• Kellen Grady

    Fun Duración Tematización

    While this is a really fun ride, I am pretty disappointed by how cheap the theming is. Queue aside, the actual rollercoaster ride is so... bare seeming. You can very clearly see the edges of the screens, it's hard to tell what's going on because the dialogue and music aren't mixed very well. The songs are great, I got One Way or Another although I was hoping for September or Everybody Wants To Rule The World, but I can't complain too much. Because of the virtual queue, I only got one ride. All told though, this ride is really fun and the queue is impressive. It is just pure fun. But the cheapness... I mean that moon just looks so shitty. Fun as a ride, but I expected more from Disney.

  • Kellen Grady

    Launch Intensidad Layout Vibración

    This ride is great, but in its current state, it borders on TOO intense for me. I grayed out basically from the first inversion until the mid-course breaks - which are more like 3/4ths course breaks, so essentially most of the ride. Maybe it was the heat, maybe I was dehydrated, maybe I was just tired, but regardless of the reason I was a little bummed out that it beat me up so bad. Not that graying out is a bad thing inherently, but being unable to see for a large portion of the coaster wasn't the most fun experience. I still give this an 8/10 because I've enjoyed this ride the past few times I've gone to Universal and I think there's a high likelihood it was just an issue with me rather than the coaster.

  • Kellen Grady

    Situación Velocidad Layout

    This ride is just ridiculous. I was worried I might overhype it in my head because it's so talked up online, but honestly, after 2 rides (one in front, one in back), I'm just astounded by this ride. It's such an all-in-one type of ride, it's got the theming, launches, airtime, intensity, location, and I could go on. I mean seriously it's just incredible. The only thing that disappointed me was that I thought there would be more on-ride theming (I went in pretty much completely blind aside from the massive level of hype) but on reflection, it's plenty. I mean, the ride kind of loses the plot after the queue, but the experience is so great that it's hard to care. It would be a 10/10 ride if the ride itself felt as cohesive plot-wise as the queue, but it's pretty much perfect as a coaster alone. I'm only giving this a 9/10 because as great as it is, it doesn't quite match up to Tatsu or Hagrid's' in terms of a truly one-of-a-kind experience. If you like coasters, get on this ride, no matter the cost.

  • Fusoya B.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Comodidad Demasiado corto

    Très bon family mais qui manque de layout en back

  • Garrett

    Tematización Launch Obra maestra

    Felt like I was flying and the launch was very powerful I've only ridden one rmc and wish to ride more soon

  • Fusoya B.

    Comodidad Intensidad Suavidad Airtimes

    Un très bon inverted mais qui manque d'airtime

  • Franck V.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Suavidad Layout Incomodidad Lap Bar

    C'est trop bien ! Mais je préfère fear. C'est tout aussi surprenant et rapide.

  • Franck V.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Suavidad Layout Incomodidad Lap Bar

    Mon préféré des deux ! C'est vraiment surprenant et il y a une bonne vitesse. A ne pas manquer

  • Franck V.

    Tematización Velocidad Fun Capacidad

    Vraiment sympathique ce boomerang. Mais rien d'extraordinaire non plus. Ça reste du familiale

  • Franck V.

    Airtimes Tematización ¡Buena sorpresa! Incomodidad

    F.L.Y. . J'ai pas été hyper comme certains ont pu l'être et j'ai pas été déçu. J'ai trouvé ça tellement bien ! C'est pas hyper intense ni trop sensationnel mais c'est franchement bon a ridée, on a une bonne sensation de volé ! Petit bémol : j'ai eu du mal a lever la tête pour regarder devants moi du a la position "allongé" du coup j'ai passé la plus part de mon temps à regarder le sol.