà fini