• Nicolas Crépin

    Situación Comodidad Suavidad

    Coaster excellent pour sa cible, bien intégré, fluide et confortable Flèche sans intérêt

  • Thevoaki

    Capacidad Launch Tematización ¡Decepción! Tiempo muerto

    J'ai fais cette attraction ou c'était rock'n roll coaster. Puis je le l'ai refait récemment avec sa nouvelle thématisation, Avengers et vraiment déçu. A part la files d'attentes que je trouve grave stylé, même la gare qui parait vide est assez cool. Bah le ride est décevant. Avant avec la bonne musique d'Aérosmith on vivait bien le ride à fond. Même avec les temps morts. Maintenant bah c'est moche a l'intérieur, les écrans tu as du mal à les voir tellement ça va vite et que ça vibre. Et les écrans super mal incrusté, on voit trop l'écran en lui même, on le voit direct c'est pas immersif. Bref déception. Un autre point positif aussi, c'est que pour un vieux vékoma on sent pas tellement les vibrations et j'ai pas eux de baffes.

  • Pandaf5ght

    Airtimes Primera caída Ejectors Capacidad

    Tout simplement incroyable, cette first drop est juste dingue et puis ne parlons pas des airtimes ! Masterclass indemodable qui rivalise encore avec des intamin new-gen ce qui est tout bonnement incroyable.

  • - Bouin

    Airtimes Comodidad Suavidad

    Un magnifique B&M très impressionnant, fluide, rapide, avec de très bons airtimes et des éléments très originaux. Au final que ce soit du cadre ou du coaster tout à bien été gérer par le parc. Seule la gestion des flux reste à être amélioré, et ce dans tout le parc.

  • Alexandre CF

    Airtimes Obra maestra Layout Incomodidad Lap Bar

    C’est un peu Goliath à Walibi Holland en plus gros (et sans les spirales soporifiques) ! Papy Superman nous fait pas mal ressentir les effets de son âge avec l’effet caddie comme sur EGF… Le layout reste quand même iconique, y’a d’excellents airtimes notamment sur les deux Camelback après l’Overbanked Turn (bizarrement ni le premier Camelback appart au front ni la First Drop n’offrent d’excellents Ejectors et la First Drop a une shape vraiment étrange on-ride) et ça vaut quand même 5 étoiles même si Intamin a fait bien mieux depuis, déjà 10 après avec Skyrush/I305 ce qui est plutôt bon signe. Et les laps bars sont vraiment étranges, assez énormes et peuvent s’avérer gênantes (faut retenir que Superman y gagnerait vraiment à retrouver ses Lap Bars classiques à la EGF/Goliath). Après 10 tours je finirai par trouver le super-héros vraiment excellent, extrêmement re-ridabe et très sous-côté et je le préfère presque à WiCy au final.

  • Aurélien “Alaedar”

    Primera caída Inversiones Torta Arnés Incomodidad

    Mythique mais faut revoir le confort ça tape beaucoup trop

  • coaster land

    Suavidad Demasiado corto Tiempo muerto Layout

    This is a standard layout Zierer force 190 and has been cloned 8 times. That being said this is a very smooth ride with a mild bit of positive force and no airtime. These facts are not at all surprising when you consider this is the park's only true junior coaster. I did not go as low as half a star simply because I did not dislike this coaster, in fact, I found it to be a relaxing albeit forceless ride that allowed me to get a coaster credit that gave me a break from the larger and more insane coasters at the park. Overall Air Grover does what it was intended to do, nothing more, nothing less.

  • coaster land

    Airtimes Intensidad Layout Vibración Incomodidad

    Well, where do I start with this incredible CCI creation? It has an excellent layout that I personally prefer over the Legend at Holiday world, which is an impressive feat considering how much I love the legend. To continue I will break down what makes this ride great. To start this ride had some surprisingly good floater and ejector airtime moments, all of which were very strong for a CCI creation. The ride also has the strongest and most violent laterals I have ever experienced. The laterals are what makes this ride for me, I have never experienced anything quite like it. The pacing is awesome and the ride maintains speed well over its nearly 4000 feet of track. You know a ride is well-paced when you come into the brake run and the upstops are spinning like crazy. The ride never lets up and throws a variety of different types of forces at you. Now for the one problem with Rampage, the roughness. Despite the recent track work on some sections I personally think the park needs to do the entire ride. Rampage seems to have square wheels during certain moments of the ride which is rather unfortunate but not surprising given the high stress on the track and supports. Overall this is an epic coaster that offers a lot and did not by any stretch of the measure let me down, in fact, it exceeded expectations.

  • LolUrDad !

    Lap Bar Launch Intensidad Vibración

    This is a great ride that has two insanely punchy launches and great inversions. I love the backwards bit, so disorienting. My main problem with this ride is the unbearable rattle the ride has in some of the pullouts. Honestly worse than Shellraiser.

  • trec ccst

    Primera caída Tematización Intensidad Capacidad

    sometimes i wonder if this coaster was made for me. i think it has almost everything i adore in coasters. it's unapologetically intense and will probably do a good job at scaring you if you don't like horror. it sure is short but it packs a HUGE punch. it also has a couple of really good airtime moments, and i love that first beyond-vertical drop, because drops beyond 90 degrees are just cool. facing straight into sawblades as well, as well as being told just before the lift that you're gonna die from this. i really adore it honestly. i will say, this coaster does have a pretty noticeable rattle, but honestly i don't care that much. i've never really cared if a coaster isn't glossy smooth, and sometimes it's more fun with it isn't. i'd say saw is a great example of that. the only REAL gripe i have with this coaster is that it doesn't have great capacity. 8-rider trains are fine at a smaller park, but thorpe park gets a LOT of visitors, and those queues can get quite long. i think it could be worse (the way they dispatch two trains at a time is probably a good idea for it, and of course the second train has that cool pre-show at the start), but it could CERTAINLY be better. apart from that, i think i adore literally everything else about this coaster.