• Mystic Coaster Joachim

    Primera caída ¡Buena sorpresa! Situación

    Vu tous les retours que j'ai eu sur ce modèle, je m'attendais à une drop plutôt bonne mais rien de bien intéressant sur la suite du parcours. Pourtant, mon premier dive coaster a été la meilleure surprise de mon trip Suède. Tout le monde parle du premier rang sur ce genre de machines, mais pour ma part, l'arrière du train m'a beaucoup plus convaincu. La first drop est incroyable, elle procure un airtime à couper le souffle au 3ème rang. L'inversion qui suit est assez intense. Les virages procurent de bons G+, les deux vrilles offrent un moment d'hangtime très planant, et l'unique bosse du parcours donne un airtime court mais puissant pour du B&M. Les vestes ne me dérangent pas du tout, selon moi on est bien maintenu et les éléments sont assez puissants pour que les sensations soient au rendez-vous. Après Fenix à Toverland et Monster à Grona-Lund, Valkyria est le 3ème B&M récent qui me plaît tout particulièrement. Je dois dire que malgré les nombreuses critiques envers B&M, j'apprécie beaucoup leurs derniers coasters. Ils sont tous assez courts mais délivrent d'excellentes sensations tout au long de leur parcours. Ils sont parfaitement confortables et très élégants dans leur parc respectif.

  • Nicolas K.

    Fun Layout Duración Incomodidad

    This is a long Mine Train with three lift hills and several ejectors, which you wouldn't expect. The seats especially in the back are not the most comfortable, but that is more or less all I have to complain about the ride. The long and fast paced layout with a surprising dark section has all you can expect from a family mine train. For sure, its not the most thrilling ride, but it you take it for what a coaster like this stands, you will be positive surprised. Backrows are a bit more intense on the drops after the lifthills, but you can ride this at every single position with a lot of fun.

  • Evan Scussel

    Inversiones Intensidad Ejectors Incomodidad

    Here is my advice. If you want to ride this multiple times, you need to keep the seat harness at least 1-2” above your thighs. The attendants will not push it down on you. The first two times I rode this I had the harness touching my thighs and to say the quad down at end was painful would be an understatement. I had visible bruises the next day. But my last 6 runs of this were much more enjoyable. I’m 51, so my body couldn’t take more than 8 runs of this beast. It also didn’t help that it was 100 degrees on the day we went. But this is easily the most intense coaster I’ve ever been on. I haven’t been on as many as most of you, but I have been on all of them at Cedar Point, Velocicoaster, Lightning Rod, Twisted Cyclone and Iron Gwazi. This blows them all away for intensity. The ride is incredibly fast and intense, especially the arcade roll and the hard G’s around the lake bank. The zero G stall lasts forever, at least two seconds, but the car is hauling so fast that you almost can’t appreciate it. Everything about this ride is the best I’ve experienced until you finish the arcade roll. The quad down at the end hurts the ride for me a bit. If you love ejector air, you’ll love it. But I prefer the quad down on Lightning Rod to this because if the twists they throw into that ride. This one is a less creative finish and like I said, if you have the lap bar down too tight, it’s painful. You will also lurch out of your chair if you are in the back car on the brake run it’s so short. Prepare for that. But the length of the ride, the look of the ride, the speed and intensity? This is as good as it gets from what I’ve ridden.

  • Chermaine S.

    Airtimes Fun Suavidad Capacidad

    Fun ride with a nice floater airtime moment and some nice theming, great for families. This one doesn't have a midcourse that slows you down to a crawl like the one in BillyBird. The capacity is bad though, I waited 40 minutes for this one.

  • Chermaine S.

    Incomodidad Layout

    For the short ride it is, it's very janky and feels too fast because of it. Hope Drouwenerzand builds a new coaster in its place sometime in the future.

  • Nicolas K.

    Airtimes Primera caída Layout

    Hyperion is an Intamin hyper coaster. But compared to most parking lot coasters from B&M, it shines with not only wonderful floater airtime hills but also a fantastic dive loop and two Stengel dives in the twister-layout in the second part. The two airtime hills at the end jerk you out of your seat once again. Also worth mentioning is the first almost vertical drop, which leads seamlessly into the first airtime hill, inviting seconds of floating sensation. A great parking lot coaster with many different elements. It's worth noting that there is some rattle from the middle of the last U-turn on the parking lot, which can be slightly uncomfortable on the wing seats until you exit the curve. However, all is forgotten with the next change of direction. In general, the inner seats are smoother, the outer more intense. A fantastic coaster.

  • Nicolas K.

    Velocidad Intensidad Suavidad Demasiado corto

    Formula is a fast-paced ride, very short, but quite optimal given the space constraints. It reminds me of a little brother to Lech Coaster, with its intensity and the pace of inversions. Good, solid, and smooth, but too short.

  • Nicolas K.

    Comodidad Suavidad Duración

    Abyssus is a Vekoma Launch coaster with a beautiful layout, comfortable trains, and a Batwing element. Although the comparison with Lech Coaster is inevitable, these two coasters couldn't be more different. While Lech rushes through its twisty layout, Abyssus leisurely glides through some banked turns after the initial launch. It only becomes more interesting after the second launch over the top hat, but never reaches the same intensity as Lech. Even the Batwing element is comparatively tame. Like most modern Vekomas, the ride is smooth and free from rattling. There's nothing really bad to report about Abyssus, but for hardcore fans, it might be a bit too tame.

  • Nicolas K.

    Primera caída Velocidad Obra maestra

    Wow. This coaster is a masterpiece, both visually and in terms of its layout. The first ride in the front row in the morning was absolutely insane. The first drop, the insane stall, the outer banks, and inversions - all mind-blowing. But in the afternoon, under the warm sunshine, the train pounded through the layout with brute force, never letting up, one element crazier than the next. After just about a minute and a half (lift hill included), you find yourself hurtling into the final brake run with brutal force, wondering what just happened. 16 rides in two days, and each one was more spectacular than the last. This coaster is one of the most extraordinary ones I've ever ridden, and despite the high-speed elements, the ride glides smoothly through the structure. Unbelievable.

  • Nicolas K.

    Fun Capacidad Incomodidad

    Well, what to say after riding several times Lech coaster in a row, just to queue half an hour for this one... One train running, 4 People per ride, manualli pushed into the lifthill :) Just the behavior of this ride is funny, the rest does nothing but rattle and banging your knees.