• Kevin Arevalo

    Launch Vibración Tiempo muerto

    it hurts and the restraints can be a bit uncomfortable but its super fast and fun, starts out soo fast.

  • Kevin Arevalo

    Airtimes Inversiones Suavidad Arnés

    it hurts legs and definitely can feel like youre gonnna fall out, I know thats my own issue though because people tend to like that. really fun

  • Kevin Arevalo

    Velocidad Obra maestra Intensidad Intensidad

    almost perfect, it can be a little intense and can make you lose a little bit of conciousness but its so much fun and feels very secure

  • Virgile

    Fun Suavidad Duración

    Un très bon coaster familial, de légers floating sympathiques, une assez bonne vitesse, des headchoppers rigolos, une théma correcte et une partie en arrière amusante bien qu’un poil courte à mon goût. Le layout reste assez long, mais il n’y a pas de gros temps morts.Le ride est confortable et fluide, je n’ai jamais ressenti de vibrations contrairement à certains apparemment. Peut-être un problème lié à certains trains. Quoi qu’il en soit, un bon petit ride, parfait pour débuter une journée au parc.

  • Virgile

    Primera caída Capacidad Comodidad Tiempo muerto

    Un super coaster, mon premier B&M et le seul pour l’instant, très confort malgré les gros harnais, bonnes inversions avec des bon G’s positifs qui envoient le sang dans les pieds ( surtout à l’avant étonnamment) , des zero-G rolls flottants et agréables , une super first drop surtout à l’arrière du train et une belle théma. De très bonnes opérations également, ce qui donne sûrement le coaster avec le meilleur débit du parc. Légers bémols, des petits temps morts peuvent se faire ressentir, notamment dans l’helix après le premier zero-G roll qui manque franchement d’intensité, et des vibrations assez prononcées sur l’un des trains. Très bon ride malgré cela, à ne pas manquer!

  • Sean R.

    Intensidad Layout Hangtime

    I've always considered myself a brave coaster rider...but this was a humbling experience that quickly showed I was not quite as brave a coaster rider as I envisioned. This was not my first intense RMC coaster (Lightening Rod), but it was unlike anything I've ever ridden. It's just in a different league. The 200' / 90 degree first drop put me on notice, but it was actually the ejector and outward banked turn after the first hill that sealed the deal. Everything after this was a blur of speed, airtime, hangtime, inversions/barrel rolls and lord knows what else. Steel Vengeance is a fantastic, high-thrill, heart-through-your-chest joy ride from start to finish. Every second was intense - a near perfect experience with the exception of a 5-minute delay exiting (sensors triggered while we came into boarding)...and this did nothing to diminish my feelings towards the ride. In a day of big coasters, this stood out - I'd do it again, but I only had the courage for one ride on my first CP visit.

  • Kevin & Carey Musical Brothers

    Lap Bar Obra maestra Suavidad Demasiado corto Intensidad

    Wow. I really mean it. It's 112 mph and 112 metres tall. However, it doesn't feel like that. It feels like being 40 mph, and 72 metres tall. I love this ride, I would definitely go on it again at least twice, but please make the ride faster.

  • Kevin & Carey Musical Brothers

    Lap Bar Launch Obra maestra

    Just a gr8 ride.

  • Kevin & Carey Musical Brothers

    Obra maestra Suavidad

    It's great! What a shame that I only got on it once.

  • Kevin & Carey Musical Brothers

    Primera caída Obra maestra Suavidad Demasiado corto

    Lve it. It's too great. Add another 10 drops, and add 30 mph, and add 30m, then this baby is a must-do.