• Shroom

    Airtimes Comodidad Hangtime Demasiado corto Launch

    Very good coaster for this park. The capacity is not bad. There are some cons, just like the launch which is pretty forceless and the length of the ride. Back row is without doubt the best row, the spike has some incredible hangtime just as all of the inversions. There are some good airtime moments, especially in the Backrow on the top hat and last bunny hops. As always from a Mack attraction, it’s very comfortable

  • Shroom

    Fun Vibración Tematización Incomodidad

    It´s a wild mouse, but very rattly to be honest in comparison to other ones. It´s pretty discomforting and there is absolutely no theming, except that facade around it, which looks incredibly ugly. It´s still fun

  • Shroom

    Vibración Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos!

    I thought this ride was fun and had some good moments, but after I rerode this again, I have to say that this is absolute garbage. It rattled a lot and I´ve never experienced such a headache after a roller coaster. This has to get RMC refurbishment

  • Yoann Diego

    Incomodidad ¡Romper en pedazos! Lap Bar

    J'aime pas les boomerang de base mais alors là il faut le raser!!!!! Très inconfortable, pas assez de place pour les jambes, alors que je fais 1m70... De plus lap bar en métal horrible!!! elle m'a écrasé la cuisse gauche pendant tout le tour! Plus jamais je remonte dans cette daube!

  • Yoann Diego

    Fun Vibración Demasiado corto

    Toujours fun à faire quand on se déplace à Walibi Rhône Alpes, malheureusement beaucoup trop court.

  • Yoann Diego

    Tematización Comodidad Suavidad

    Très bon coaster. Une théma irréprochable, la meilleure du parc. C'est la meilleure attraction du parc et de loin. Très fluide, la seule du parc d'ailleurs qui est confortable.

  • Yoann Diego

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun

    Très bonne petite chenille pour la famille.

  • Nicolas Rebois

    Torta Arnés Incomodidad

    J'ai encore mal

  • Raymond C.

    Primera caída Tematización Inversiones

    A very good coaster with an amazing theming. The elements feel very well balanced out. Although I think the elements don't feel as special as the ones on other rollercoaster types. The first drop is awesome especially in the front row. All the inversions and other elements are very smooth and relatively intense.

  • Martin Sanders


    Best ride in Vegas (Nevada?) for sure. I heard that it was dismantled over by Mandalay Bay but not sure if it is still over there. It would be great for another Casino where there is more foot traffic to purchase this and rebuild it. Absolutely destroys the Big Apple Coaster at NY NY. Would be fun to see a mini "Coaster war" with the Vegas casinos. Oh well...RIP Speed the Ride.